Ghazab - غضب meanings in English
Ghazab - غضب meanings in English are displeasure, rage, ire, infuriation, indignation, cataclysm, calamity, tantrum, hotness, fury, furiousness, wrath Ghazab - غضب in English. More meanings of ghazab - غضب, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
displeasure rage ire infuriation indignation cataclysm calamity tantrum hotness fury furiousness wrath
Ghazab - غضب Definitions
Please find 25 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Ghazab - غضب.
- (noun) : the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something
- (noun) : the property of being wild or turbulent
- (noun) : state of violent mental agitation
- (noun) : the property of being wild or turbulent
- (noun) : a feeling of intense anger
- (noun) : (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals
- (noun) : a hot spiciness
- (noun) : the presence of heat
- (noun) : belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- (noun) : a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
- (noun) : a feeling of intense anger
- (noun) : something that is desired intensely
- (verb) : behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
- (noun) : violent state of the elements
- (noun) : a state of extreme anger
- (verb) : be violent; as of fires and storms
- (verb) : feel intense anger
- (noun) : a display of bad temper
- (noun) : belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- (noun) : intense anger (usually on an epic scale)
- (noun) : an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
- (noun) : a sudden violent change in the earth's surface
- (noun) : an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
- (noun) : a feeling of righteous anger
- (noun) : a feeling of intense anger
- برہم مزاجی کا زبردست مظاہرہ
More words related to the meanings of Ghazab - غضب
More words from English related to Ghazab - غضب
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Ghazab - غضب meanings in English in English.
acerbityactivenessagilitycelerityescalationfierinessfleetnessforwardnessfriskinessfuriousnessglibnesshotnesshurryimpetuositykeennessmordacitypiercingnesspiquancypungencyvehemencevelocityzealotismacuityasperityclevernessflippancyfuryhasteheatlivelinessnimblenesspertnesspoignancyquicknessrapiditysharpnessspeedswiftnessvividnesvolatilityrapidnessexpeditenessrapacesfastoutragousnessrabidnessrampageviolencegruffnessactuation ... ignitionprovocationsagitationcombustioninfuriationprovocationacuminationaggravationgrievousnessgrossnessoppressivenessenormityhardnesshighnessintensificationintensityintensivenessplethorarigourseverityvigourextremenessintensifyingintensionpliantnessseityseminalityintensatingintensationintensenesssegnitudesegnityseveritiesafflictiondisasterfashillmisadventuremischancemisfortunemishappestaccidentadversecalamitycatastrophedistress epidemyevilhardshipmenacemiseryoppressionvexationcalamintcalamistrationpinchadversitybaledifficultyhot waterplightsufferingtroublevisitationpliancyvengeancewrathwrathinessmastbatcatinsignianuisancescourgetrialappulsebruisebumpdamageimpetusimpingementimpulseimpulsionstartlebereavementblowcollisionconcussionhurtjarshocktraumatraumataaggrievancearduousnessburdensomenesscallousnessfirmnessmainnastinessobduracyrockinesssharplyharshnessinclemencyinflexibilityinhumanitypressurerigidityseverenessstiffnessstrengthstrictnessstricturestringencyvisausterenessdifficultnessfiercenessfraternisegrudginghardheartednesshardinesshardingharshenonerousnessrigidificationrigidnessrigorousnessrigourousnesssomnolencesorcerisesordidnessstaunchnesssternutationstoutnessstrenuousnesssturdinesstightfistednesstoilingtoilsomenesstorpidnessausterestbrutenessbrutercurstnessexerguehardbeamshardenshardgrasshardimenthardishharsheningirefulnesspitchinessriggishrigidifiedrigidifiesrigorismsortilegysternedsterningsternsstiesstiffenersstiffensstiltinessstiltishstiltystimedstoninessstoutenstouteningstrenuitystrictishstricturesstrigiformstrigosestrudelsstruntstubbingstumpinesssturttensilitytoiledtoilstorridnessuntoilingvehemencycrustaceousnessexacerbescencehard tackharddihoodhardfavorednessinexertionstiff neckednessstifftailstintednessstraughtstrictionstriklestrullstrumousnesssturtiontarditytralucencyarousalemotionirritationstimulationturbulenceebullitionexcitementfrissonhysteriapassionruffseethetempestblotchblemishblotblotscauterizationcauterydiscolorationescharfleckmarktainttarnishebotchbrandgriefinfamylossmaculamoilescarspeckspotstainstigmablemishedindentionmolalitystainerstainingblemishesmolalitiesscarringstainersstainingsstainsstintsstunstarnsblemishmentcalefactionfervourfeverishnesssummerwarmthangerburningfervencyragewarmnesszingafterheatheatednessheathendomheatheniseheatsheezinginsheathereheatsgormgurmyheathenishnessheathennessheterarchynotwheatsummerlinessfever glowardourtemperaturearabilitycaloriccalumniationcaliologycaloricityheathenrywarmingspabulationeffervescenceemotionalityenthusiasm fermentationfervorflare upflushoutbreakparoxysmrapturevervvervevivacityboilingcoctionditherelanfrenzygustolustspiritednessvimzealastringescaloriea calorycasecontingencyoccasionoccurenceepisodehaphazardhappeningmisventureoccurrencephenomenontragedycrashingaccidentalityaccidentalnesscatfallchivalrychagrinconfusionsullennessumbragebrahmiembryousindignancyhuffindignationirepiquecrazinesserotomaniamaniaphrenitisinsanitylunacymadnesszealotryobsessivitymadgesobsessesobsessionsdistractioneccentricityfaddismidiocyphobiawhimcrankcrazederangementfatuityflamfoolishnessgawkinessidiosyncrasylunaticmonomaniaobsessionwackinesswhimsycrimecriminalityguiltmisdeedsinfault iniquitypopdisapprovaldispleasure dissatisfactiondisinclinationdisgustdisagreeablenessdisagreeingunpleasantnessunpleasingnessilliteraciesmoodvillainessanilenessdisgustfulnessdistemperancesotterydislikemalcontentednessannoyancehuffinessmiffmoodinessskittishnesscroupinessgloomresentmentvexednesswoehyplugubriousnessmopishnessruefulnesstediousnessdoldrumsdournesssadisticsorrowfulnessgloomthsadnessrunninggrievanceenmitymisunderstandingunpleasentnessragingrotherrappagerazureroinishjujuberebukereprehensionreprimandreproachreproofboilfermentabilitysentimentaffectdesirefeelinggingermettlepassiontidepyrexiafumereekrokesteamboutonneuse fevercatarrhal feverfeverfewfeverousfeverrootmiliary feverpuerperal fevershipping feverstammelaplasticfegariesfeuarfeverfewsfeveringfeversrieverweeverfeverwortfeveryirritancyanxietyfitincensementteentemperwaxangrinessangersblousingindignancegrudgefloodoverflowspatecataclysmdelugeinundationtorrentfloodingthe floodfloodingsfloodsfloodtidefloodageflookglitterendurancegleampowerpurerefulgencetolerationtiffanversdisgruntledisgruntlementdissentientresentfulannulationdisadvancedispleasesdistentgrudgedresentedresentinguntreasureupsentanglicitydisarrangingdisassentdiscontentfuldiscontentingdispleasednessdissenterismdisseveranceacrimonythe limitkopmischiefbad luckacceptancepopularisationpopularityvoguepopularismpopularizationpopulismpopularitiespopularnesstantrumcaduacdispositionhelplessnessinclinationperplexityrestlessnessdepressionsoreness
Idioms related to the meaning of Ghazab - غضب
What are the meanings of Ghazab - غضب in English?
Meanings of the word Ghazab - غضب in English are displeasure, furiousness, fury, hotness, ire, rage, tantrum, wrath, calamity, cataclysm, indignation and infuriation. To understand how would you translate the word Ghazab - غضب in English, you can take help from words closely related to Ghazab - غضب or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Ghazab - غضب synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Ghazab - غضب. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Ghazab - غضب in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Ghazab - غضب in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Ghazab - غضب with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by ghazab?
Meanings of ghazab are displeasure, furiousness, fury, hotness, ire, rage, tantrum, wrath, calamity, cataclysm, indignation and infuriation
Whats the definition of ghazab?
Definition of the ghazab are
- the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something
- the property of being wild or turbulent
- state of violent mental agitation
- the property of being wild or turbulent
- a feeling of intense anger
- (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals
- a hot spiciness
- the presence of heat
- belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
- a feeling of intense anger
- something that is desired intensely
- behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
- violent state of the elements
- a state of extreme anger
- be violent; as of fires and storms
- feel intense anger
- a display of bad temper
- belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- intense anger (usually on an epic scale)
- an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
- a sudden violent change in the earth's surface
- an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
- a feeling of righteous anger
- a feeling of intense anger
- برہم مزاجی کا زبردست مظاہرہ
What is the synonym of ghazab?
Synonym of word ghazab are ناراضی, نارضامندی, ناخوشی, خفگی, آزردگی, اداسی, بیزاری, رنجیدگی, رنجش, عتاب
What are the idioms related to ghazab?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word ghazab.
- Fury and anger carry the mind away
- A foolish son is a calamity for the parents
- A man who is merciful to a followman a calamity remembers
- Prosperity takes no counsel and fears no calamity
- A soft answer turneth away wrath