Local meanings in Urdu

Local meanings in Urdu are محشی, ملکی, مقامی, دیسی Local in Urdu. More meanings of local, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

محشی ملکی مقامی دیسی

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Local Definitions

Please find 5 English and definitions related to the word Local.

  • (noun) : public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops
  • (noun) : anesthetic that numbs a particular area of the body
  • (adjective) : relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area
  • (adjective) : affecting only a restricted part or area of the body
  • (adjective) : of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood

What are the meanings of Local in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Local in Urdu are ملکی - mulki, دیسی - deysi and مقامی - maqaami. To understand how would you translate the word Local in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Local or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Local synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Local. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Local in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Local in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Local with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by local?

Meanings of local are ملکی - mulki, دیسی - deysi and مقامی - maqaami

Whats the definition of local?

Definition of the local are

  • public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops
  • anesthetic that numbs a particular area of the body
  • relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area
  • affecting only a restricted part or area of the body
  • of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood

What is the synonym of local?

Synonym of word local are native, indigen, localises, indigenous, countryfolk, localisers, indigene, countryfied, locales, vernacular

What are the quotes with word local?

Here are the quotes with the word local in them

  • As a precocious teen I dreamed of being Graham Greene. Well, as it turned out, I never wrote a great novel, sadly, and I never converted to Catholicism, happily, but I did do one thing he did. That is, in middle age I moved to a seaside town and got into a right barney with the local powers-that-be. — Julie Burchill
  • It's not always possible to sit down and eat at home in this day and age of fast-paced living, but if you are going to eat out, do so as a family and support all the great local places in your areas. I'll still eat at the same diner I did as a kid with my parents. — Michael Symon
  • Is it not careless to become too local when there are four hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone. — A.R.Ammons
  • Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist - because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That's how she found out what happened on the day my father died - she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose. — Mitt Romney