Haashiyah - حاشیہ meanings in English
Haashiyah - حاشیہ meanings in English are appendant, footnote, hem, margin, rand, retinue, marginality, marginocephalia, marginocephalian, margins, commentary, border, corona, edge, facing, garnish, garniture, glossary, marge, moulding, purfle, marginicidal Haashiyah - حاشیہ in English. More meanings of haashiyah - حاشیہ, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
appendant footnote hem margin rand retinue marginality marginocephalia marginocephalian margins commentary border corona edge facing garnish garniture glossary marge moulding purfle marginicidal
Haashiyah - حاشیہ Definitions
Please find 55 English and definitions related to the word Haashiyah - حاشیہ.
- (noun) : a long cigar with blunt ends
- (noun) : (anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape
- (noun) : one or more circles of light seen around a luminous object
- (noun) : the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere; visible as a white halo during a solar eclipse
- (noun) : an electrical discharge accompanied by ionization of surrounding atmosphere
- (noun) : (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus flower
- (noun) : a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object
- (noun) : a slight competitive advantage
- (noun) : the boundary of a surface
- (noun) : a line determining the limits of an area
- (verb) : advance slowly, as if by inches
- (verb) : provide with an edge
- (verb) : provide with a border or edge
- (noun) : the attribute of urgency in tone of voice
- (noun) : the outside limit of an object or area or surface; a place farthest away from the center of something
- (noun) : a protective covering that protects the outside of a building
- (noun) : a lining applied to the edge of a garment for ornamentation or strengthening
- (noun) : an ornamental coating to a building
- (verb) : decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
- (noun) : any decoration added as a trimming or adornment
- (noun) : something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration
- (verb) : take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child support
- is a substance used as an embellishment or decoration on a prepared food dish or drink item. In some cases, it may give added or contrasting flavor, but a typical garnish is used to augment the visual impact of the plate, not just enhance the flavor.
- (noun) : an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
- (noun) : the blank space that surrounds the text on a page
- (noun) : the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
- (noun) : the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
- (noun) : a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
- (noun) : (finance) the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold
- (noun) : an amount beyond the minimum necessary
- (noun) : a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter
- (noun) : sculpture produced by molding
- (noun) : a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
- (noun) : a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing
- (noun) : a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied
- (noun) : the boundary of a surface
- (verb) : provide with a border or edge
- (noun) : the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
- (noun) : a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
- (noun) : a strip forming the outer edge of something
- (noun) : a line that indicates a boundary
- (verb) : form the boundary of; be contiguous to
- (noun) : a printed note placed below the text on a printed page
- (verb) : add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
- (verb) : fold over and sew together to provide with a hem
- (noun) : the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc.
- (noun) : the edge of a piece of cloth; especially the finished edge that has been doubled under and stitched down
- (verb) : utter hem' or ahem'
- (noun) : the property of being marginal or on the fringes
- (noun) : includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
- (noun) : includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
- (noun) : United States writer (born in Russia) noted for her polemical novels and political conservativism (1905-1982)
- (noun) : a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese
- (noun) : the basic unit of money in South Africa; equal to 100 cents
- (noun) : the group following and attending to some important person
More words related to the meanings of Haashiyah - حاشیہ
More words from English related to Haashiyah - حاشیہ
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Haashiyah - حاشیہ meanings in English in English.
accoutredightdisposedizendressemblazeflourishgraceadornapparelarraybedeckdecorateembellishgarnishtrimtumefyvarnishlace updearndecolorateblazonmarshalpurflerangearrangeequipinvestmenserigacmecircumscriptionendfrontierlimitoutskirtsurpasstermterminusbarrierboundaryedge limitationmarchmarkmeteat mostoutgoingquantityutmost ... bounderishboundslimitarianlimitourlimuleappendantministrantobedientdependentdutifulfollowerfootmanhenpeckedobsequioussubjectsubordinatevassalsubjacentsubjectingsubactionsubindicationsubjectnesssubmonishappendentgermaneaboutannexedappendedappertainingconcerningin connection withpertinentregardingrelevantsubjoinedcorrelatedrelacepertainedrelaidreladeadherentcontiguousnext doornext topostscriptannexationassimilableassimilatingassimilatorassociableacclimatedadjoinedadjoinsadjunctsaffiliableannexmentattuningcombustedconnivancyconsortedaccliveaffinitativeappendenceassimilatedattameattingecircumstantialconsequentialimplicittacitadditionalphrasaladjectivalpronominalsidewiseadjuvantsbylivesideralsideratesideratedsideratingsiderationsubdualannexionistsublativeclauschelicerousdelineativedenominatorparticoloredsubsubsectionsubtractiveunderivativepercursorysubcellarsubdualssubduplesubeditedsubglacialsubitizingsubmentalsubpriorsubsecivesubseriessubspinoussubsternalsubstractssubstructsubsultorysubsumablesubtilersubtribesucriersubcelestialsubcorneoussubcuticularsubdititioussubgranularsubitaneoussublobularsubmuscularsubpoenalsubpubicsubscapularsubterfluentsubterfluoussubtutorimprovemouldcorrectpreenrectifybalustradeempalementfencefusilladepalingpalisaderailingscaffoldfencedfencesfensfentsfencefulbandagecompressfarmgirthholdingligamenligaturetableteachingtenurebandbeltclampdeceptiondeligationeye washfraudheadbandinklekerseylathlinelistpartplasterpositionrandribbonrowscreedstrapstripstripetabtapethongtrickzonestipestreepputtistripierstripingsstroutyirdedpateestrippetstryphnicbridgeminuteviaductcausewayembankmentheminstantjiffymomentsecondbridgespulbridgedbridgingbridgingspulloversbrimbrinkmarginmargesea soreselvagebankcoastedgingfringe rimriver bankshoresidevergefacing gulpmorselmouthfulblindkorcorcoversledgelippulpessence kernellabiamarrowpithpudendasalivasummarydartshaftarrowpassedarrowsswambullockgratuitytaurusvinescreeperfooloxspadebeloxenbullocksbullskellsvinealbullcastingmouldingcheatflexionforcing pumphoaxtagtailwhiffbrawnbreathcourageenergyextremitygutheftimpetusinertialifemightpneumatailtempertugvitalityzaptaillecircumstanceglossaryparaphrasequotationannotationassessmentcommentaryexplanationfootnotepriceraterateabilityratesconvoydiligencesdiligenceguardianshippamanpreservationwardcustodykeepprotectionsafeguardsafetysecuritywatchprotectivenesssecurancesecurementcoverenvelopetegumentvestmentcoronaaurahalonimbushollascrestcrowndiademtiaracrownbeardcrowningcrownercrownerscrownetcrownetscrowningscrownletcrownletscrownsrowncollocationembellishmentequipmentfurnituregracefulnessmountingseemingnessdecorationgarniturenattinesstrappingstrimmingdeconcentratedecordecorousdecorousnessdecorticatedecorumdecurvedembouchureadorationsdecantsdecarbdecarbeddeclassesdecoratingdecoratorsdecorsdecorumsdecretorydecrowndecrownsdesorbeddesorbingdisfurnishmaintopsdecarbonizationdecarbonizeddecarbonizingdecarburizationdecarddecennariesdeconcentrationdecoramentdecoredecorementdecretedecrustationdecurtdecurtationdisfurnishingdisfurnishmentdisfurnituredisparkledortureornaturecreekcurrentflowwhetknife edgestreamdictionarylexiconvocabularyculturefarraginousnimblessborderhoneedificationarrangementorderlinesspreparationbeautyfineryornamentadornmentszaninessadorementadornationadornerenrichmentgaudinessadornmentinflorescenceinlaydecorativenessfrilljabotcollarchicelegancezibestablishmentforwardoppositeyonderafrontaheadbeforein frontfrontallyout frontfrontagesfaciendconfineborderlinedictionariesbeautifyhomesteadhawhedgepaleseptspateimpeditivebarringcheekinterveningmediateoccurringpreventinglengthwhelpassistanceburdendistancedoor leafflappuppuppyshutterweightlessquaylandingghatferriesghatsghautghautspierswharfageswharvesgimpslambordarbordarswordershotshellmosaicmosaicismmosaicismsmosaicistmosaicistsmosaicsoppositelytete a teteface to facerain in the faceoutsiderretinuebrainynutrientnutritiousnutritivemuzzierlacerobeshirtcornerbridleequipage confrontingon handunder considerationhaulagemintage
Idioms related to the meaning of Haashiyah - حاشیہ
What are the meanings of Haashiyah - حاشیہ in English?
Meanings of the word Haashiyah - حاشیہ in English are appendant, corona, edge, facing, garnish, garniture, glossary, margin, marge, moulding, purfle, border, commentary, footnote, hem, marginality, marginocephalia, marginocephalian, rand, retinue, margins and marginicidal. To understand how would you translate the word Haashiyah - حاشیہ in English, you can take help from words closely related to Haashiyah - حاشیہ or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Haashiyah - حاشیہ synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Haashiyah - حاشیہ. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Haashiyah - حاشیہ in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Haashiyah - حاشیہ in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Haashiyah - حاشیہ with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by haashiyah?
Meanings of haashiyah are appendant, corona, edge, facing, garnish, garniture, glossary, margin, marge, moulding, purfle, border, commentary, footnote, hem, marginality, marginocephalia, marginocephalian, rand, retinue, margins and marginicidal
Whats the definition of haashiyah?
Definition of the haashiyah are
- a long cigar with blunt ends
- (anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape
- one or more circles of light seen around a luminous object
- the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere; visible as a white halo during a solar eclipse
- an electrical discharge accompanied by ionization of surrounding atmosphere
- (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus flower
- a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object
- a slight competitive advantage
- the boundary of a surface
- a line determining the limits of an area
- advance slowly, as if by inches
- provide with an edge
- provide with a border or edge
- the attribute of urgency in tone of voice
- the outside limit of an object or area or surface; a place farthest away from the center of something
- a protective covering that protects the outside of a building
- a lining applied to the edge of a garment for ornamentation or strengthening
- an ornamental coating to a building
- decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
- any decoration added as a trimming or adornment
- something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration
- take a debtor's wages on legal orders, such as for child support
- is a substance used as an embellishment or decoration on a prepared food dish or drink item. In some cases, it may give added or contrasting flavor, but a typical garnish is used to augment the visual impact of the plate, not just enhance the flavor.
- an alphabetical list of technical terms in some specialized field of knowledge; usually published as an appendix to a text on that field
- the blank space that surrounds the text on a page
- the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
- the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
- a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
- (finance) the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold
- an amount beyond the minimum necessary
- a spread made chiefly from vegetable oils and used as a substitute for butter
- sculpture produced by molding
- a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
- a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing
- a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied
- the boundary of a surface
- provide with a border or edge
- the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
- a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge
- a strip forming the outer edge of something
- a line that indicates a boundary
- form the boundary of; be contiguous to
- a printed note placed below the text on a printed page
- add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
- fold over and sew together to provide with a hem
- the utterance of a sound similar to clearing the throat; intended to get attention, express hesitancy, fill a pause, hide embarrassment, warn a friend, etc.
- the edge of a piece of cloth; especially the finished edge that has been doubled under and stitched down
- utter hem' or ahem'
- the property of being marginal or on the fringes
- includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
- includes boneheaded (pachycephalosaurs) and horned (ceratopsian) dinosaurs
- United States writer (born in Russia) noted for her polemical novels and political conservativism (1905-1982)
- a rocky region in the southern Transvaal in northeastern South Africa; contains rich gold deposits and coal and manganese
- the basic unit of money in South Africa; equal to 100 cents
- the group following and attending to some important person
What is the synonym of haashiyah?
Synonym of word haashiyah are حاشیہ, تابع, متعلق, ملحق, ضمنی, ذیلی, ہالہ, تاج, دھار, باڑ
What are the idioms related to haashiyah?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word haashiyah.
- A sleeveless er rand
- Fall back fall edge
- Idleness turns the edge of wit
- Razor edge