Begam - بیگم meanings in English

Begam - بیگم meanings in English are madam, marchioness, mistress, lady, madame, wife, begum, begloom, begums Begam - بیگم in English. More meanings of begam - بیگم, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

madam marchioness mistress lady madame wife begum begloom begums

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Begam - بیگم Definitions

Please find 13 English and definitions related to the word Begam - بیگم.

  • (noun) : a woman of refinement
  • (noun) : a woman who runs a house of prostitution
  • (noun) : a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess
  • (noun) : the wife or widow of a marquis
  • (noun) : title used for a married Frenchwoman
  • (noun) : a woman master who directs the work of others
  • (noun) : an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
  • (noun) : a woman schoolteacher (especially one regarded as strict)
  • (noun) : a married woman; a man's partner in marriage
  • (noun) : a Muslim woman of high rank in India or Pakistan
  • (noun) : a woman of refinement
  • (noun) : a woman of the peerage in Britain
  • (noun) : a polite name for any woman

More words related to the meanings of Begam - بیگم

Madamبی بی bi bi بی bi بی Bee بہوجی Bahuji بیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum خانم khaanam خاتون khaatuun خاتون Khatoon بانو baano میم صاحبہ
Marchionessبیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum ٹھکرانی Thukrani
Madameمادام Madaam خاتون khaatuun خاتون Khatoon محترمہ mohtarmah فرانسیسی خطاب بیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum سیدہ saiyadah
Mistressگھروالی Gharwaali بی بی bi bi بہو Bahu مخدومہ Makhdooma بیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum کدبانو Kadbano آقانی Aaqaani مالکن maalkan مالکن Malkin منتظمہ muntazimah منتظمہ Muntazima کافر kaafir کافر Kafir کافر Kafirr محبوبہ maehbuubah محبوبہ Mehbooba محبوبہ Mehbuba صنم sanam داشتہ daashtah داشتہ Daashta رکھیلی rakheyli میڈم Madam میڈم Madum استانی ustaani
Wifeوائف Wife بيوی Beevi بيوی Bewi پتنی Patni شريکِ حيات مرد کی منکوحہ عورت عورت aurat اہلیہ aehliah بیوی biiwi بیوی Beewi بیوی Bevi بیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum گھر والی ghar waali جورو joru جورو Juroo خانم khaanam لگائ lugaa i ذوجہ zaujah زوجہ Zoja
Begumبیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum
Ladyعورت aurat بانو baano بیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum بی بی bi bi خانم khaanam خاتون khaatuun خاتون Khatoon
Begloomبیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum
Begumsبیگم beygam بیگم Begam بیگم Begum

Idioms related to the meaning of Begam - بیگم

Next to no wife a good wife is bestیا تو بیوی اچھی ہو ورنہ مجرد ہی بھلے
Who lets his wife go to every feast and his horse drink at every waterhall neither have good wife nor good horseجس شخص اپنی بیوی کو ہر دعوت میں جانے کی اور اپنے گھوڑے کو ہر جگہ پانی پینے کی اجازت دیتا ہے اس کی نہ تو بیوی ٹھیک رہے گی نہ گھوڑا ہی
Fine gentleman ladyبے کار شخص
Lady loveمحبوبہ
Lady of easy virطوائف
Leading ladyہیروئین
Painted ladyتتلی میک اپ زدہ خاتون
Your good ladyتمہاری بیوی
A cheerful wife is the joy of lifeخُوش مِزاج بیوی زندگی کی بہترین نعمَت ہے
A diamond daughter turns to glass as a wifeلاڈلی بیٹی نکمّی بَہُو
A good husband makes a good wifeجیسا خاوند ویسی بیوی
A good wife and health are a man's best wealthانسان کی بہترین دولت یہی دو چیزیں ہیں وفا شعار بیوی اور تندرستی
A good wife is a good prizeنیک بیوی زندگی کا بہترین انعام ہے
A man's best fortune or his bad or worst is his wifeانسان کی خوش قِسمتی یا بد قِسمتی اس کی بیوی پر مُنحصر ہے
An obedient wife commands her husbandحُکم برادر بیوی کی ہر بات خاوند مانتا ہے
Fair wife and a frontier castle breed troublesحسین بیوی اور سرحدی قلعہ لڑائی جھگڑے کی جڑ ہیں
For whom does the blind man's wife paint herselfاندھے کی بیوی کو بناوٴ سنگھار سے کیا فائدہ
He that speaks ill of his wife dishonours himselfبیوی کی برائی اپنی بے عزتی ہے
If the wife sins the husband is not innocentاگر بیوی گُناہ کرتی ہے تو اس میں خاوند کا بھی ضرور کچھ قصور ہے
If you spend money on a bad wife or an enemy your money is gone but what you spend on a friend and comrade is gainedبیوفا بیوی اور دُشمن پر جو کچھ خرچ کیا جاۓ اسے ضائع ہوا سمجھو لیکن دوست اور ساتھی پر خرچ کیا ہوا پیسہ باعث نفع ہوتا ہے
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What are the meanings of Begam - بیگم in English?

Meanings of the word Begam - بیگم in English are madam, marchioness, madame, mistress, wife, begum, lady, begloom and begums. To understand how would you translate the word Begam - بیگم in English, you can take help from words closely related to Begam - بیگم or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Begam - بیگم synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Begam - بیگم. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Begam - بیگم in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Begam - بیگم in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Begam - بیگم with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by begam?

Meanings of begam are madam, marchioness, madame, mistress, wife, begum, lady, begloom and begums

Whats the definition of begam?

Definition of the begam are

  • a woman of refinement
  • a woman who runs a house of prostitution
  • a noblewoman ranking below a duchess and above a countess
  • the wife or widow of a marquis
  • title used for a married Frenchwoman
  • a woman master who directs the work of others
  • an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
  • a woman schoolteacher (especially one regarded as strict)
  • a married woman; a man's partner in marriage
  • a Muslim woman of high rank in India or Pakistan
  • a woman of refinement
  • a woman of the peerage in Britain
  • a polite name for any woman

What is the synonym of begam?

Synonym of word begam are بی بی, بی, بہوجی, بیگم, خانم, خاتون, بانو, میم صاحبہ, ٹھکرانی, مادام

What are the idioms related to begam?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word begam.

  • Next to no wife a good wife is best
  • Who lets his wife go to every feast and his horse drink at every waterhall neither have good wife nor good horse
  • Fine gentleman lady
  • Lady love
  • Lady of easy vir