Faaltu - فالتو meanings in English

Faaltu - فالتو meanings in English are farther, palladious, divinators, spareness, pallidly, unnecessary, surplus, spare, redundant, over, otiose, odd, extra, superfluous, spareful Faaltu - فالتو in English. More meanings of faaltu - فالتو, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

farther palladious divinators spareness pallidly unnecessary surplus spare redundant over otiose odd extra superfluous spareful

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Faaltu - فالتو Definitions

Please find 46 English and definitions related to the word Faaltu - فالتو.

  • (adjective satellite) : more distant in especially space or time
  • (adjective satellite) : more distant in especially degree
  • (adverb) : to or at a greater distance in time or space ( farther' is used more frequently than further' in this physical sense)
  • (adverb) : to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage ( further' is used more often than farther' in this abstract sense)
  • (adjective satellite) : beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
  • (adjective satellite) : not used up
  • (adjective satellite) : not easily explained
  • (adjective) : not divisible by two
  • (adjective satellite) : an indefinite quantity more than that specified
  • (adjective satellite) : of the remaining member of a pair
  • (adjective satellite) : producing no result or effect
  • (adjective satellite) : serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
  • (adjective satellite) : having come or been brought to a conclusion
  • (adverb) : throughout a period of time
  • (adverb) : at or to a point across intervening space etc.
  • (adverb) : throughout an area
  • (adverb) : over the entire area
  • (noun) : (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
  • (adverb) : beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position
  • (noun) : a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls
  • (noun) : an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle
  • (noun) : an extra component of a machine or other apparatus
  • (verb) : give up what is not strictly needed
  • (verb) : save or relieve from an experience or action
  • (verb) : use frugally or carefully
  • (adjective satellite) : thin and fit
  • (adjective satellite) : kept in reserve especially for emergency use
  • (adjective satellite) : more than is needed, desired, or required
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking embellishment or ornamentation
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking in magnitude or quantity
  • (adjective satellite) : serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
  • (adjective satellite) : more than is needed, desired, or required
  • (adjective satellite) : more than is needed, desired, or required
  • (adjective satellite) : further or added
  • (noun) : something additional of the same kind
  • (noun) : an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis)
  • (noun) : a minor actor in crowd scenes
  • (adverb) : unusually or exceptionally
  • (adverb) : in a manner lacking interest or vitality
  • (adjective satellite) : more than is needed, desired, or required
  • (adjective satellite) : repetition of same sense in different words
  • (noun) : the property of having little body fat
  • (noun) : the property of being scanty or scattered; lacking denseness
  • (adjective satellite) : more than is needed, desired, or required
  • (noun) : a quantity much larger than is needed
  • (adjective) : not necessary

More words related to the meanings of Faaltu - فالتو

Fartherدور سے duur sey آگے سے بہت دور سے فاصلے Fasilay فاصلے Fasile دور تر آگے aagey آگے Agee آگے Agay اور دور علاوہ elaawah علاوہ Ilawa فالتو faaltu فاضل faazil اگلا agla دیگر diigar دیگر Deegar دوسرا duusra دوسرا Doosra دوسرا Dusra مزید maziid مزید Mazeed مزید Mazidq
Oddپھٹ phit پھٹ phut پھٹ Phutt فرد fard فرد Farad اکا ikka عجیب ajiib عجیب Ajeeb بے ڈھنگا bey dhanga اضافی ezaafi اضافی izaafi فالتو faaltu غریب ghariib غریب Ghareeb غریب Gharib منحرف munharif پھٹکل phutkal پھٹکر phutkar
Otioseعملی لحاظ سے بے مقصد نا مطلوب بے عمل فضول fuzuul فضول Fazool آرام پسند aaraam pasand آرام طلب aaraam talab بے کار bey kaar فالتو faaltu کاہل kaahil کاہل Kahil سست sust
Overاوپر uupar اوپر Opar بالا baala بالا baaula پر par پر pur پر pere نکلتا Nikalta بڑھتا Barhta زیادہ zeyaadah زیادہ zeyade زیادہ Ziyada جیتا Jeeta باقی baaqi فاضل faazil سرس Saras چڑھتا charhta چڑھتا Chirdta پر سے par sey فالتو faaltu فراواں faraawaan فراواں fara waan پار paar ختم khatm ختم Khatam
Spareبَخش دینا سزا دینے سے پَرہیز کرنا کِسی چیز کا زائد ھونا بچانا bachaana بچانا Bachana چھوڑنا chhorna چھوڑنا Chorhna فالتو faaltu کوتل kotal
Superfluousفالتو faaltu فاضل faazil ضرورت سے زیادہ غیر ضروری ghaer zaruuri غیر ضروری ghgaer zaruuri غیر لازم زائد zaa ed زائد Zayed
Extraفالتو faaltu کوتل kotal ماورا maawra ماورا Mawara زائد zaa ed زائد Zayed زیادہ zeyaadah زیادہ zeyade زیادہ Ziyada اضافی ezaafi اضافی izaafi
Pallidlyفالتو faaltu
Redundantفالتو faaltu فضول fuzuul فضول Fazool وافر wufuur وافر waafir وافر Wafir زائد zaa ed زائد Zayed
Sparenessفالتو faaltu
Surplusباقی baaqi بیشی beyshi بیشی Bayshi بیشی Beshi فالتو faaltu فاضل faazil زائد zaa ed زائد Zayed
Unnecessaryبے کار bey kaar فالتو faaltu فضول fuzuul فضول Fazool غیر ضروری ghaer zaruuri غیر ضروری ghgaer zaruuri
Divinatorsفالتو faaltu
Palladiousفالتو faaltu
Sparefulفالتو faaltu

More words from English related to Faaltu - فالتو

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Faaltu - فالتو meanings in English in English.

absolveabstainacquisitiondisuse divorce emitemancipateeschew evacuateforgive forgoletliberateomitventwaiveabandonabdicateavoiddesertdischargeditchevict forsakegive upleavelet gopardonquitreleaserelinquishrenderresignset asideshootspareyieldabjointdisendowforslackquitingquittingdiscedeabundantmuchnumerousprolificwantlessabundanceample ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Faaltu - فالتو

Odd come short odd evenمختصر بقیہ بظا ہر کچھ نہ ہونا
Spare to speak and spare the speedبن روۓ ماں بھی بچے کو دودھ نہیں پلاتی
Good luck reaches farther than long armsتدبیر سے تقدیر بڑی
Nearer the church farther from godچراغ تلے اندھیرا
Odd and evenموقعے کی بات
Odd fellow at oddsپرانا رفیق متغیر
Odd meansغلط ذرائع
The nearer the church the farther from godچراغ تلے اندھیرا
The priest goes no farther than the churchمُلا کی دوڑ مسجد تک
Over and overکئی بار
Over and over againبہت دفعہ
Over big over lowاعتدال سے تجاوز خرابی کا باعث ہونا ہے
Over fast over looseشتابی میں خرابی
Over shoes over bootsاوکھلی میں سرد یا تو موسلوں سے کیا ڈر
Time and again over and over again again and againبار بار دوبارہ سے مڑ مڑ کر
Buy what you do not want and you will sell what you cannot spareفضول خرچ ہمیشہ تنگ دست رہتا ہے
Enough and to spareکافی مقدار میں
Ever spare ever haveنت بچائے نت پائے
He that buys what he does not want often sells what he cannot spareبِلا ضرورت چیزیں خریدنے والے کو اکثر ضروریات فروخت کرنی پڑتیں ہیں
Jests spare no oneمذاق کا نشانہ کون نہیں بنتا
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What are the meanings of Faaltu - فالتو in English?

Meanings of the word Faaltu - فالتو in English are farther, odd, otiose, over, spare, superfluous, extra, pallidly, redundant, spareness, surplus, unnecessary, divinators, palladious and spareful. To understand how would you translate the word Faaltu - فالتو in English, you can take help from words closely related to Faaltu - فالتو or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Faaltu - فالتو synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Faaltu - فالتو. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Faaltu - فالتو in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Faaltu - فالتو in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Faaltu - فالتو with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by faaltu?

Meanings of faaltu are farther, odd, otiose, over, spare, superfluous, extra, pallidly, redundant, spareness, surplus, unnecessary, divinators, palladious and spareful

Whats the definition of faaltu?

Definition of the faaltu are

  • more distant in especially space or time
  • more distant in especially degree
  • to or at a greater distance in time or space ( farther' is used more frequently than further' in this physical sense)
  • to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage ( further' is used more often than farther' in this abstract sense)
  • beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
  • not used up
  • not easily explained
  • not divisible by two
  • an indefinite quantity more than that specified
  • of the remaining member of a pair
  • producing no result or effect
  • serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
  • having come or been brought to a conclusion
  • throughout a period of time
  • at or to a point across intervening space etc.
  • throughout an area
  • over the entire area
  • (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
  • beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position
  • a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls
  • an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle
  • an extra component of a machine or other apparatus
  • give up what is not strictly needed
  • save or relieve from an experience or action
  • use frugally or carefully
  • thin and fit
  • kept in reserve especially for emergency use
  • more than is needed, desired, or required
  • lacking embellishment or ornamentation
  • lacking in magnitude or quantity
  • serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being
  • more than is needed, desired, or required
  • more than is needed, desired, or required
  • further or added
  • something additional of the same kind
  • an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis)
  • a minor actor in crowd scenes
  • unusually or exceptionally
  • in a manner lacking interest or vitality
  • more than is needed, desired, or required
  • repetition of same sense in different words
  • the property of having little body fat
  • the property of being scanty or scattered; lacking denseness
  • more than is needed, desired, or required
  • a quantity much larger than is needed
  • not necessary

What is the synonym of faaltu?

Synonym of word faaltu are دور سے, آگے سے, بہت دور سے, فاصلے, دور تر, آگے, اور دور, علاوہ, فالتو, فاضل

What are the idioms related to faaltu?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word faaltu.

  • Odd come short odd even
  • Spare to speak and spare the speed
  • Good luck reaches farther than long arms
  • Nearer the church farther from god
  • Odd and even