Luminous meanings in Urdu
Luminous Definitions
Please find 1 English and definitions related to the word Luminous.
- (adjective satellite) : softly bright or radiant
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نورانی کرناغراچٹکیلاآگ لگانابے جھجھکعیاںضیانامینیچے اترنافَروزاںتہ دردآشکار کرناآشکارادکھاوٹیآشکارذہینزرق برقواہشیشہ سابصارتجلیستھراخفیفبھڑکتا ہوابہہ نکلناصاف صاف دکھانادمکتابیجکفاشاجاگر کرناشان دارنورانیواقع ہونافروزہویدامَعرُوفنیم شفافبھَڑَکتا ہُواپھیلناتاباںبے ابرچَمَکتا دَمَکتاچمکاناآفتاب گوںصاف صاففروغمجلانازکدمکتا ہواکثرت ... افشا کرناچمکیلافہرستظاہریاجالا کرنادِل کششوخاجالامرغوبمحکمروشن ہوناشہرَت يافتَہمربوطمُشتَعلدمکروشن کرناچمکتا ہُوابیضااجالنادھوپ دارصاف شفافرخشاگھڑاپولامفعول لہتر و تازہاکھاڑناجو دیکھنے میں آئےاظہرممتازضیا بارعالی شاناجلانورتابانپیداہلکاروشننامورروشنی بخششعلہ زنرَنگِينمنور کرناروشَنچمک دارجلاناروشنمنور آفتاب کی طرحبے داغذوصاف ظاہرآرام کرناآگ کی لَپیٹ میںچمکتاہویدا کرناپرگھٹاوپنبھڑک دارجھلا بورعظیم الشاناُجاگرچاندنیچمکایا ہواصریحکم وزنفروزاںطغیانیعیاں یا علانیہ کرنادہکتاجاذِبِ نَظَرکمعلومپرکاش کرناثاقبکندناتفاق سے ہوجانابا تصوربیانناموَراترنادھکتا ہُوالال یا سرخ کر دینانمائشینیراُجلانور داردھُوپ کی زد میںشفافبینائجلا دارلطیفمشتعلجوشظاہر کرنادرخشاںتعلیقہٴ مال تجارتواضحآشکارا کرناٹھاٹھ داررخشانروشنیدلچسپکھلاجلنامَشہُوربیننعل دَر آتشیبہناجگمگاتاآبدارآب دارروشنی ڈالناآفتابیکھلا کھلاپرتومنورپھیکاچمکتا ہواتازہپرگھٹ کرناتابندہالم نشرحتیز طبعتاب داردِل فریباجاگرجوتسہانانمایاںآسانجلتا ہوامشہورسلیسبِپھرا ہُوابھَڑکِيلاواضح کرنابہت عُمدہدرخ شانسلگاناتابناکچمکدارشعلہپرسدھسبکجَلتا ہُوانیافاش کرناظاہرپیدا کرنانامی گرامیدرخشندہعظیماجلیچمکتاب ناکصافہلکا پھلکاسوزاںابالتابداردہکتا ہواپُر نُور
Idioms related to the meaning of Luminous
What are the meanings of Luminous in Urdu?
Meanings of the word Luminous in Urdu are فروزاں - farozaan, روشن - roshan, نورانی - nuuraani, اجاگر - ujaagar, چمکتا - chamakta, منور - munawwar, درخشاں - darakhshan and تاباں - Taaban. To understand how would you translate the word Luminous in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Luminous or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Luminous synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Luminous. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Luminous in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Luminous in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Luminous with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by luminous?
Meanings of luminous are فروزاں - farozaan, روشن - roshan, نورانی - nuuraani, اجاگر - ujaagar, چمکتا - chamakta, منور - munawwar, درخشاں - darakhshan and تاباں - Taaban
Whats the definition of luminous?
Definition of the luminous are
- softly bright or radiant
What is the synonym of luminous?
Synonym of word luminous are illuminated, lucid, lustrous, lighted, undrew, radiant, lucent, enkindled, splendid, flush
What are the idioms related to luminous?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word luminous.
- A spot is most seen on the finest cloth
- Vice makes virtue shine
- Women like the moonhine with borrowed light
- Women like the moon shine with borrowed light
- A golden age
What are the quotes with word luminous?
Here are the quotes with the word luminous in them
- Painting is by nature a luminous language. — Robert Delaunay
- Religion must completely encircle the spirit of ethical man like his element, and this luminous chaos of divine thoughts and feelings is called enthusiasm. — Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel