Fitrat - فطرت meanings in English
Fitrat - فطرت meanings in English are artfulness, inherency, innateness, naturism, natalities, natiform, natures, connaturality, connaturalness, naturality, natureless, wisdom, sagacity, machination, make, preposterous, ruse, sliness, creation, deceit, instinct, intrigue, nature, naturity Fitrat - فطرت in English. More meanings of fitrat - فطرت, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
artfulness inherency innateness naturism natalities natiform natures connaturality connaturalness naturality natureless wisdom sagacity machination make preposterous ruse sliness creation deceit instinct intrigue nature naturity
Fitrat - فطرت Definitions
Please find 75 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Fitrat - فطرت.
- (noun) : the quality of being adroit in taking unfair advantage
- (noun) : the event that occurred at the beginning of something
- (noun) : (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
- (noun) : the human act of creating
- (noun) : an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
- (noun) : everything that exists anywhere
- (noun) : a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
- (verb) : make by combining materials and parts
- (verb) : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner
- (verb) : earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
- (verb) : develop into
- (verb) : create by artistic means
- (verb) : make or cause to be or to become
- (verb) : perform or carry out
- (verb) : make, formulate, or derive in the mind
- (verb) : institute, enact, or establish
- (verb) : reach a destination, either real or abstract
- (verb) : achieve a point or goal
- (verb) : give certain properties to something
- (verb) : organize or be responsible for
- (noun) : a recognizable kind
- (verb) : proceed along a path
- (verb) : appear to begin an activity
- (verb) : carry out or commit
- (verb) : form by assembling individuals or constituents
- (verb) : constitute the essence of
- (verb) : amount to
- (verb) : be or be capable of being changed or made into
- (verb) : put in order or neaten
- (verb) : add up to
- (verb) : be suitable for
- (verb) : undergo fabrication or creation
- (verb) : change from one form into another
- (verb) : favor the development of
- (verb) : cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable
- (verb) : calculate as being
- (verb) : consider as being
- (verb) : eliminate urine
- (verb) : represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like
- (verb) : assure the success of
- (verb) : behave in a certain way
- (verb) : act in a certain way so as to acquire
- (verb) : compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
- (verb) : make by shaping or bringing together constituents
- (verb) : gather and light the materials for
- (verb) : head into a specified direction
- (verb) : charge with a function; charge to be
- (verb) : reach a goal
- (verb) : to compose or represent
- (noun) : the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
- (noun) : the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized
- (noun) : a particular type of thing
- (noun) : the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.
- (noun) : a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe
- (adjective satellite) : so unreasonable as to invite derision
- (noun) : a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
- (noun) : the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
- (noun) : the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
- (noun) : ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight
- (noun) : the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
- (noun) : the quality of being prudent and sensible
- (noun) : accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
- (noun) : an Apocryphal book consisting mainly of a meditation on wisdom; although ascribed to Solomon it was probably written in the first century BC
- (noun) : the act of deceiving
- (noun) : a misleading falsehood
- (noun) : the quality of being fraudulent
- (noun) : the state of inhering; the state of being a fixed characteristic
- (noun) : the quality of being innate
- (noun) : inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
- (adjective satellite) : (followed by with') deeply filled or permeated
- (verb) : form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner
- (verb) : cause to be interested or curious
- (noun) : a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
- (noun) : a clandestine love affair
- (noun) : going without clothes as a social practice
- عقل یا معمولی فہم و فراست کے خلاف
More words related to the meanings of Fitrat - فطرت
More words from English related to Fitrat - فطرت
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Fitrat - فطرت meanings in English in English.
abjurecategorygenderoathvowcantongenrekindnaturepledgeplightportionsortspeciestypeswaresypeabsurditybawdyabsurdirrationalirrationalitypreposterousdewatersaccompanimentconditioneventstanceaccountaffectionmoodnarrativeparticularspositionpostureprospectqualityremarkreportsituationstatestatementstoryactmangrovemoulderoperatecommitdomake ... make doto rendactivenessagilityartfulnessfleetnessforwardnessfriskinessmanoeuvrepromptitudequirkinessruseslinessalacrityclevernesscraftinessdeftnessfoxinessfraudknacklivelinessmanipulationpertnesstacttactfulnesswilfulnessanimatenesspaltrinesssmarminesstrickinessclerkesscleruchyploidyploverypluviousslickeningsmarteningchalcographyclergialclerklinesscullyismimbecilitateincogitancyincogitativityinvigilancyplatnessaffectationartificialityconstructionconcoctionconformationdispositionedificationequipmentfacefalsification feignfeint fictionfigmentforgingmanufactureshamtextureaffectblandishmentconstitutionexaggerationfabricmake upmakingputting on airssimulationstructurestructuraltexturedtextlesstexturestexturingtexturisetexturisedtexturisestexturizedtexturizesformatgetupsetupconfigurationshapesubstructureconstructurefructureaffiliateconstituteconstructcreateerectfablefabricatefoundframemanufacturesmouldbuildcoinconfigureedifyforgeinitiatelaughproducevampfabricatingmeakingariseengender fatherfindgaingenerategrowpropagateswakenacquirebreedearnelicitgetinventmanifestprocreateprocureteemyieldarousinggeneratingingenerateproducingaggregate numberconcurrenceconfluencecontiguitycouplingcounterpartjoinderjoiningjointjunctionlimbmachinationmatchpairpatchseamadditionconnectionconnectednesscontenderinosculationjuncturekinshipknuckleknuckle jointlinklinkagemarrowsolderingsumsuturetotaladdlesfoldedjoiningsjointsfolded upapparitioncontourconjunctureemblemeventualityfigureguiselikelihoodlinementmannerphasephasissemblancesymmetryappearancecasecountenanceformgestaltlikenessmienmodalityprocesseffigy ideasimilitudeaspectdiagramfeatureformationget upimagemodemodelnumeralpatternvarietywayshape upamorphismaquariusbucketschemedholldooldoolearrivalaccessadmissioncapacityextentpowerrangereachsagacityimposturejugglerycircumventiondeceptionguilequackerypearlinessartartificecraftcraftyindustryskilltradechouscross bitehoaxhypocrisyillusionjugglelegerdemaincheatingdeceitdeceivingdouble dealingfallowgriftliemountebankerynetspooftricktrickerywiledelusivewilefuldecededecencedesudationcheathuskbirthcreatureemanationgenerationgenesisgenesgrowthnativitycreationearninggenitureproductionafterbirthbirthwortbirthsbirthdomcross birthblessinggracekindnessbountyexcellenceincreaserewardsuperiorityvirtuewisdomfountbountreebountyhoodegoentityessence personasibstrainsubstantivecastedenominationhypostasisselvessubstanceverybroilcorruptiondiscordfracasmischiefruckustainttermagancybrawldissension disturbancehorrorinequityinsurgencyintriguekick upmeleemischievousnessoutbreakquarrelrebellionriotseditionstrifeviolencewickednessriotryriotisecaparisonapparatusmusical instrumentorgancaptivatecharmdeludefascinateglamourceremonialgadgetmotionmovemovementpassagespeedstepstrategysubterfugeactivityanticconductcustomfashiongaitgimmickryindirectionshenaniganstratagemtacticwalkcrickfricktrick upwieldychalgimmeriddancestricklettricksierstricktrickmenttricktrackgimmickmiragemisconceitmisgivingmisguidancemisrepresentationmistakecatchdelusioneye washfallacyimpositionjapechivalrypersonagecharacterhabitpersonalityrolerolesbetrayaldouble crosswaterdiversion duplicityhoodwinkingsophistryburnsmakeshiftexpediencypolicystrategianstrategicsstrategiesstrategeticalstrategeticsstrategiclear sightednessdiscernmentacumenacutenessinsightkeennouspenetrationperceptionunderstandingwitconfederacyconspiracymisalliancecabalcollusioncomplotconcordplotconcupiscenceconspectusintriguerintriganteconspersionconspicuityconspissationconcoctersconcoctorsmoraltenorbehaviourchiccuttingdemeanourfoundinggarbstylevoguemodiusmodussceattcruxentanglementgruelimplexionimplicationkinkwater gruelcoilcomplicationconjeecurlcurvedifficultyfoldindirectnessintorsionnullscrewslewtorsiontwistvolutionwimplepaschpatchedpatchingpatchoulyschlockscrewingbachingleachesmatchetspatchespatchingspatchworkspaunchespechpechsperchingpleuchscreaksscreechesscreichscreighscrewerscrewingsscrewsscrowsscutchscutchesspewstachesboltcreancecreticsfolkpublicmultitudemacrocosmworlduniversecosmismminiversuniversesuniversologymusterassetdissectionkerfrecisiondiscriminationintellectundersphereconsciousnessgneiusidiosyncrasytemperaturegingerhealthhumourmettlepridetempertemperamenttonetrimtemperamelioritymoodiertemperabletemperatedtemperatestemperertempererstimorsomemoodishlydroopgravitatehookleanoverhangslopetendvergebowcondescendinclinekneellanguishlobpropendreclineslouchstooptiltwiltbinkbendearth eruditelearnedletteredliteraryliteratorknowerknowinglearned personperiodregionssavantscholarwiseevasion pretextalibicauseexcusemaskpretencesalvostalepretexfaregiveholdjourneymarchcomegopaceproceedruntreadlikewalkstokingtreadingstreadlingfattenfurnishconcoctprepareprepucepropping upinauratepreposingmaking uphumbuginsincerityquizforeclosureligationphraseologybondcompositionconstraintlimitationobstructionphraselogyplanqualmrestrictionclosuredebarmentclosingsclosuresdebarmentsdebarringoutagescloshincloisteroffuscationinventionnewnessinventivenessinventibleinventressdigladiationelengenessingenerationinitioninventiblenessinveterationmodishnesspathwaytechniquebreedinglawmethodmodus operandithringchurlishflagknowledgelearningliteratureproficiencysciencesvexillumbannerdoctrinekithloresciencestandardknowingnessknowledgeabilityknowledgeablenessforcemightabilityauthoritycommanddivine powerstrengthfundamentwhatwhichwhobeingexistencequekonwhosovisagedispensionpeculiaritytalenttraitsgrudgehostilitytaxaffinityanimosityantagonismattachmentcorrelationill feelingloverelationrelevancyloggedevicedisguise quibbletrepanjudgementgumptionmindreasonsensecommonsensei.q.intellectioniqinscienceintellectsuniquesunsciencejudiciousnesssensiblesnesswisenesscognitionleaningprintprinterprintingstampingtaboretslittlemicropigmeancommon senseintelligencejuniorminutesavvysmallyoungobviationwheyantidotebrachiationbreak evensmash upparbreakparbreakedparbreakssmashesallitrationepigramingenuityquirkuniversalfibberymixturesynthesisdecoctionrecipesyntagmsyntagmasynthesistsynthetismsyntagmatasyntansyntanssyntexissynthesessyntheticssynthetisesynthronussyntoniessyntonisesyntonisessyntonizessyntonysynanthesissyntomyturcismcompassdividerbodystatureadvanceget onmake wayprogressmake headwayonwardnessproliferatemanipulateconspirejockeymachinatecontrivancemanipulablemaniplesmanipularmanipulatedmanipulatingmanipulatorymurderwaitambushmaximphilosophytalediplomacyginmayamoolahmaiamyagypdastardydappernessdastardlinessdastardlybavardagebetternessdisgorgesdiaphaneitygrumousnesssequaciousnessvillanousnessspecificationapprehensionecstasyinstinctintuitionrapturesublimationatonementcandourcatharisisclaritycleanlinesscleansingconservancydefecationdefencedestructioninnocenceluciditynattinessneatnessreconciliationruinsmoothnessvividnesbackbitingcunningnessslynessdeportmentmannerscreatedcritterformedmassespeoplewightbeingscreaturesmagicmiraclegnosisevil spiritshadowinstinctioninstinctivitypersecutionslander
Idioms related to the meaning of Fitrat - فطرت
What are the meanings of Fitrat - فطرت in English?
Meanings of the word Fitrat - فطرت in English are artfulness, creation, machination, make, nature, preposterous, ruse, sagacity, sliness, wisdom, deceit, inherency, innateness, instinct, intrigue, naturism, natalities, natiform, natures, connaturality, connaturalness, naturality, natureless and naturity. To understand how would you translate the word Fitrat - فطرت in English, you can take help from words closely related to Fitrat - فطرت or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Fitrat - فطرت synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Fitrat - فطرت. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Fitrat - فطرت in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Fitrat - فطرت in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Fitrat - فطرت with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by fitrat?
Meanings of fitrat are artfulness, creation, machination, make, nature, preposterous, ruse, sagacity, sliness, wisdom, deceit, inherency, innateness, instinct, intrigue, naturism, natalities, natiform, natures, connaturality, connaturalness, naturality, natureless and naturity
Whats the definition of fitrat?
Definition of the fitrat are
- the quality of being adroit in taking unfair advantage
- the event that occurred at the beginning of something
- (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
- the human act of creating
- an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone
- everything that exists anywhere
- a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
- make by combining materials and parts
- cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner
- earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages
- develop into
- create by artistic means
- make or cause to be or to become
- perform or carry out
- make, formulate, or derive in the mind
- institute, enact, or establish
- reach a destination, either real or abstract
- achieve a point or goal
- give certain properties to something
- organize or be responsible for
- a recognizable kind
- proceed along a path
- appear to begin an activity
- carry out or commit
- form by assembling individuals or constituents
- constitute the essence of
- amount to
- be or be capable of being changed or made into
- put in order or neaten
- add up to
- be suitable for
- undergo fabrication or creation
- change from one form into another
- favor the development of
- cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable
- calculate as being
- consider as being
- eliminate urine
- represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like
- assure the success of
- behave in a certain way
- act in a certain way so as to acquire
- compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
- make by shaping or bringing together constituents
- gather and light the materials for
- head into a specified direction
- charge with a function; charge to be
- reach a goal
- to compose or represent
- the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
- the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized
- a particular type of thing
- the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.
- a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe
- so unreasonable as to invite derision
- a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
- the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating
- the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
- ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight
- the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
- the quality of being prudent and sensible
- accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment
- an Apocryphal book consisting mainly of a meditation on wisdom; although ascribed to Solomon it was probably written in the first century BC
- the act of deceiving
- a misleading falsehood
- the quality of being fraudulent
- the state of inhering; the state of being a fixed characteristic
- the quality of being innate
- inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
- (followed by with') deeply filled or permeated
- form intrigues (for) in an underhand manner
- cause to be interested or curious
- a crafty and involved plot to achieve your (usually sinister) ends
- a clandestine love affair
- going without clothes as a social practice
- عقل یا معمولی فہم و فراست کے خلاف
What is the synonym of fitrat?
Synonym of word fitrat are عیاری, چالاکی, فیلسوفی, حرفت, فطرت, فریب, چھل, روباہ بازی, پھلاسڑے باز, صفائ
What are the idioms related to fitrat?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word fitrat.
- Ill natures never want a tutor
- Women have a heavenly instinct for sympathising with misfortune
- Talking comes by nature silence by wisdom
- Nature passes nature
- A rogue always suspects deceit