Elf struck in Urdu

Elf struck in Urdu means;

sahar zada سحر زدہ

Words meanings used in Elf struck

Meanings of the English words used in elf struck are;

elfیلف Yalaf
struckلگنا lagna لگنا lagana مارا maara لگوانا lagwaana

Idioms related to the words in elf struck

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the elf struck or use words from this idiom.

Planet struck hawai asar say mutassir ہوائی اثر سے متاثر
Planet struck siyaar hon , hawai asar say mutassir سیار ھوں ، ہوائی اثر سے متاثر

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is elf struck meaning in Urdu?

sahar zada - سحر زدہ

What are the idioms related to elf struck?

Here are the idioms that are related to the elf struck idiom.

  • Hawai asar say mutassir - ہوائی اثر سے متاثر
  • Siyaar hon , hawai asar say mutassir - سیار ھوں ، ہوائی اثر سے متاثر