Burhapa - بڑھاپا meanings in English

Burhapa - بڑھاپا meanings in English are oldness, senescence, senility, dotage, hoariness, old age Burhapa - بڑھاپا in English. More meanings of burhapa - بڑھاپا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

oldness senescence senility dotage hoariness old age

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Burhapa - بڑھاپا Definitions

Please find 10 English and definitions related to the word Burhapa - بڑھاپا.

  • (noun) : a silvery-white color
  • (noun) : great age (especially grey or white with age)
  • (noun) : the opposite of youngness
  • (noun) : the quality of being old; the opposite of newness
  • (noun) : the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
  • (noun) : the property characteristic of old age
  • (noun) : the state of being senile
  • (noun) : mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
  • (noun) : mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
  • (noun) : a late time of life

Idioms related to the meaning of Burhapa - بڑھاپا

Before old age my care was to live well in old age to die wellبڑھاپے میں عاقبت کا خیال آتا ہے
All the passions are extinguished with old age self love dies neverخود پرستی کے سواۓ بڑھاپا اور سب نفسانی خواہشوں کو ضائع کر دیتا ہے
An intemperate youth brings to old age a worn out bodyبڑھاپے میں کمزور جِسم جوانی کی نادانیوں کا خمیازہ ہے
Do you grow gentler and better as old age creeps onبڑھاپے کے ساتھ آدمی حلیم طبع اور نیک ہو جاتا ہے
Observation not old age brings wisdomحصول عقل کا ذریعہ بڑھاپا نہیں بلکہ مُشاہدہ ہے
Old age and the wear of time teach many thingsبڑھاپا اور وقت بہت کچھ سکھا دیتے ہیں
Old age brings this one voice to mankind that we are all more eager after acquiring property than we should beبڑھاپا انسان کو یہ بتاتا ہے کہ دولت کی ہوس اس قدر نہیں ہونی چاہیئے جتنی دنیا میں ہے
Old age is a heavy burdenبڑھاپا بھاری بوجھ ہے
Old age is honourableبوڑھے آدمی کی عزت کرنا واجب ہے
Old age itself is a diseaseبڑھاپا بذاتِ خود ایک بیماری ہے
Old age makes us wiser and more foolishبڑھاپا ہمیں عقلمند بھی بناتا ہے اور بیوقوف بھی
Old age though despised is covted by allبڑھاپے سے اگرچہ سب کو نفرت ہے لیکن جوان مرنا بھی کوئی نہیں چاہتا
Rashness is a quality of youth prudence of old ageجوانی دیوانی بڑھاپا دوراندیش
Rashness is a quality of youth prudence of old ageجوانی دیوان یبڑ ھاپا دوراندیش
Where old age is evil youth can learn no goodبڑے ہی بُرے ہوں تو چھوٹے کیونکر اچھے ہو سکتے ہیں
Youth lives on hope old age on rememberanceجوان اُمید پر اور بوڑھے گزرے ہوۓ دنوں کی یاد پر جیتے ہیں
All the passions are extinguished with old age; selflove dies neverخود پرستی کے سواۓ بڑھاپا اور سب نفسانی خواہشوں کو ضائع کر دیتا ہے

What are the meanings of Burhapa - بڑھاپا in English?

Meanings of the word Burhapa - بڑھاپا in English are hoariness, oldness, senescence, senility, dotage and old age. To understand how would you translate the word Burhapa - بڑھاپا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Burhapa - بڑھاپا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Burhapa - بڑھاپا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Burhapa - بڑھاپا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Burhapa - بڑھاپا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Burhapa - بڑھاپا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Burhapa - بڑھاپا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by burhapa?

Meanings of burhapa are hoariness, oldness, senescence, senility, dotage and old age

Whats the definition of burhapa?

Definition of the burhapa are

  • a silvery-white color
  • great age (especially grey or white with age)
  • the opposite of youngness
  • the quality of being old; the opposite of newness
  • the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age
  • the property characteristic of old age
  • the state of being senile
  • mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
  • mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations
  • a late time of life

What is the synonym of burhapa?

Synonym of word burhapa are بالوں کی سفیدی, دھولا پن, بڑھاپا, پرانا پن, قدامت, دیرینگی, کہنگی, پیری, کہن سالی, پرانہ پن

What are the idioms related to burhapa?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word burhapa.

  • Before old age my care was to live well in old age to die well
  • All the passions are extinguished with old age self love dies never
  • An intemperate youth brings to old age a worn out body
  • Do you grow gentler and better as old age creeps on
  • Observation not old age brings wisdom