Jurm - جرم meanings in English

Jurm - جرم meanings in English are crime, delinquency, wrong, sin, offence, iniquity, felony, fault, misdeed, malefaction, guilt, germ, offense Jurm - جرم in English. More meanings of jurm - جرم, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

crime delinquency wrong sin offence iniquity felony fault misdeed malefaction guilt germ offense

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Jurm - جرم Definitions

Please find 51 English and 4 Urdu definitions related to the word Jurm - جرم.

  • (noun) : (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act
  • (noun) : an evil act not necessarily punishable by law
  • (verb) : put or pin the blame on
  • (noun) : (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
  • (noun) : (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area)
  • (noun) : responsibility for a bad situation or event
  • (noun) : (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.)
  • (noun) : the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection
  • (noun) : an imperfection in an object or machine
  • (noun) : a serious crime (such as murder or arson)
  • (noun) : a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use
  • (noun) : anything that provides inspiration for later work
  • (noun) : a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
  • (noun) : the state of having committed an offense
  • (noun) : remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense
  • (noun) : improper or wicked or immoral behavior
  • (verb) : commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
  • (noun) : an act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will
  • (noun) : estrangement from god
  • (noun) : the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet
  • (noun) : (Akkadian) god of the moon; counterpart of Sumerian Nanna
  • (verb) : commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law
  • (noun) : ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle to the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
  • (adjective satellite) : not appropriate for a purpose or occasion
  • (noun) : that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law
  • (verb) : treat unjustly; do wrong to
  • (adjective satellite) : used of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face inward
  • (adjective satellite) : not in accord with established usage or procedure
  • (adjective) : contrary to conscience or morality or law
  • (adjective) : based on or acting or judging in error
  • (adjective) : not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth
  • (adjective satellite) : badly timed
  • (adjective satellite) : not functioning properly
  • (noun) : any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right
  • (adverb) : in an inaccurate manner
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules
  • (noun) : an antisocial misdeed in violation of the law by a minor
  • (noun) : a tendency to be negligent and uncaring
  • (noun) : nonpayment of a debt when due
  • (noun) : morally objectionable behavior
  • (noun) : an unjust act
  • (noun) : a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
  • (noun) : a feeling of anger caused by being offended
  • (noun) : the action of attacking an enemy
  • (noun) : the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
  • (noun) : a transgression that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right
  • (noun) : a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
  • (noun) : a feeling of anger caused by being offended
  • (noun) : the action of attacking an enemy
  • (noun) : the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
  • (noun) : a transgression that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right
  • جرم قابل ضبطی مال و سزائے پھانسی یا قید
  • تَمام پُونجی ضَبط کروانے والا جُرَم
  • وہ کلا جو اول مرتبہ بیج سے نکلتا ہے
  • حَقائق اور صَداقَت کے خِلاف

More words related to the meanings of Jurm - جرم

Crimeجرم jurm گناہ gunaah گناہ Gunah خطا khata بُھول Bhool بُھول Bhul خلاف قانون کام پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop اپرادھ Apraadh اَوگن Augan کھوٹ khot ادھرم Adhram دوش Dosh
Faultبھول bhuul بھول Bhool چوک chowk چوک chuuk چوک chauk چوک Chok غلطی ghalti غلطی Ghalati سہو sahw سہو Saho نَقص Naqas اَدھُورا پَن خامی khaami خامی Khami کَمزوری غَلطی بھُول چُوک Chook غلطی کرنا ghalti karna عیب aeyb عیب aeb علت illat علت Ilat فرو گذاشت faro guzaasht حرکت harkat حرکت Harkut حرکت Hurkat جرم jurm خطا khata کھوٹ khot کوتاہی kotaahi کوتاہی Kotaahy لغزش laghzish نقص nuqs نقص naqs پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop قصور qusuur قصور Qasoor قصور Qasur روگ rog روگ Roug
Felonyسَنگِين جُرَم ناقابِلِ مُعافی جُرَم جرم jurm
Germانکر Ankar تخم tukhm تخم Takham بیج biij بیج Beej جرثومہ jarsuumah جرثومہ Jarsoomah جرم jurm اصل asl اصل asal اصل Asaal شگوفہ shiguufah شگوفہ shuguufah شگوفہ shaguufah شگوفہ Shafuffa
Guiltاپرادھ Apraadh پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop دوکھ دوش Dosh چوک chowk چوک chuuk چوک chauk چوک Chok تقصیر Tafseer گناہ gunaah گناہ Gunah خطا khata جرم jurm قصور qusuur قصور Qasoor قصور Qasur
Malefactionجرم jurm برا کام bura kaam غلط کاری ghalat kaari
Misdeedککرم Kakram جرم jurm خطا khata پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop برا کام bura kaam قصور qusuur قصور Qasoor قصور Qasur فعل بد بدکرداری Bud kirdari بدکاری Bud kaari مجرمانہ فعل بد کاری bad kaari برا عمل bura amal
Sinگُناہ gunaah عصیاں Aisyan پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop خطا khata اخلاقی بدکرداری بُرائی Burai بُرائی Burayi غلط کاری ghalat kaari عذاب azaab عسیان isyaan فسق fisq فسق Fusq گناہ gunaah گناہ Gunah جرم jurm قصور qusuur قصور Qasoor قصور Qasur
Wrongغَلَط Galat اُلٹا ulta غَير دَرُست غلط ghalat حرام haraam خطا khata الٹا ulta بدی badi چوٹ chot چوٹ Choot چوک chowk چوک chuuk چوک chauk چوک Chok گناہ gunaah گناہ Gunah جرم jurm ظلم zulm ظلم Zulum غلطی کرنا ghalti karna غیر انصافی کرنا ghaer insaafi karna گمراہ کرنا gum raah karna گمراہ کرنا gumraah karna لغو laghw لغو Laghoo
Delinquencyجرم jurm
Iniquityبے انصافی bey insaafi بے انصافی bey innsaafi گناہ gunaah گناہ Gunah جرم jurm خطا khata پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop سیاہ کاری siyaah kaari سیاہ کاری siyah kaari
Offenceگناہ gunaah گناہ Gunah حملہ hamlah حملہ Hamla جرم jurm
Offenseجرم jurm

More words from English related to Jurm - جرم

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Jurm - جرم meanings in English in English.

abducemisdirectmisguidemisleadbeguilebluffdepravewronglead astrayleading astraymislikingmisplayingabortivenessdrawbackfault failingprematurenessdefectdeficiencyimmaturityimperfectioninefficacyinexperienceinfirmityrawnessshortcomingweaknessabsurdityabsurdhighflownknuckle headmeaninglessnonsensicalunmeaningnullibietyabusesinequityiniquityunfairnessunrighteousnessdisjudicationgrievousnessgripeoppressioncrueltyheartlessnessinjusticetyrannyatrociousnessatrocity ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Jurm - جرم

He invites guilt who overlooks crimeجو کِسی جُرم کو نظر انداز کرتا ہے وہ خود ہی قصور وار سمجھا جاتا ہے
In escaping from one fault we are led into some other from of guiltکڑاہی سے نکلے تو چولہے میں گرے
Sin is sin whether it be seen or noگناہ گناہ ہے خواہ کوئی دیکھنے والا ہو یا نہ ہو
A fault mender is better than a fault finderنُکتہ چِیں سے بہتر وہ ہے جو خَطا کی اِصلاح کرے
Wrong hears wrong anwer givenہے یہ گنبد کی صدا جیسی کہے ویسی سنے
Guilt is always jealousپاپی کو ہر وقت ڈر لگا رہتا ہے
Best defence is offenceپہلے وار کرنا بچاو کی بہترین تدبیر ہے
Give offenceناراضگی کا باعث بننا
It is just that he who asks forgiveness for his offence should grant it in returnجو اپنے قصور کی معافی چاہتا ہے اس کو زیبا ہے کہ وہ دوسروں کو بھی معاف کر دے
Let the punishment be equal with the offenceجیسا جرم ویسی سزا
Never hang a man twice for one offenceایک ہی جرم کے لئے دوبارہ سزا مت دو
No offence is taken when none is meantنیت بُری نہ ہو تو دوسرے کو بھی برا معلوم نہیں ہوتا
Take offenceناراض ہونا
An angry man regards advice even as a crimeغُصہ میں نصیحت کرنے والا زہر لگتا ہے
Be always in time too late is a crimeوقت کی پابندی سب طرح کا سُکھ
He who protects a guilty person is preparing a crime against himselfگناہگار کو بچانا گویا خود گناہگار بننا ہے
History is but a picture of crime and misfortuneتاریخ کیا ہے جرم اور بد قسمتی کا مرقع
It is crime which brings shame and not the scaffoldشرم کا باعث جرم ہے نہ کہ پھانسی
No crime is founded upon reasonکوئی بھی عقل پر مبنی نہیں
No one is punished for another man's crimeسب اپنا کیا بھوگتے ہوں
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What are the meanings of Jurm - جرم in English?

Meanings of the word Jurm - جرم in English are crime, fault, felony, germ, guilt, malefaction, misdeed, sin, wrong, delinquency, iniquity, offence and offense. To understand how would you translate the word Jurm - جرم in English, you can take help from words closely related to Jurm - جرم or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Jurm - جرم synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Jurm - جرم. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Jurm - جرم in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Jurm - جرم in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Jurm - جرم with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by jurm?

Meanings of jurm are crime, fault, felony, germ, guilt, malefaction, misdeed, sin, wrong, delinquency, iniquity, offence and offense

Whats the definition of jurm?

Definition of the jurm are

  • (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act
  • an evil act not necessarily punishable by law
  • put or pin the blame on
  • (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other
  • (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area)
  • responsibility for a bad situation or event
  • (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.)
  • the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection
  • an imperfection in an object or machine
  • a serious crime (such as murder or arson)
  • a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use
  • anything that provides inspiration for later work
  • a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
  • the state of having committed an offense
  • remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense
  • improper or wicked or immoral behavior
  • commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
  • an act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God's will
  • estrangement from god
  • the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet
  • (Akkadian) god of the moon; counterpart of Sumerian Nanna
  • commit a sin; violate a law of God or a moral law
  • ratio of the length of the side opposite the given angle to the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle
  • not appropriate for a purpose or occasion
  • that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law
  • treat unjustly; do wrong to
  • used of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face inward
  • not in accord with established usage or procedure
  • contrary to conscience or morality or law
  • based on or acting or judging in error
  • not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth
  • badly timed
  • not functioning properly
  • any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right
  • in an inaccurate manner
  • characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules
  • an antisocial misdeed in violation of the law by a minor
  • a tendency to be negligent and uncaring
  • nonpayment of a debt when due
  • morally objectionable behavior
  • an unjust act
  • a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
  • a feeling of anger caused by being offended
  • the action of attacking an enemy
  • the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
  • a transgression that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right
  • a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others
  • a feeling of anger caused by being offended
  • the action of attacking an enemy
  • the team that has the ball (or puck) and is trying to score
  • a transgression that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right
  • جرم قابل ضبطی مال و سزائے پھانسی یا قید
  • تَمام پُونجی ضَبط کروانے والا جُرَم
  • وہ کلا جو اول مرتبہ بیج سے نکلتا ہے
  • حَقائق اور صَداقَت کے خِلاف

What is the synonym of jurm?

Synonym of word jurm are جرم, گناہ, خطا, بُھول, خلاف قانون کام, پاپ, اپرادھ, اَوگن, کھوٹ, ادھرم

What are the idioms related to jurm?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word jurm.

  • He invites guilt who overlooks crime
  • In escaping from one fault we are led into some other from of guilt
  • Sin is sin whether it be seen or no
  • A fault mender is better than a fault finder
  • Wrong hears wrong anwer given