Gilah - گلہ meanings in English

Gilah - گلہ meanings in English are grumbling, herding, herdics, herded, anlace, money box, reproach, moan, lamentation, grievance, gravamen, flock, complaint, blame, querulousness, flockling Gilah - گلہ in English. More meanings of gilah - گلہ, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

grumbling herding herdics herded anlace money box reproach moan lamentation grievance gravamen flock complaint blame querulousness flockling

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Gilah - گلہ Definitions

Please find 29 English and definitions related to the word Gilah - گلہ.

  • (noun) : a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
  • (noun) : an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed
  • (verb) : put or pin the blame on
  • (noun) : (civil law) the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim for relief is based
  • (noun) : an expression of grievance or resentment
  • (noun) : (formerly) a loud cry (or repeated cries) of pain or rage or sorrow
  • (noun) : an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining
  • (verb) : come together as in a cluster or flock
  • (noun) : a group of birds
  • (noun) : a group of sheep or goats
  • (noun) : a church congregation guided by a pastor
  • (noun) : an orderly crowd
  • (verb) : move as a crowd or in a group
  • (noun) : (often followed by of') a large number or amount or extent
  • (noun) : a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes resentment and is grounds for action
  • (noun) : an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice
  • (noun) : a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
  • (noun) : a loud low dull continuous noise
  • (adjective satellite) : continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound
  • (noun) : an utterance expressing pain or disapproval
  • (verb) : indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure
  • (noun) : the quality of being given to complaining
  • (noun) : the passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief
  • (noun) : a cry of sorrow and grief
  • (noun) : a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home
  • (noun) : a strongbox for holding cash
  • (noun) : a mild rebuke or criticism
  • (noun) : disgrace or shame
  • (verb) : express criticism towards

More words related to the meanings of Gilah - گلہ

Blameدوکھ لگانا دوکھنا Dokhna الزام لگانا ilzaam lagaana الزام لگانا ilazzm lagaana قصوروار ٹھیرانا حرف لانا بات لگانا baat lagaana ملامت کرنا malaamat karna ذمہ دار ٹھیرانا zimmah daar thaeraana گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa الزام ilzaam الزام Ilzam نکوہش nikohish
Complaintشکایت shikaayet شکایت shikaayat شکایت Shikayat شکوہ shikwah شکوہ shikoh شکوہ Shikwa استغاثہ isteghaasa استغاثہ isteghaasah استغاثہ Isteghasa دہائ dohaa i دہائ dahaa i فریاد faryaad فغان fughaan گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa نالش naalish پکار pukaar واویلا waaweyla واویلا Waawela
Flockگلّہ جھول jhol جھُنڈ ريوَڑ Rewarr ڈار گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa ہجوم hujuum ہجوم Hajoom ریوڑ reywar ریوڑ Rewar
Grievanceشکایت shikaayet شکایت shikaayat شکایت Shikayat ناراضگی naa raazgi ناراضگی naaraazgi رنجش ranjish تکلیف takliif تکلیف Takleef ایذا iiza ایذا Aeeza گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa شکوہ shikwah شکوہ shikoh شکوہ Shikwa
Grumblingبڑبڑاہٹ bur buraahat غراہٹ ghurraahat غراہٹ ghurrahat شِکوہ Shikwa شِکایت گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa شاکی shaaki چڑ چڑا پن chir chira pan شکایت shikaayet شکایت shikaayat شکایت Shikayat
Moanنوحہ nauhah نوحہ Noha ماتم maatam ماتم matam گریہ وزاری سانپا Saanpa واویلا waaweyla واویلا Waawela کراہنا karaahna کراہنا krahna کوکنا kuukna کانکھنا Kaankhna نوحہ کرنا nauhah karna آہ کرنا نالہ وزاری کرنا گریہ وزاری کرنا تراہ تراہ کرنا واویلا کرنا غم وافسوس کرنا گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa شکوہ shikwah شکوہ shikoh شکوہ Shikwa گلہ کرنا gilah karna رونا پیٹنا rona piitna
Querulousnessگلہ گزاری نندا Nanda شکوہ shikwah شکوہ shikoh شکوہ Shikwa گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa شکایت shikaayet شکایت shikaayat شکایت Shikayat چڑچڑاپن Chirchirapan بد مزاجی bad mizaaji جھگڑالو پن jhagraalu pan چڑ چڑا پن chir chira pan
Lamentationبین baen بین biin بین baiyyan بین Ben بین Bain فریاد faryaad فغان fughaan گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa گریہ giryah گریہ Garya حشر hashr حشر Hashar کہرام kohraam ماتم maatam ماتم matam نالہ naalah نوحہ nauhah نوحہ Noha پٹس pittas پٹس Pits شیون sheywan سوگ sog تعزیت taziyat تعزیت Taaziyat واویلا waaweyla واویلا Waawela زاری zaari زاری zari
Money boxگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa
Reproachلعن و ملامت کرنا lan o malaamat karna پھٹکارنا phatkaarna سخت سست کہنا sakht sust kaehna گلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa ملامت malaamat ملامت Malamut لعن lan لعن Laan لعنت lanat لعنت Laanat لعنت ملامت lanat malaamat لعن طعن lan tan نکوہش nikohish طعن tan طعن Taan ذم zam عتاب etaab
Anlaceگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa
Gravamenگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa شکوہ shikwah شکوہ shikoh شکوہ Shikwa
Herdedگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa
Herdicsگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa
Herdingگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa
Flocklingگلہ gilah گلہ gallah گلہ Gilaa

More words from English related to Gilah - گلہ

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Gilah - گلہ meanings in English in English.

accursecomplaintgrievancequerulousnessquarrelaccusationailmentgrumblingillnessplaintquerimonycomplaisancecomplainsgroutiestarraignmentobloquyallegationblameindictmentlibelallegementallegeanceimpeachmentchargelawsuitbackbitingdispraisecensureimpeachincriminateinculpateindictaccusalaccusingaccingingaccitingaccouragealleggeallegingaccusementbroodflockcaparisongiltoscillationcontractioncreasepuckertrappingsdamn ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Gilah - گلہ

The complaint of the present times is the general complaint of all timesزمانہ ہمیشہ نا موافق اور ناساز گار نظر آیا کرتا ہے
Grumbling will not makes the loaf no largerبڑبڑانے سے کچھ حاصل نہیں ہوتا
Lamentation are sure relief of sufferingsرونے دھونے سے دکھ کم ہو جاتا ہے
It is a step towards health to know what the complaint isبیماری کی تشخیص ہو جانا آدھی شفا ہے
Poverty that great reproach bids us do or suffer anythingمُفلسی کا داغ کونسی مصیبت نہیں لاتا اور کیا کیا نہیں کراتا
The sting of a reproach is the truth of itلعنت ملامت تب ہی بُری معلوم ہوتی ہے جب وہ سچائی پر مبنی ہو
Blame is the lazy man's wagesکاہل آدمی کے ہاتھ سواۓ ندامت کے کُچھ نہیں آتا
If your money is badthe assayer is not to blameجب اپنا پیسہ کھوٹا ہے تو پَرکھنے والے کا کیا قصُور
It is more difficult to praise rightly than to blameالزام دینے کی نسبت بجا تعریف کرنا زیادہ مشکل ہے
One does the harm another gets the blameکرے داڑھی والا پکڑا جائے مونچھوں والا کرے کوئی بھرے کوئی
A rotten sheep infects the whole flockایک گندی مچھلی سارے جل کو گندہ کرتی ہے
Birds of a feather flock togetherچور کا بھائی جیب کترا
Birds of a feather flock togetherکندھم جنس باہم جنس پرواز کبوتر با کبوتر باز با باز
Birds of feather flock togetherکبوتر با کبوتر باز با باز
One sickly sheep infects the flockایک مچھلی سارے جل کو گندہ کر دیتی ہے
Seven shepherds spoil a flockدو ملاوٴں میں مرغی حرام

What are the meanings of Gilah - گلہ in English?

Meanings of the word Gilah - گلہ in English are blame, complaint, flock, grievance, grumbling, moan, querulousness, lamentation, money box, reproach, anlace, gravamen, herded, herdics, herding and flockling. To understand how would you translate the word Gilah - گلہ in English, you can take help from words closely related to Gilah - گلہ or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Gilah - گلہ synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Gilah - گلہ. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Gilah - گلہ in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Gilah - گلہ in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Gilah - گلہ with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by gilah?

Meanings of gilah are blame, complaint, flock, grievance, grumbling, moan, querulousness, lamentation, money box, reproach, anlace, gravamen, herded, herdics, herding and flockling

Whats the definition of gilah?

Definition of the gilah are

  • a reproach for some lapse or misdeed
  • an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed
  • put or pin the blame on
  • (civil law) the first pleading of the plaintiff setting out the facts on which the claim for relief is based
  • an expression of grievance or resentment
  • (formerly) a loud cry (or repeated cries) of pain or rage or sorrow
  • an often persistent bodily disorder or disease; a cause for complaining
  • come together as in a cluster or flock
  • a group of birds
  • a group of sheep or goats
  • a church congregation guided by a pastor
  • an orderly crowd
  • move as a crowd or in a group
  • (often followed by of') a large number or amount or extent
  • a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes resentment and is grounds for action
  • an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice
  • a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
  • a loud low dull continuous noise
  • continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound
  • an utterance expressing pain or disapproval
  • indicate pain, discomfort, or displeasure
  • the quality of being given to complaining
  • the passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief
  • a cry of sorrow and grief
  • a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home
  • a strongbox for holding cash
  • a mild rebuke or criticism
  • disgrace or shame
  • express criticism towards

What is the synonym of gilah?

Synonym of word gilah are دوکھ لگانا, دوکھنا, الزام لگانا, قصوروار ٹھیرانا, حرف لانا, بات لگانا, ملامت کرنا, ذمہ دار ٹھیرانا, گلہ, الزام

What are the idioms related to gilah?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word gilah.

  • The complaint of the present times is the general complaint of all times
  • Grumbling will not makes the loaf no larger
  • Lamentation are sure relief of sufferings
  • It is a step towards health to know what the complaint is
  • Poverty that great reproach bids us do or suffer anything