Farzi - فرضی meanings in English
Farzi - فرضی meanings in English are artificial, obligatory, putative, romantic, supposed, fictitiously, hypotonic, hypotactic, nictitates, hypognatous, hyponitrous, nominal, mythical, fabulous, false, hypothetic, imaginary, legendary, moral, assumed, fictitious, hypothetical, imperative, hypothecated Farzi - فرضی in English. More meanings of farzi - فرضی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
artificial obligatory putative romantic supposed fictitiously hypotonic hypotactic nictitates hypognatous hyponitrous nominal mythical fabulous false hypothetic imaginary legendary moral assumed fictitious hypothetical imperative hypothecated
Farzi - فرضی Definitions
Please find 51 English and definitions related to the word Farzi - فرضی.
- (adjective satellite) : extremely pleasing
- (adjective satellite) : based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity
- (adjective satellite) : barely credible
- (adjective satellite) : designed to deceive
- (adjective) : not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality
- (adjective satellite) : erroneous and usually accidental
- (adjective satellite) : (used especially of persons) not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful
- (adjective satellite) : arising from error
- (adjective satellite) : inaccurate in pitch
- (adjective satellite) : not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article
- (adjective satellite) : inappropriate to reality or facts
- (adverb) : in a disloyal and faithless manner
- (adjective satellite) : formed or conceived by the imagination
- (adjective satellite) : based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- (noun) : (mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1
- (adjective satellite) : not based on fact; existing only in the imagination
- (noun) : some duty that is essential and urgent
- (noun) : a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior
- (adjective) : relating to verbs in the imperative mood
- (adjective) : requiring attention or action
- (adjective satellite) : so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend
- (adjective satellite) : celebrated in fable or legend
- (noun) : the significance of a story or event
- (adjective) : concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles
- (adjective satellite) : psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect
- (adjective satellite) : required by obligation or compulsion or convention
- (adjective) : morally or legally constraining or binding
- (noun) : a soulful or amorous idealist
- (adjective) : belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the Romantic movement in the arts
- (adjective satellite) : expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
- (noun) : an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism
- (adjective satellite) : not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
- (adjective satellite) : based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- (adjective satellite) : doubtful or suspect
- (adjective satellite) : mistakenly believed
- (adjective satellite) : required or under orders
- (adverb) : in a fictional manner (created by the imagination)
- (adverb) : in a false manner intended to mislead
- (adjective satellite) : based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- (noun) : a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.
- (adjective) : (of a solution) having a lower osmotic pressure than a comparison solution
- (adjective) : (of living tissue) lacking normal tone or tension
- (adjective satellite) : based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity
- (noun) : a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
- (adjective satellite) : existing in name only
- (adjective) : pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun
- (adjective) : relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name
- (adjective satellite) : named; bearing the name of a specific person
- (adjective satellite) : insignificantly small; a matter of form only ( tokenish' is informal)
- (adjective) : of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation
- (adjective satellite) : purported; commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds
More words related to the meanings of Farzi - فرضی
More words from English related to Farzi - فرضی
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Farzi - فرضی meanings in English in English.
academicliterarymoralaeriformconjecturaldreamerfancierfantastfictionalimaginaryopiniativephantasmalquixoticspeculativevisionaryfancifulfantasticfantasticalfictiveghostlyhallucinativeidealidealisticillusionaryinsubstantialmentalmythicalnotionalunrealunrealisticutopianvaporousviewydreamfulfanciablefantasyingfeticidalimaginalimaginervisionalwellingsimaginousairygroundlessfanciedartificialfabulousfalsefictitioushokey ... pretentiousstrainedsyntheticcontrivedfactitiousman madeunnaturalartificialnessartifactualprefigurativeproconsularprostheonsaniclesynestheticsyntheticalprettifiedprotheticsyntonicartificiousgenuflectedpontificialproditorysynthermalrhetorictextureimitativemockspuriousbastardbogusdudfabricatedfakefallowpostichepseudorecordedshamshoddytraditionalunorignalduplicitoussimulatedfacinorousimmingledimpingentmimeticalsimulantsimulantssimulatessimulatingsimulatorycentuplicatedduplicativereduplicativesimulationbindingjustneedfulobligatoryvenerablewarrantableduedue amountincumbentindispensableordainedobligerindewobligantobligementobliquedobliquingcompulsoryessentialimportantinescapableinevitableintransitivenecessaryrequisiteunavoidablebuiltmademanufacturedsophisticatedsurreptitiouswroughtmade incautionaryimperativestressfulstringenturgentcertainlyimportantlymustabsolutelyayeindeedsurelychorefunctionnecessityobligationsdivine ordinancedutyon handincumbencymoral obligationresponsibilitystatutesuppositionassuetudesassumpsitassuefactionsupposurecivilizedcourteousgenteelgracefulmannerlypresentableurbaneblandcouthdebonairdecenthendnicenobbypoliteworthypoignanceprissilycourteddolenthumblerhumbleshumblessehumblesthumitehumliesmeekenedmeekeningmeekermeekestpollentposhestfavoressnocentlyclamantfundamentalconstituentmainneedfullyvitalvitallyrequireresentialnecessitatedrequisitiveconsequentialcompulsiveintrinsiccompartmentalcompartmentalisedcompartmentalizedcompendiousinculpatorynecessitarianimpulsoryintegralsmandiblesmanducablepotatoryrequitefulsanatoryascessancyascessantasseverativecomplacentialcompulsativecompulsatorydepulsoryimmarcescibleimperativalimpetrativemanducatorymundatoryconclusiveultimatedecisivedefinitedefinitivelastunconditionalunmitigatedutterverypreclusivemercuratepolelesscordialheartfeltheartyinmostcardiologiccardiopulmonarycardiovascularcardiolgycorruptcorruptedfeloniousnefariousdefectivedishonestfaultyfraudulentinfamousphoneyspitefulconfigurationfigureguisemannermodetenorappearancebehaviourcharacterchiccuttingdemeanourfashionfoundinggarbnatureposturesituationstancestatestylevoguemodiusmodussceatthypothetichypotheticalschematicsuppositionaldistinct glaringsignalavowedfamedfamoushistoricillustriousknownlegendarynamednoblenotednoteworthyproclaimedputativeaccoutredcelestiterenownedfathomedrenownersrenowningreputedcelebriousfamblefamousedfamularfamulistrenownfulreprehensivedictatorialmagisteriallymagisteriatauthoritativeauthoritativelycommandinglyimperiousjudiciallymagisterialpraetoriandiffidentdistrustful mistrustfulmoodypyrrhonistqueasyquaintscepticflightysuperstitiouswhimsicaldisobedientferalimmoderateimpertinentinordinateintractableirrestrainableloose cannonobstreperousoutspokenrampantromanticunbridleduncontrolledunmanageablewildunbarrelledunbigoteduncombableuninspiringunmovingunmutilatedunruffledunstiltedunstintingunstintinglyunstrainunstringunstrungunsympathisinguntimberedfirmlessplaintlessreinlesssurgelessunassayedunbetteredunbittedunbridlesunbridlingunbrokenlyunbruisedunguardunladedunpillowedunreturnedunruffleunscrupledunsoddenunstayedunstayingunsteelsunsterileunstilledunstowingbribelesscurdlessinexecutioninexhaustiveinextensionirresistlessstainlesslystipendlessstricklessunboweleduncorruptibleuncustomableuninteressedunmercilessunremorselessunstillunstingdroll gesticgrotesquemarvellousmarvelousphenomenalqueerstrangesurprisingbizarreextraordinarymiraculousmonstrousoddoutlandishportentousprodigiousrareunaccountableunfamiliaruniquewackowonderfulabaticawedawlwortfreakishfreakishlyfreakypeculationrorqualweirdieweirdyawkwarderawkwardestawkwardishawrongaxiniteazotousdudishflabbiestflawiestfrabjousfreakfulfreakiestmajesticalodalodderoddestodicorgulouspactionalpeccanciespeculatedpeculatespeculiumpecuniousperkieststrangestunnestweirdedweirdingweirdsalacriousalgificawklycespititiousdisemboguingexcoriablefratricidalfrenzicalodiblepecularizedphalangiouspictishpicturesquishpyrexicalspakyvesiculouswitfulwittseffectivemanageablemandatoryministrantethicethicalmoralisedmoralisermoralizedmoralizermoralledmorallerelenchicalfallacious feigned knaveliarlyingoscillationslanderousalloyedbraggartduplictiousfaithlesshalf eateninconsistentinsinceremendaciousuntrueuntruthfulvainfalselyfalsestlierliadaccustomedconventionalold schoolordinaryconventionalisationconventionaliseconventionalisedconventionalizationconventionalizeconventionalizedconventualtraditionalisticledgyrunciblepreadmonishpreventionaltraditionaryfabricatesfricassedapocryphalforgedkitschfakeerfakerfakeryfalsiefalsifiablefalsifierfattishforficatephonydummyingfacsimiledfagaceousfaggotedfagotedfakedfakersfakesfakingfalsidicalfalsiesfalsifiedfalsifiersfalsifiesfaucialfordedforfairedforgetiveforjudgedspoofedcounterfeitedcounterfeitlyfalsaryfalsificatorfictiousforwakedfoutyimposturydemissionarylegendistlegendryfigaryillusiveillusorynonentitysurrealexsanguinefictionalisationfictionalisefictionalizesurrealistsurrealisticunrealisedunrealizedunromanticuntactfuluxorialfaunalungenuineunrealiseunrealisesunrealizessuperethicalfamiliarknown asleading offreputablereputedlyreputativereputativelygneiusdispensionpeculiarityqualitytalenttempertraitshypothesissurmisesupposedassumptiondatumguessassumptivehypotensivehypothesisepresumptivehypothecatingpresupposedsuppositiveundoubtedlyideasubjectivehighbrowintellectualnoeticmentholatedmentorialidealistideologicaltheoreticspokespersonperemptorypositiveaddictioncustomhabitpracticeroutineusagewonthabitabilityhabitushabituatesadustionhabiitancyhabilitationhabitaklehabitancehabituremotiveaimanimusdesigndesiredestinationgoalimplicationintentintentionmeaningobjectivepurposeejectivemottemottoedobjectivationpurposernegligiblenuncupativeinsignificantmodicumnominalnominallynext to nothingperfunctorynominalismnominalistnominalisticnomicnominalisenominatelynomogenynomoinamationnomenclatressnomialnominativalnominorineluctableunacceptableunbearableindispensabilityindispensablenessimportunableindevoteinevasibleromaniromanicromanishmade upchasteuncorruptuncorruptedself appointedself constitutedself styledself cconsistentself createdself devised
Idioms related to the meaning of Farzi - فرضی
What are the meanings of Farzi - فرضی in English?
Meanings of the word Farzi - فرضی in English are artificial, fabulous, false, fictitious, hypothetic, imaginary, imperative, legendary, moral, obligatory, romantic, supposed, assumed, fictitiously, hypothetical, hypotonic, mythical, nominal, putative, hypotactic, nictitates, hypognatous, hyponitrous and hypothecated. To understand how would you translate the word Farzi - فرضی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Farzi - فرضی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Farzi - فرضی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Farzi - فرضی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Farzi - فرضی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Farzi - فرضی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Farzi - فرضی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by farzi?
Meanings of farzi are artificial, fabulous, false, fictitious, hypothetic, imaginary, imperative, legendary, moral, obligatory, romantic, supposed, assumed, fictitiously, hypothetical, hypotonic, mythical, nominal, putative, hypotactic, nictitates, hypognatous, hyponitrous and hypothecated
Whats the definition of farzi?
Definition of the farzi are
- extremely pleasing
- based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity
- barely credible
- designed to deceive
- not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality
- erroneous and usually accidental
- (used especially of persons) not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful
- arising from error
- inaccurate in pitch
- not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article
- inappropriate to reality or facts
- in a disloyal and faithless manner
- formed or conceived by the imagination
- based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- (mathematics) a number of the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1
- not based on fact; existing only in the imagination
- some duty that is essential and urgent
- a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior
- relating to verbs in the imperative mood
- requiring attention or action
- so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend
- celebrated in fable or legend
- the significance of a story or event
- concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles
- psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect
- required by obligation or compulsion or convention
- morally or legally constraining or binding
- a soulful or amorous idealist
- belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the Romantic movement in the arts
- expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
- an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism
- not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
- based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- doubtful or suspect
- mistakenly believed
- required or under orders
- in a fictional manner (created by the imagination)
- in a false manner intended to mislead
- based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence
- a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.
- (of a solution) having a lower osmotic pressure than a comparison solution
- (of living tissue) lacking normal tone or tension
- based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity
- a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb
- existing in name only
- pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun
- relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name
- named; bearing the name of a specific person
- insignificantly small; a matter of form only ( tokenish' is informal)
- of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation
- purported; commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds
What is the synonym of farzi?
Synonym of word farzi are مصنوعی, فرضی, بناوٹی, نقلی, نقب, پرتصنوع, ساختہ, حَيرَت اَنگيز, ناقابِلِ اعتبار, تعَجُب خَيز
What are the idioms related to farzi?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word farzi.
- False in one particular false in every particular
- Nominal par
- Moral faculty
- Moral law
- Moral necessity