Bint - بنت meanings in English
Bint - بنت meanings in English are daughter, manufacture, texture, contrivance, fashion, fitting, nee, bint Bint - بنت in English. More meanings of bint - بنت, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
daughter manufacture texture contrivance fashion fitting nee bint
Bint - بنت Definitions
Please find 23 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Bint - بنت.
- (noun) : a female human offspring
- (noun) : putting clothes on to see whether they fit
- (noun) : (usually in the plural) furnishings and equipment (especially for a ship or hotel)
- (verb) : put together out of artificial or natural components or parts
- (verb) : create or produce in a mechanical way
- (verb) : produce naturally
- (verb) : concoct something artificial or untrue
- (noun) : the feel of a surface or a fabric
- (noun) : the characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile quality
- (noun) : the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together
- (noun) : the essential quality of something
- (noun) : the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance)
- (noun) : an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade
- (noun) : a device or control that is very useful for a particular job
- (noun) : the act of devising something
- (noun) : any improvised arrangement for temporary use
- (noun) : an artificial or unnatural or obviously contrived arrangement of details or parts etc.
- (noun) : the faculty of contriving; inventive skill
- (verb) : make out of components (often in an improvising manner)
- (noun) : characteristic or habitual practice
- (noun) : consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode
- (noun) : the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
- (adjective satellite) : (meaning literally born') used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman
- بڑے پیمانے پر اشیاء تیار کرنا
More words related to the meanings of Bint - بنت
More words from English related to Bint - بنت
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Bint - بنت meanings in English in English.
ablestcapablecompetentgiftedopportuneproficientqualifiedsufficienttalentedworthyableadeptappositeappropriatefittinginventivemeetpatproperskilledsuitabletighttrigwell manneredwell readlikeablealibledignifyefficient statesmenaccomplishedmeritedpeople ofexigibleerigibleeligibleactactionarduouscallingjoblustmakingmanufactureploytendvalueworkbusinessdesign ... desireembroideryemploymentengagementerrand functionintentionlabourmetierobjectoccupationpurporttaskundertakinguseworkmanshipchoreskamcom werkactscarlewddutymissionprofessionutilityactualapplicableappropriatelycorrespondentdiametricallydirect entirefitlyjakejustjustifiableproperlypunctilliousall rightcorrectgoodincorruptindeedindubitableokvalidveraciouswellfirnremiseddetrectaffectationartificialityconstructionconcoctionconformationdispositionedificationequipmentfacefalsification feignfeint fictionfigmentforgingmakenatureshamtextureaffectblandishmentconstitutionexaggerationfabricmake upputting on airssimulationstructurestructuraltexturedtextlesstexturestexturingtexturisetexturisedtexturisestexturizedtexturizesformatgetupsetupconfigurationshapesubstructureconstructurefructureaffiliateconstituteconstructcreateerectfablefabricatefoundframemanufacturesmouldbuildcoinconfigureedifyforgeinitiatelaughproducevampfabricatingmeakingfashionformulateconvenientwarrantablewarrantablenessadaptablebecomingcongenialcongruousfitgradelylogisticalmeasuredpermissiblereasonabletailoredpropertiedsuitabilitysuitablysuitedduefulpertinentsrightablesuablyimpropriatepertransientproperispomepertinentartificialfalsestrainedcontrivedfabulousfactitiousfictivepretentiousrhetoricceremonialcraftgadgetmachinationmanoeuvremotionmovemovementpassagespeedstepstrategysubterfugeactivityanticconductcustomdeceitdeceptiongaitgimmickryguileindirectionruseshenaniganstratagemtactictricktrickerywalkcrickfricktrick upwieldychalgimmeriddancestricklettricksierstricktrickmenttricktrackcolourcolouringcolordyehuemoodpigmentsuffusedvarnishappearanceaspectchromaenjoymentpaintstyletincttincturevatcolorscoloursdyeshuesfigureguisemannermodemoraltenorbehaviourcharacterchiccuttingdemeanourfoundinggarbposturesituationstancestatevoguemodiusmodussceattdaughterequipage fittingsgearoutfitharnessparaphernaliamalleatefalsifyfudgeinventtrumpnecessariesbaggagebelongingingredientskitnecessitiesneedsequiprobableaccessionsarmoriesarmouriesequiparateequipoisesfitmentsaccessariesaccessorinessequipendencyequipollenceequipollencyequiponderanceequipotentialessenesimplementmaterialapparatusarticlesluggagematerielwarebelongingsbagginessburgagecommodoresconsumptsfuggiergugglesluggiepotagespuggareesstuffersstuffierstuffingsstuffstuggingswaresconsignaturewhetstonegalgirljudymademoisellemaidmissplacketshefemalelasswenchyoung ladydamselgirliemagnificencedecorationplanpompsplendourindustrymanipulationmasturbationself pollutionmanipulatecontrivancedeviceintriguemanipulablemaniplesmanipularmanipulatedmanipulatingmanipulatoryformmaximphilosophysciencestacttaleclevernessdiplomacyginingenuityknowledgeskillwisdomwisenessnattinessartistic workproductstillact upfunctioningwork upaworkingdaughterlybettybeetegenremienpathwaytontonetypeveinwaymoralscoursecurrencyhabitprescindclipcutrescinddisceptingdiscapacitatepromenadetrackhabitudefuriessinewwebwoofnetworkkindknackmannerismmethoddismembermentrecisionterraintractoffspringsonnee
Idioms related to the meaning of Bint - بنت
What are the meanings of Bint - بنت in English?
Meanings of the word Bint - بنت in English are daughter, fitting, manufacture, texture, contrivance, fashion, nee and bint. To understand how would you translate the word Bint - بنت in English, you can take help from words closely related to Bint - بنت or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Bint - بنت synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Bint - بنت. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Bint - بنت in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Bint - بنت in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Bint - بنت with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by bint?
Meanings of bint are daughter, fitting, manufacture, texture, contrivance, fashion, nee and bint
Whats the definition of bint?
Definition of the bint are
- a female human offspring
- putting clothes on to see whether they fit
- (usually in the plural) furnishings and equipment (especially for a ship or hotel)
- put together out of artificial or natural components or parts
- create or produce in a mechanical way
- produce naturally
- concoct something artificial or untrue
- the feel of a surface or a fabric
- the characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile quality
- the musical pattern created by parts being played or sung together
- the essential quality of something
- the physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance)
- an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade
- a device or control that is very useful for a particular job
- the act of devising something
- any improvised arrangement for temporary use
- an artificial or unnatural or obviously contrived arrangement of details or parts etc.
- the faculty of contriving; inventive skill
- make out of components (often in an improvising manner)
- characteristic or habitual practice
- consumer goods (especially clothing) in the current mode
- the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
- (meaning literally born') used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman
- بڑے پیمانے پر اشیاء تیار کرنا
What is the synonym of bint?
Synonym of word bint are بيٹی, دُختر, بنت, بیٹی, دختر, فرزند, جائ, لخت جگر, لڑکی, ساز و سامان
What are the idioms related to bint?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word bint.
- My son is my son till he gets him a wife but my daughter is my daughter for all her life
- God complains not but doth what is fitting
- If you wish to make a fitting marriage marry your equal
- Fine cloth is never out of fashion
- It is vain to mislink the current of fashion