Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا meanings in English

Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا meanings in English are covenant, acknowledge, admit, confess, own Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا in English. More meanings of eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

covenant acknowledge admit confess own

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Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا Definitions

Please find 22 English and definitions related to the word Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا.

  • (verb) : accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority
  • (verb) : accept as legally binding and valid
  • (verb) : express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for
  • (verb) : report the receipt of
  • (verb) : declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
  • (verb) : express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with
  • (noun) : a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
  • (noun) : (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
  • (verb) : enter into a covenant or formal agreement
  • (verb) : enter into a covenant
  • (verb) : confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith
  • (verb) : admit (to a wrongdoing)
  • (verb) : have ownership or possession of
  • (adjective satellite) : belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive
  • (verb) : admit into a group or community
  • (verb) : have room for; hold without crowding
  • (verb) : declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
  • (verb) : serve as a means of entrance
  • (verb) : give access or entrance to
  • (verb) : afford possibility
  • (verb) : allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of
  • (verb) : allow to enter; grant entry to

More words from English related to Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا meanings in English in English.

accedeacquiescecommemorationconcededisbelieve homologatemindvenerateyieldacceptacknowledgeadmitaffordagreeallowassumebelieveconsentholdkeepobeyreceiveregardadmissiveaccededadeemingadhibitadhibitingadhibitsadmixingconceivingconjectobequitatesupputateapprobateapproveentertainendorseratifyappropriationokapprovingembracelikeconcurgrantnodrecognisesanctionundertake ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا

I am not ashamed to confess that i am ignorant of what i do not knowجِس بات کا علم نہ ہو اس کے ماننے میں کوئی شرم نہیں
He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims his own ignoranceجو اپنے عِلم کی شیخی بِگھارتا ہے دراصل اپنی جہالت ظاہر کرتا ہے
Love of praise and of one's own country are their own rewardشہرت اور وطن کی محبت کو کسی اور انعام کی ضرورت نہیں
Vice is its own punishment and sometimes its own cureبد اعمالی اپنی سزا آپ ہے اور بعض اوقات اپنا علاج بھی
Vice is its own punishment and sometimes its own cureاگر ٹھوکر کھا کر آدمی سدھر جاۓ
You must scartch your own head with your own nailsاپنا کام اپنے کئے ہی ہوتا ہے
A bad cook licks his own fingersاناڑی باورچی اپنی ہی انگلیاں چاٹتا ہے
A fox never dies in the dirt of his own ditchعقلمند اپنے ہی پھندے میں نہیں پھنستا
A prophet is not honoured in his own countryگھر کا جوگی جو گنا باہر کا جوگی سدھ
A prudent traveller never disparages his own countryعقلمند سیاح کبھی اپنے وطن کی تحقیر نہیں کرتا
Beware of him who regards not his own reputationجب اپنی اُتار لی تو دوسرے کی اتارتے کیا دیر لگتی ہے
By others faults wise men correct their ownکسی نے لقمان سے پوچھا عقل کس سے سیکھی جواب دیا بیوقوفوں سے
Cooks are not to be taught in their own kitchenدائی سے پیٹ چھپانا
Detractors are their own foes and the world's enemiesبد گو اپنے بیری دُنیا کے دشمن
Dig one own graveاپنی موت کی خود وجہ بننا
Each day brings its own breadنیا دِن نئی روزی
Each man makes his own shipwreckہر شخص خود ہی اپنی تباہی کا باعث بن جاتا ہے
Enjoy your own lotاللہ کے دیئے پر قناعت کرو
Even a single hair has its own shadowچھوٹی سے چھوٹی چیز کی بھی قیمت ہوتی ہے
Every bird likes its own nestاپنا وطن سب کو عزیز ہے
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What are the meanings of Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا in English?

Meanings of the word Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا in English are acknowledge, covenant, confess, own and admit. To understand how would you translate the word Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Eqraar karna - اقرار کرنا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by eqraar karna?

Meanings of eqraar karna are acknowledge, covenant, confess, own and admit

Whats the definition of eqraar karna?

Definition of the eqraar karna are

  • accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority
  • accept as legally binding and valid
  • express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for
  • report the receipt of
  • declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
  • express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with
  • a signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action
  • (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
  • enter into a covenant or formal agreement
  • enter into a covenant
  • confess to God in the presence of a priest, as in the Catholic faith
  • admit (to a wrongdoing)
  • have ownership or possession of
  • belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive
  • admit into a group or community
  • have room for; hold without crowding
  • declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of
  • serve as a means of entrance
  • give access or entrance to
  • afford possibility
  • allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of
  • allow to enter; grant entry to

What is the synonym of eqraar karna?

Synonym of word eqraar karna are تَسليم کَرنا, شُکَرِيَہ ادا کَرنا, اِظہارِ تَشُکَر کَرنا, اِقرار يا اعتراف کَرنا, اقرار کرنا, اعتراف کرنا, ماننا, قبول کرنا, تسلیم کرنا, لکھ دینا

What are the idioms related to eqraar karna?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word eqraar karna.

  • I am not ashamed to confess that i am ignorant of what i do not know
  • He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims his own ignorance
  • Love of praise and of one's own country are their own reward
  • Vice is its own punishment and sometimes its own cure
  • Vice is its own punishment and sometimes its own cure