Ride meanings in Urdu
Ride meanings in Urdu are سَواری کَرنا, گاڑی چلانا, سواری, چڈھی, سواری کرنا, چڑھنا, چڈھی لینا, سَوار ہونا Ride in Urdu. More meanings of ride, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
سَواری کَرنا گاڑی چلانا سواری چڈھی سواری کرنا چڑھنا چڈھی لینا سَوار ہونا
Ride Definitions
Please find 15 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Ride.
- (verb) : harass with persistent criticism or carping
- (verb) : have certain properties when driven
- (noun) : a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement
- (verb) : climb up on the body
- (verb) : sit on and control a vehicle
- (verb) : continue undisturbed and without interference
- (verb) : lie moored or anchored
- (verb) : be sustained or supported or borne
- (verb) : keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot
- (verb) : move like a floating object
- (verb) : ride over, along, or through
- (verb) : be carried or travel on or in a vehicle
- (verb) : sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
- (verb) : be contingent on
- (noun) : a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
- کِسی جانوَر کی پُشت پَر سَوار ہو کَر جانا
More words related to the meanings of Ride
More words from Urdu related to Ride
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Ride meanings in Urdu in Urdu.
پروان چڑھنازیادہ ہونارہ وراڑنے میں بڑھناترقیجاگ جاناپہنچنے يا پہنچانے کا ذريعہاضافہ کرناسہرشبدیزکوہمسافرجامہوسیلہبیشیافزوں کرنااونچا کرناپیچھے دینافرغلبغاوت کرناانتقالِ جائيدادسنگین کرناترنگپہاڑسَوارخولگاڑی چلانافضلزیادہ کرنااٹھناامنڈناگھگیتارا چمکناحملبڑھناگھوڑے پر چڑھناابھاربلنگناطَلُوع ہوناچوغہغالب ہوناچھلکاگھوڑاڈونگرمُسافِرباران کوٹعروجچڑھانااضافہ ہونابشیش ہونا ... سواری کرناسواری کا جانورچڑھائاُٹھ بيٹھناسوار ہونابشیش کرناپیمانہاشوبلندیآتا جاتاچغاگاڑیافزائشاُونچا کرنارخشسبقت لے جانالبادہکھَڑے ہو جاناترسيلایزاد کرناترازوبازبیٹھناراکبکاندھوں پر لٹکا لبادہاوپر چڑھنااضافہزیادہ تیز کرنابلند کرنادباناجبہاوپر آنادستاويز انتقالِ جائيدادسخت کرنامرکبٹیلاچڑھناوہ جو سَواری کَرےغلافغالب آنازیادتیگربھپہاڑیراہیبارانیاٹھ کھڑا ہوناسواریپھولناگھوڑے پر سوار ہوناقراولاوپر جانااُٹھناعبامہارت دکھانابڑھاناکھرنڈاسپجبلراہگیربارانی کرتہباہن
Idioms with the word Ride in it
Idioms related to the meaning of Ride
What are the meanings of Ride in Urdu?
Meanings of the word Ride in Urdu are سواری - sawaari, چڑھنا - charhna, سواری کرنا - sawaari karna and گاڑی چلانا. To understand how would you translate the word Ride in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Ride or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Ride synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Ride. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Ride in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Ride in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Ride with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by ride?
Meanings of ride are سواری - sawaari, چڑھنا - charhna, سواری کرنا - sawaari karna and گاڑی چلانا
Whats the definition of ride?
Definition of the ride are
- harass with persistent criticism or carping
- have certain properties when driven
- a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement
- climb up on the body
- sit on and control a vehicle
- continue undisturbed and without interference
- lie moored or anchored
- be sustained or supported or borne
- keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot
- move like a floating object
- ride over, along, or through
- be carried or travel on or in a vehicle
- sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
- be contingent on
- a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile)
- کِسی جانوَر کی پُشت پَر سَوار ہو کَر جانا
What is the synonym of ride?
Synonym of word ride are rideable, soar, souari, scale, ride off, rise, rider, increase, mount, excel
What are the idioms with the word ride?
Here are the idioms with the word ride in them.
- Better ride an ass that carries us than a horse that throws us
- To ride the high horse
- Two proud men cannot ride one ass
- You saddle out today and ride out tomorrow
What are the idioms related to ride?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word ride.
- Ride down
- Set spurs to
- The thief is sorry that he is to be hanged but not that he is a thief
What are the quotes with word ride?
Here are the quotes with the word ride in them
- There's great sadness and life doesn't work out like you would want, on a lot of levels, but there's no need to feel all alone. This happens to everybody, so there's no self-pity. This is the ride that humans are on, and all of it is essential for our natural part of it. — Mike Mills
- Surfing is such an amazing concept. You're taking on Nature with a little stick and saying, 'I'm gonna ride you!' And a lot of times Nature says, 'No you're not!' and crashes you to the bottom. — Jolene Blalock
- Personally I had the opportunity to go on several ride alongs with the LA County Sheriff's Department with some amazing detectives, who were invaluable to me. — Nancy McKeon
- I may have been the only candidate in America who failed to ride the wave of anti-establishment anger to victory. — Mickey Kaus