Miscreableness meanings in Urdu

Miscreableness meanings in Urdu are پریشانی, خرابی, تباہی, افلاس, مفلسی, بیکسی, بدبختی Miscreableness in Urdu. More meanings of miscreableness, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

پریشانی خرابی تباہی افلاس مفلسی بیکسی بدبختی

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More words related to the meanings of Miscreableness

تباہیtabaahiDepastures Perishment Waste Catastasis Impasture Twilight Catastases Impastation Predation Cataclysms Distasture Misfortune Cataclasms Devast Perdition Destruie Disownment Destructibleness Destrie Destructibility Dastardness Wrack Catastrophism Undoing Catasterism Misery Predating Rivage Pogrom Ravages Miserablness Havocs Downfall Dismasts Disaster Destructs Debacle Devastation
خرابیkharaabiDissipativity Skreak Mallander Flaw Defailure Perishability Malaxation Evil Absurdities Malversate Malaxage Destruction Wreckings Malfunctioning Malamutes Desolation Wreaking Malapropism Wreche Maladdress Demerit Worseness Maladjustive Wrecche Irrupts Defect Spoils Maladaptive Tarditation Impairs Affliction Breakability Tardation Flawing Spoilage Perverts Abreaction Pitfalling Disedging Ravage Perriers Abreact Misaventure Disedges Overthrow Maundering Wickedness Misaffection Demurrages Misery Maltreats Vitiation Misaffect Deforms Mischief Malonate Trouble Malleableness Abreacts Debacles Drawback Malmseys Shortcoming Maleficience Wrecking Breakdowns Dilapidation Malleolar Malfunction Madefaction Spoilsport Corruption Malleiform Foible Impackment Spoilation Mallanders
پریشانیpareyshaaniWorrywart Troul Torture Troubling Troublable Stew Troublesomeness Prevailment Quandary Preoccupancy Frush Perplexity Exacerbation Droumy Harassment Distrait Anxietude Distress Distastefulness Acrisy Discomfiture Dasyure Worrycow Bewilderment Worry Woes Anxiety Worriment Trouvaille Rout Woe Problemist Puzzlement Hassling Misery Vexedness Enshrouds Embarrassment Vexation Distrouble Disturbance Uneasiness Dasyures Disorder Uncomfortableness Affret Confusion Upbreathe Trouble
افلاسiflaasNeediness Tralation Necessitousness Epulosity Narrowcircumstances Epilogation Impoverishment Appallment Affriction Plosions Palliness Hectics Deplores Paunchiness Haphazardness Downiness Pauperism Miserablness Bankcruptcy Starve Poverty
بدبختیBudbukhtiMiseasy Debonairity Deambulatory Deambulation Misbirths Misbirth Misbecomes Wretchedness Miserableness Mishap Misfortune Misery Mischance Misadventure
مفلسیmuflisiInsolvency Indigence Impecuniousity Needfulness Necessitousness

More words from Urdu related to Miscreableness

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Miscreableness meanings in Urdu in Urdu.

مفلسینقصانتکلیفوبال جان ہونازشت‌ناس یا ویران کرناالٹناعارضہاذیت پہنچاناانحطاطناقِص عمَلفَسقبکھیڑاکرباتفاقکسرناک میں دم ہوناجم گھٹتباہیبیزاریفلاکتہنگامہفراققبحہ خانہبدلٹنافنافاقہ کرنانحوستپائمالحاجت مندیپراگندگیخلفشاررگڑاعلتویران بناناشِکار خوریدکھ دیناآزار رسیدگیبدقسمتیمصیبتپَريشان خَيالی سےشش و پنجہرجپاکھنڈبرہمیدِقَّتآب گوشتمشکلرنجش ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Miscreableness

An empty purse fills the face with wrinklesافلاس قبل از وقت بوڑھا بنا دیتا ہے
Bear wealth poverty will bear itselfامارت میں افلاس کی نسبت زیادہ احتیاط لازمی ہے
Poverty breaks covenantsافلاس میں اصول کی پابندی کہاں رہتی ہے
Allow time and moderate dely haste administers all thing badlyجلدی کا کام خراب ہوتا ہے شتابی کرے خرابی
Error is always in hasteشتابی میں خرابی ہے
Great haste makes great hasteشتابی میں خرابی
More haste worst speedشتابی میں خرابی
Over fast over looseشتابی میں خرابی
Time spares nothing that has been done without himشتابی میں خرابی
Of one ill come manyایک خرابی سے ہزار خرابیاں پیدا ہو جاتی ہیں
Over big over lowاعتدال سے تجاوز خرابی کا باعث ہونا ہے
The good and pure will all endureبھلے مانس کی ہر طرح خرابی
A fit of nervesپریشانی کی حالت
In a whirlپریشانی
On the rackپریشانی
Left to rotپریشانی کا شکار
Not to turn a hairپریشانی کے بغیر
Without rub or interruptionپریشانی کے بغیر
Off the reelہچکچاہٹ یا پریشانی کے بغیر
Set the heather on fireپریشانی پیدا کرنا
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What are the meanings of Miscreableness in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Miscreableness in Urdu are تباہی - tabaahi, خرابی - kharaabi, پریشانی - pareyshaani, بیکسی - Bekasi, افلاس - iflaas, بدبختی - Budbukhti and مفلسی - muflisi. To understand how would you translate the word Miscreableness in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Miscreableness or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Miscreableness synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Miscreableness. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Miscreableness in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Miscreableness in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Miscreableness with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by miscreableness?

Meanings of miscreableness are تباہی - tabaahi, خرابی - kharaabi, پریشانی - pareyshaani, بیکسی - Bekasi, افلاس - iflaas, بدبختی - Budbukhti and مفلسی - muflisi

Whats the definition of miscreableness?

Definition of the miscreableness are

What is the synonym of miscreableness?

Synonym of word miscreableness are depastures, dissipativity, worrywart, becky, skreak, perishment, neediness, troul, waste, mallander

What are the idioms related to miscreableness?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word miscreableness.

  • An empty purse fills the face with wrinkles
  • Bear wealth poverty will bear itself
  • Poverty breaks covenants
  • Allow time and moderate dely haste administers all thing badly
  • Error is always in haste