Objects (اشیاء - Ashiyaa) names in English & Urdu

Objects (اشیاء - Ashiyaa) names in English, Urdu & Roman Urdu. Find a comprehensive list of Objects names & their meanings in different languages below;

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the names of animals in English?

Here is a list of names of the animals in English.

  • Kheoabegua - خوابگاہ is called Bedroom in English.
  • Anedereonechehe - اندرونچھت is called Ceiling in English.
  • Kot - کوٹ is called Coat in English.
  • Cup - کپ is called Cup in English.
  • Meyz - میز is called Desk in English.
  • View complete list here

What are the names of animals in Urdu?

Here is a list of names of the animals in Urdu

  • Bedroom کو Urdu میں خوابگاہ - Kheoabegua کہتے ہیں۔
  • Ceiling کو Urdu میں اندرونچھت - Anedereonechehe کہتے ہیں۔
  • Coat کو Urdu میں کوٹ - Kot کہتے ہیں۔
  • Cup کو Urdu میں کپ - Cup کہتے ہیں۔
  • Desk کو Urdu میں میز - Meyz کہتے ہیں۔
  • View complete list here