He that knows least presumes most in Urdu
He that knows least presumes most in Urdu means;
jahil hee khud ko alim samajhta bay جاہل ہی خود کو عالم سمجھتا ہے
Words meanings used in He that knows least presumes most
Meanings of the English words used in he that knows least presumes most are;
Idioms related to the words in he that knows least presumes most
Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the he that knows least presumes most or use words from this idiom.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is he that knows least presumes most meaning in Urdu?
jahil hee khud ko alim samajhta bay - جاہل ہی خود کو عالم سمجھتا ہے
What are the idioms related to he that knows least presumes most?
Here are the idioms that are related to the he that knows least presumes most idiom.
- Kam goi alim ki nishani bay - کم گوئی عالم کی نِشانی ہے
- Jo sab say ziyada jaanta bay sab say kam kehta bay - جو سب سے زیادہ جانتا ہے سب سے کم کہتا ہے
- Naseehat ki qadar baad main hoti bay - نصیحت کی قدر بعد میں ہوتی ہے
- Jo garajtay hain so barastay nahi - جو گرجتے ہیں سو برستے نہیں
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