Daaghna - داغنا meanings in English
Daaghna - داغنا meanings in English are cauterize, cauterizing, firing, mark, sear, shoot, fire, maculate Daaghna - داغنا in English. More meanings of daaghna - داغنا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
Daaghna - داغنا Definitions
Please find 78 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Daaghna - داغنا.
- (verb) : burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
- (verb) : make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals
- (noun) : once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
- (noun) : feelings of great warmth and intensity
- (verb) : call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
- (noun) : intense adverse criticism
- (verb) : destroy by fire
- (verb) : cause to go off
- (verb) : go off or discharge
- (noun) : the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
- (noun) : the event of something burning (often destructive)
- (noun) : a severe trial
- (noun) : the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
- (verb) : bake in a kiln so as to harden
- (verb) : drive out or away by or as if by fire
- (verb) : provide with fuel
- (verb) : start firing a weapon
- (noun) : a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
- (noun) : fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking
- (verb) : terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position
- (verb) : start or maintain a fire in
- (verb) : become ignited
- (verb) : generate an electrical impulse
- (noun) : the act of discharging a gun
- (noun) : the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
- (noun) : the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
- (noun) : the act of setting something on fire
- (verb) : spot, stain, or pollute
- (adjective satellite) : spotted or blotched
- (adjective satellite) : morally blemished; stained or impure
- (noun) : the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember
- (noun) : the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
- (noun) : a visible indication made on a surface
- (noun) : a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation)
- (noun) : Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel
- (noun) : formerly the basic unit of money in Germany
- (noun) : a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)
- (noun) : a reference point to shoot at
- (noun) : something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal
- (noun) : a distinguishing symbol
- (noun) : an indication of damage
- (verb) : make or leave a mark on
- (verb) : designate as if by a mark
- (verb) : notice or perceive
- (verb) : establish as the highest level or best performance
- (verb) : mark with a scar
- (verb) : attach a tag or label to
- (verb) : to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
- (verb) : remove from a list
- (verb) : put a check mark on or near or next to
- (noun) : a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
- (verb) : celebrate by some ceremony or observation
- (verb) : burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color
- (verb) : cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat
- (adjective satellite) : (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture
- (verb) : make very hot and dry
- (verb) : become superficially burned
- (verb) : run or move very quickly or hastily
- (verb) : spend frivolously and unwisely
- (verb) : make a film or photograph of something
- (verb) : produce buds, branches, or germinate
- (verb) : record on photographic film
- (verb) : kill by firing a missile
- (verb) : hit with a missile from a weapon
- (noun) : the act of shooting at targets
- (noun) : a new branch
- (verb) : send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly
- (verb) : cause a sharp and sudden pain in
- (verb) : emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully
- (verb) : measure the altitude of by using a sextant
- (verb) : utter fast and forcefully
- (verb) : score
- (verb) : fire a shot
- (verb) : throw dice, as in a crap game
- (verb) : variegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors
- (verb) : throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective
- (verb) : give an injection to
- (verb) : force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing
- آگ یا گرم لوہے سے علاج کے لئے جلانا
More words related to the meanings of Daaghna - داغنا
More words from English related to Daaghna - داغنا
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Daaghna - داغنا meanings in English in English.
absolveabstainacquisitiondisuse divorce emitemancipateeschew evacuateforgive forgoletliberateomitventwaiveabandonabdicateavoiddesertdischargeditchevict forsakegive upleavelet gopardonquitreleaserelinquishrenderresignset asideshootspareyieldabjointdisendowforslackquitingquittingdiscedeabutaffectfastenimpingevegetateadhereapply ... to be attachedbeginfeel hitknockperceivereachrelishseemsproutstickstrikestrucksuittastetouchlagunaluggingacmecircumscriptionendfrontierlimitoutskirtrangesurpasstermterminusbarrierboundaryedge limitationmarchmarkmeteat mostoutgoingquantityutmostbounderishboundslimitarianlimitourlimuleacupuncturearsonfulminateignitelightfireflameinflameignifyincensationbanneremblemensignescharflagmicroshibbilethsymbolvestigebadgeinsignialabelmedalscarsignsignaltraceemblemaemblementsemblemiseemblemisesemblemsnotchbacknotchesnotchingscardblotchblemishblotblotscauterizationcauterydiscolorationflecktainttarnishebotchbrandcalamitygriefinfamylossmaculamoilespeckspotstainstigmablemishedindentionmolalitystainerstainingblemishesmolalitiesscarringstainersstainingsstainsstintsstunstarnsblemishmentblosmearscauterisemaculatescarpedscarpingblotchyspottydappledappledguttatemealymeaslyvariegatedcauterizeburncremateenlivenkindlequickencombustconflagratefosterset firevexburn offburn outburn upenkindlekindlinggurningateirisateirradicatekittlingurningincantingcauterizingchasehuntgamehuntingpreyquarryravinveneryvictimvictimisedvictimiservictimizedvictimizerenskiedhuncheshunchinghuntingshuntressespreyedpreyfulpronelyshikarshikarssufferersvictimisesvictimizesprevaricatingvictimateclueeurekafindingfoot stepquestsinquiryquestsearchzeteticpruriencybudgercompanyeffectactioncaptorgovernanceimpactimpressioninfluenceruineffervescencyaffectednesseffectivityeffectoreffectuationeffendieffervesceeffervescingimpactiontake effecteffaceseffeireffierceeffingefforceeffrayeffseffulgeseffusesrefluenceseffectioneffectuatingeffectuoseeffeteffluencycriteriondiscriminationdistinctnessidentificationidentifiesacquaintancediscernmentexperienceidentityindicationknowledgerecognitiontokenhallmarksintituleintitulescognatenesshognosesnakeintinctivityirrecognitionrecognitoryrecognizabilityrecognizationrecognoscegrimyimpurenastyambulationpollutantsedativecontaminabledrossyhogbawdyblackdirty filthyfoul incontinentpollutedsqualidunchasteuncleanuncleanednajasnajisdrabblegrimeimbruetarnishdefileinfectdry parchdesiccateseardryingear markidolidolspresageprognosticationsymptomiconindicationskenningnumeralomenemblematicalsymbolatrysymbolisationsymbolisersymbolistsymbolizationsymbologysymbololatryemblemataepitomicalsymbionsymbiontsymbolicssymbolisedsymbolizedsymbolledsymptosisemolumentalignomysymbalsymbolisticmonumentbook markcatch wordgiftissuekeepsakemementomemorialoffspringremembrancesouveniroutsmartedmottosemblancestepcarvingcharmengravingfeaturesinscriptionpaintingpicturestampembowelmentemanatejutoutbudspirtappearcome forthcome outdistilemergegerminatepass awayrise sunnictatenictitatenickelizeenvyfervourfeverishnessjealousypungencyburningheart burningignitioneburnationheartburnheartburningincagementirremissionirrorationlurcationacidityepistlemissiveshaveingletterlinenoteepistlerletterurelettruretracktreadfadelustangerbaleincensementlovepassionfaeryfiacresfiresfirryfirefishfiringborderconfineborderlinehurtimpairlacerateriflestabinjointinciteluntrousesmolderingsmolderimplantimpressincusebrandedscarredstainedtaintedunclearedstigmatistblemishingblottedscarcestscariousscarrierstingedtaintingtaintstainturetarnishedtarnishestarnishingtaintwormignoreshedaimblankbuttgoalobjectobjectiveoffertargettargebombardmentdemarcatedenotedenttickmark downemblemingemblemizeemblemizesemblemizingenterwritehellsackfootprintgemmaimptendronsullydotting penscorchscoringsscorbute
Idioms related to the meaning of Daaghna - داغنا
What are the meanings of Daaghna - داغنا in English?
Meanings of the word Daaghna - داغنا in English are cauterize, cauterizing, fire, firing, maculate, mark, sear and shoot. To understand how would you translate the word Daaghna - داغنا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Daaghna - داغنا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Daaghna - داغنا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Daaghna - داغنا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Daaghna - داغنا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Daaghna - داغنا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Daaghna - داغنا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by daaghna?
Meanings of daaghna are cauterize, cauterizing, fire, firing, maculate, mark, sear and shoot
Whats the definition of daaghna?
Definition of the daaghna are
- burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
- make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals
- once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
- feelings of great warmth and intensity
- call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
- intense adverse criticism
- destroy by fire
- cause to go off
- go off or discharge
- the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
- the event of something burning (often destructive)
- a severe trial
- the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke
- bake in a kiln so as to harden
- drive out or away by or as if by fire
- provide with fuel
- start firing a weapon
- a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning
- fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking
- terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position
- start or maintain a fire in
- become ignited
- generate an electrical impulse
- the act of discharging a gun
- the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)
- the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy
- the act of setting something on fire
- spot, stain, or pollute
- spotted or blotched
- morally blemished; stained or impure
- the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember
- the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
- a visible indication made on a surface
- a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation)
- Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel
- formerly the basic unit of money in Germany
- a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened)
- a reference point to shoot at
- something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal
- a distinguishing symbol
- an indication of damage
- make or leave a mark on
- designate as if by a mark
- notice or perceive
- establish as the highest level or best performance
- mark with a scar
- attach a tag or label to
- to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
- remove from a list
- put a check mark on or near or next to
- a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
- celebrate by some ceremony or observation
- burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color
- cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat
- (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture
- make very hot and dry
- become superficially burned
- run or move very quickly or hastily
- spend frivolously and unwisely
- make a film or photograph of something
- produce buds, branches, or germinate
- record on photographic film
- kill by firing a missile
- hit with a missile from a weapon
- the act of shooting at targets
- a new branch
- send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly
- cause a sharp and sudden pain in
- emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully
- measure the altitude of by using a sextant
- utter fast and forcefully
- score
- fire a shot
- throw dice, as in a crap game
- variegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors
- throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective
- give an injection to
- force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing
- آگ یا گرم لوہے سے علاج کے لئے جلانا
What is the synonym of daaghna?
Synonym of word daaghna are داغ دینا, داغنا, جلانا, چرکہ یا گل دینا, پَچھنا, جلن, سوختگی, افروختگی, آگ, آتش
What are the idioms related to daaghna?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word daaghna.
- Religion is a stalking horse to shoot other fowls
- Shoot the works
- Shoot
- Do not add fire to fire
- From fire comes fire