Make oneself at a home in Urdu
Make oneself at a home in Urdu means;
araam dah hona آرام دہ ہونا
Words meanings used in Make oneself at a home
Meanings of the English words used in make oneself at a home are;
Idioms related to the words in make oneself at a home
Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the make oneself at a home or use words from this idiom.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is make oneself at a home meaning in Urdu?
araam dah hona - آرام دہ ہونا
What are the idioms related to make oneself at a home?
Here are the idioms that are related to the make oneself at a home idiom.
- Ehmaq bunna - احمق بننا
- Ehmakana tarz amal ikhtiyar karna mazaaq bunna - احمقانہ طرز عمل اختیار کرنا مذاق بننا
- Raghbat hona tarjeeh hona nisbat hona - رغبت ہونا ترجیح ہونا نسبت ہونا
- Apnay khayaalaat ka karna - اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرنا
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