Rock meanings in Urdu

Rock meanings in Urdu are جھومنا, پتھر, چٹان, ہلانا Rock in Urdu. More meanings of rock, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

جھومنا پتھر چٹان ہلانا

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Rock Definitions

Please find 9 English and definitions related to the word Rock.

  • (noun) : pitching dangerously to one side
  • (noun) : a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter
  • (noun) : (figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable
  • (noun) : United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984)
  • (noun) : material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust
  • (noun) : a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western
  • (verb) : move back and forth or sideways
  • (verb) : cause to move back and forth
  • (noun) : hard bright-colored stick candy (typically flavored with peppermint)

More words from Urdu related to Rock

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Rock meanings in Urdu in Urdu.

کانپناکٹھوراکساناتیزی سے چلانا یا لے جاناچکراناسرابریرام کرناپنکھا جھلناتیڑھا میڑہا چلناجھٹکا دیناٹھٹھے بازٹھٹے بازیخالہڈلانابھڑکاناگھٹا دارروکھاپلا ہواخاموشلٹکاناآگے پیچھے ہوناہلکا سا ہلانااوپر نیچے یا ادھر ادھر ہلناکپ کپی پیدا کرناٹیلاتھر تھراناسختچوڑاجھاڑناغصہ دلانالٹکا رہنارام ہونادھکا پیل کرناہلنا جھلناپھولنخوش آمدید کرناظریفسلامہلکورناہنگامہثقیلگمراہ کرناخانگیگٹھلیہوا کرناڈگمگاناہچکولاادھر سے ادھر کرناناہموار گول حرکت یا چکرکپکپی ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Rock

Living rockقدرتی حالت میں موجود چٹان
Silly dogs are more angry with the stone than with the hand that flung itبیوقوف آدمی پتھر پھینکنے والے کی نسبت پتھر سے زیادہ ناراض ہوتے ہیں
Whether the pitcher strikes the stone or the stone the pitcher it is bad for the pitcherگھڑا پتھر سے ٹکراۓ یا پتھر گھڑے سے ہر حال میں نقصان گھڑے ہی کا ہے
Blow will answer blowsاینٹ کا جواب پتھر
Constant dropping wears away the stoneروز کے ٹپکے سے پتھر بھی گھس جاتا ہے
Content is the true philospher's stoneقناعت ہی اصل پارس پتھر ہے
He that sows thorns should not go barefootشیش محل میں بیٹھ کر دوسروں پر پتھر نہیں پھینکنے چاہئیں
If you live in a glass house dont throw stones at othersشیش محل میں رہ کر اوروں پر پتھر نہ پھینکو
Kill two birds with one stoneایک پتھر سے دو شکار
Little strokes fell great oaksرسی کے بار بار گھسنے پر پتھر پر بھی لکیر پڑ جاتی ہے
People throw stones only at trees with fruit on themپھل والے درخت پر ہی پتھر پھینکا جاتا ہے
Philosopher stoneخیالی پتھر
Point not at other's spots with a foul fingerشیش محل میں بیٹھ کر دوسروں پر پتھر مت پھینکو
Stones are thrown only at fruitful treesپھل دار درختوں پر ہی پتھر پھینکے جاتے ہیں
The fall of dropping water wears away the stoneلگاتار پانی کی بوندیں گرنے سے پتھر میں بھی سوراخ ہو جاتا ہے
Those who live in glass houses should not throwشیشے کے گھر والوں کو دوسروں پر پتھر نہیں پھیکنا چاہئے
Those who live in glasshouses should not throw stones at othersشیش محل میں بیٹھ کر دوسروں پر پتھر نہیں پھینکنے چاہیئیں
Tit for tatجیسے کو تیسا اینٹ کا جواب پتھر
You cannot get blood out of a stoneپتھر میں سے تیل نہیں نکلتا

What are the meanings of Rock in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Rock in Urdu are ہلانا - hilaana, جھومنا - jhuumna, پتھر - patthar and چٹان - chataan. To understand how would you translate the word Rock in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Rock or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Rock synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Rock. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Rock in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Rock in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Rock with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by rock?

Meanings of rock are ہلانا - hilaana, جھومنا - jhuumna, پتھر - patthar and چٹان - chataan

Whats the definition of rock?

Definition of the rock are

  • pitching dangerously to one side
  • a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter
  • (figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable
  • United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984)
  • material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust
  • a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of Black rhythm-and-blues with White country-and-western
  • move back and forth or sideways
  • cause to move back and forth
  • hard bright-colored stick candy (typically flavored with peppermint)

What is the synonym of rock?

Synonym of word rock are familiarise, reel, moulders, domesticate, vibrate, boulders, wag, vacillate, asmoulder, tame

What are the idioms related to rock?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word rock.

  • Living rock
  • Silly dogs are more angry with the stone than with the hand that flung it
  • Whether the pitcher strikes the stone or the stone the pitcher it is bad for the pitcher
  • Blow will answer blows
  • Constant dropping wears away the stone

What are the quotes with word rock?

Here are the quotes with the word rock in them

  • There's also some element of coming of age during the Reagan administration, which everybody has painted as some glorious time in America, but I remember as being a very, very dark time. There was apocalypse in the air the punk rock movement made sense. — John Cusack
  • I wear clothes that most people in the Midwest would probably deem inappropriate at my age. And I rock a bikini all summer long. I know that it's not normal, but I just don't care. I live once. — Liz Phair
  • The young people have MTV and rock and roll. Why would they go to read poetry? Poetry belongs to the Stone Age. It awakens in us perceptions that go back to those times. — Robert Morgan
  • I think that clearly it has an influence, to be coming of age during the punk rock era, to come from a difficult and sporadically violent background, to have been in and out of such chaos, I think it actually helps. But I don't know for sure. — Craig Ferguson