Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا meanings in English

Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا meanings in English are acquittal, redemptory, disengages, hivers, porging, rebids, ridings, redempture, relievement, ridgerope, sporades, redemptive, redemptional, disengagement, forgiveness, leisure, deliverance, exemption, liberation, quietus, quittance, sporadical, layoff, sporadial Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا in English. More meanings of chhut kaara - چھٹکارا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

acquittal redemptory disengages hivers porging rebids ridings redempture relievement ridgerope sporades redemptive redemptional disengagement forgiveness leisure deliverance exemption liberation quietus quittance sporadical layoff sporadial

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Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا Definitions

Please find 19 English and definitions related to the word Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا.

  • (noun) : a judgment of not guilty
  • (noun) : to break off a military action with an enemy
  • (noun) : the act of releasing from an attachment or connection
  • (noun) : freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity
  • (noun) : time available for ease and relaxation
  • (noun) : the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
  • (noun) : the act of liberating someone or something
  • (noun) : the attempt to achieve equal rights or status
  • (noun) : euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)
  • (noun) : recovery or preservation from loss or danger
  • (noun) : an act exempting someone
  • (noun) : a deduction allowed to a taxpayer because of his status (having certain dependents or being blind or being over 65 etc.)
  • (noun) : the act of laying off an employee or a work force
  • (noun) : payment of a debt or obligation
  • (noun) : a document or receipt certifying release from an obligation or debt
  • (adjective) : of or relating to or resulting in redemption
  • (adjective satellite) : bringing about salvation or redemption from sin
  • (adjective) : of or relating to or resulting in redemption
  • (adjective) : of or relating to or resulting in redemption

More words related to the meanings of Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا

Acquittalچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara رہائی Rehai خلاصہ khulaasah خلاصہ Khulaasa بریت bariyat بریت Bareeyat آزادگی aazaadgi
Disengagementرہائی Rehai بریت bariyat بریت Bareeyat خلاصی khalaasi خلاصی Khulaasi چھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara مخلصی mukhlisi علیحدگی alaahedgi علیحدگی elaahedgi علیحدگی alaahedagi علیحدگی Alehdgi علیحدگی Alehidgi چُٹکارا سبکدوشی subuk doshi جُدائی Judai جُدائی Judayi فراغت faraaghat فراغت faraaghaat فراغت Faraghat
Forgivenessمکت Makat نجات nijaat نجات nejaat مغفرت Magfirat بخشش bakhshish بخشش bakh shish بخشش Bukhshish چھما Chama معافی moaafi معافی Muaafi چھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara مُعافی مُعاف کرنے پَر آمادگی مُعافی دينے پَر رَضا مَند عفو afw عفو Afoo
Leisureچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara فرصت fursat چھٹی chhutti چھٹی Cghutti مہلت mohlat اوکاس Oukaas خالی وقت khaali waqt فراغ faraagh
Liberationرہائی Rehai مخلصی mukhlisi آزادی aazaadi آزادی Aazadi چھٹی chhutti چھٹی Cghutti بچاؤ bachaa o چھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara خلاصی khalaasi خلاصی Khulaasi نجات nijaat نجات nejaat وارثتگی waarastahgi وارثتگی waarastagi
Quietusآسائش aasaa ish آسائش Aasaaish سکون sukuun سکون Sakoon سکوت sukuut سکوت Sakoot آرام aaraam آرام araam راحت raahat راحت Rahat آسودگی aasuudgi آسودگی aasuudagi موت maut موت Mout خاتمہ khaatimah خاتمہ Khaatma انجام anjaam آخری حساب کتاب aakhiri hesaab kitaab آخری فیصلہ aakhiri faeslah ایک آخری ضرب eyk aakhiri zarb چھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara نیستی neysti نیستی niisti وفات wafaat
Sporadicalچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Deliveranceآزادگی aazaadgi بچاؤ bachaa o چھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara خلاصی khalaasi خلاصی Khulaasi نجات nijaat نجات nejaat رہائ rehaa i وارے نیارے waarey niyaarey
Exemptionچھوٹ chhuut چھوٹ Choot چھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara خلاصی khalaasi خلاصی Khulaasi
Layoffچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Quittanceچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara ہرجانہ har jaanah ہرجانہ harjaanah ہرجانہ Har jana جزا jaza معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza نجات nijaat نجات nejaat
Redemptionalچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Redemptiveچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Redemptoryچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Disengagesچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Hiversچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Porgingچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Rebidsچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Ridingsچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Redemptureچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Relievementچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Ridgeropeچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Sporadesچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara
Sporadialچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara

More words from English related to Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا meanings in English in English.

abbreviateabridgmentacquittalepitomegistnubprecisquintessentialsynopsisbriefcontentextractkerneloutlinequintessencesubstancesummaryabdicatorablismabsolverabstractedlyabstracterabstractiveabstractorabstrusityabvoltepitopesum upsummarisationsummarizationsummatesummationalsummativesumming upabridgingabsinthsabsitabsolversabsolvesabsolvitorabstergesabstergingabstractsabstrictabstrictsridottosummasummariessummarisessummarized ...

What are the meanings of Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا in English?

Meanings of the word Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا in English are acquittal, disengagement, forgiveness, leisure, liberation, quietus, sporadical, deliverance, exemption, layoff, quittance, redemptional, redemptive, redemptory, disengages, hivers, porging, rebids, ridings, redempture, relievement, ridgerope, sporades and sporadial. To understand how would you translate the word Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Chhut kaara - چھٹکارا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by chhut kaara?

Meanings of chhut kaara are acquittal, disengagement, forgiveness, leisure, liberation, quietus, sporadical, deliverance, exemption, layoff, quittance, redemptional, redemptive, redemptory, disengages, hivers, porging, rebids, ridings, redempture, relievement, ridgerope, sporades and sporadial

Whats the definition of chhut kaara?

Definition of the chhut kaara are

  • a judgment of not guilty
  • to break off a military action with an enemy
  • the act of releasing from an attachment or connection
  • freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity
  • time available for ease and relaxation
  • the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
  • the act of liberating someone or something
  • the attempt to achieve equal rights or status
  • euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)
  • recovery or preservation from loss or danger
  • an act exempting someone
  • a deduction allowed to a taxpayer because of his status (having certain dependents or being blind or being over 65 etc.)
  • the act of laying off an employee or a work force
  • payment of a debt or obligation
  • a document or receipt certifying release from an obligation or debt
  • of or relating to or resulting in redemption
  • bringing about salvation or redemption from sin
  • of or relating to or resulting in redemption
  • of or relating to or resulting in redemption

What is the synonym of chhut kaara?

Synonym of word chhut kaara are چھٹکارا, رہائی, خلاصہ, بریت, آزادگی, خلاصی, مخلصی, علیحدگی, چُٹکارا, سبکدوشی

What are the idioms related to chhut kaara?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word chhut kaara.

  • It is just that he who asks forgiveness for his offence should grant it in return
  • He hath no leisure that useth it not
  • Marry in haste and repent at leisure
  • Tranquility is difficult of attainment in leisure