Kabiir - کبیر meanings in English
Kabiir - کبیر Definitions
Please find 28 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Kabiir - کبیر.
- (adjective satellite) : in an advanced stage of pregnancy
- (adjective satellite) : relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind
- (adjective satellite) : remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect
- (noun) : a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field
- (noun) : a very wealthy or powerful businessman
- (noun) : (New Testament) a personification of wealth and avarice as an evil spirit
- (noun) : wealth regarded as an evil influence
- (noun) : an undergraduate student during the year preceding graduation
- (noun) : a person who is older than you are
- (adjective) : older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service
- (adjective satellite) : used of the fourth and final year in United States high school or college
- (adjective satellite) : advanced in years; ( aged' is pronounced as two syllables)
- (adjective satellite) : too numerous to be counted
- (noun) : the unlimited expanse in which everything is located
- (adjective satellite) : total and all-embracing
- (adjective) : having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude
- (adjective) : (of verbs) not having tense, person, or number (as a participle or gerund or infinitive)
- (adjective satellite) : conspicuous in position or importance
- (adjective satellite) : generous and understanding and tolerant
- (adjective) : above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
- (adverb) : in a boastful manner
- (adjective satellite) : in an advanced stage of pregnancy
- (adjective satellite) : ostentatiously lofty in style
- (noun) : a garment size for a large person
- (adjective satellite) : having broad power and range and scope
- (adverb) : with the wind abaft the beam
- (adjective satellite) : fairly large or important in effect; influential
- (adverb) : at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)
- وہ شخص جو عمر میں دوسروں سے بڑا اور عہدے میں زیادہ ہو
More words related to the meanings of Kabiir - کبیر
More words from English related to Kabiir - کبیر
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Kabiir - کبیر meanings in English in English.
above measureendless hugelyillimitableimmeasurableimmeasurablyimmenseimmenselyimmensurableoutretermlessboundlessexceedinglyextremelyinexhaustibleintenselyinterminablelimitlessnthoverwhelminglyunstintedboundlesslyboundlessnessexorbitantlyinsuperablyresoundinglyborderlessfringelessimmanelyimmeasuredimpassablyimpassiblyirremeablyperviouslyunsoundestalmightifulaviselyegregiouslyextremelessextroitiveimmarcesciblyimmensibleimmensiveinfinitesimallyunboundablyabovecloud capthugetallexalted ... grandiosegreathighloftysublimeloudenelevatesexaltedlyloftedloudenedaffluencemammonrichnessaforeagoearly erstformerly yoreaheadalreadybeforechieflyat firstforeoriginallysenioraforetimeearliererewhonerstwhilepreviouslyantecedederewhilefirsprecededantepriorlyaggravatedbulkydifficultearthy grandgrievousimportantirksomelethargiclumpishmassivemomentousoppressivetedioustrampburdensomecumbersomeheavyhulkylandslidelifelessloudonerousstodgyweightyheavyheartedheavierheaviesheftilyoutweepingwavierheaperheavisomeheavy headedhevedarchbigbroadcardinalcrackegregiousenormousforemostgrosshugeousleadingmainmajormicklepalmaryprincipalsignalsizablesuperiorvastelderextensivegiantlargeoldsterportlypresbyterultrawidebiggerbiggishoverseriousoversizeoversizedbiggedbiggingoversizeslargetairyplentifulspaciousapishnessavaricecupiditygreedinessambitioncovetousnessdesiregreedvoracityappreciableclerklyfirst rategrandeemagnificentmasterlynicepicturesquechoicefine freshgoodneatnoblerespectablesoundsterlingunadulteratedsublimelyexcelledexergualouttalkfineeroblectateoftensithplethoricalavariciouslydiscontentvenalityallurementbaitlureseductiontemptationcovenenticementlallationlavishnesslucrativenessseductresstemptingnessthe temptercovedcovetablecovetisecovetsdreedenticingsgreedsjereedjereedslalangslallationslenitionloringluresluringlustratingsediliaseductionstemptingstemptsceduousdedalouslanguishmentlaniationlentitudegloriouscolossalhighly dignifiedformidablegigantichigh soundingimmaneimposingmagnatemajesticmightypalatialprodigiousredoubtablesplendidtremendousunboundedsenoirklankalancattleerotomaniafundmoneyflampelftunewhimwhimsyzeallyricscommodityfreight gearpropertywareassetsbelongingcargodaintiesgoodslootlucreluggagemerchandiserevenuerichesstockcomprehensivecosmicampleinfiniteprolatebroadnosedmacrobroadenedbroadestexpansesspathouswidualearlrichcommanderjet setlordmoneyednoblemanwealthyemeerrichweedrichenedricheningrichtrichterricketiesteminentgenerousgentlegentlemangrandsirehoarypre eminentprimogenitorvenerableagedoldrespectedaristocrataristocraticeldelderberryelderlyeldoradoeldershipseldineldingeldingseldinseldssaintshipelderisheldernelderwortopertaneousfat obesestoutcorpulenthulkingwhackingthickvoluminousmammothovergrownwhoppinggigantismtoo largegiganticalgiganticidegigantomachysupercretaceousinfinitelyinfinitivalunladeunlittereduntrampledhonourablehonouredprestigiousmahaunendingimmensurateimmoderatenumberlessinnumerousunlimitedcountlessnessimmaculatelymeasurelessunaccountablyunembodiedunnumerableincommodesnathelesssumlessunmountingunreckonedcompasslessscathlessuncuthunexcusableunincumberedunkardunmerciedgreatestfortunemeansmoolahopulencestatewealthduluthwealthinessrichensrichessedealthexceedingparamountsurpassingtranscendentunequalledseigniorreyesraisgreaterlargertoparrantexcessiveutterlydignifiedhandsomehappy
Idioms related to the meaning of Kabiir - کبیر
What are the meanings of Kabiir - کبیر in English?
Meanings of the word Kabiir - کبیر in English are great, huge, immense, magnate, mammon, senior, infinite and large. To understand how would you translate the word Kabiir - کبیر in English, you can take help from words closely related to Kabiir - کبیر or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Kabiir - کبیر synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Kabiir - کبیر. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Kabiir - کبیر in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Kabiir - کبیر in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Kabiir - کبیر with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by kabiir?
Meanings of kabiir are great, huge, immense, magnate, mammon, senior, infinite and large
Whats the definition of kabiir?
Definition of the kabiir are
- in an advanced stage of pregnancy
- relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind
- remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect
- a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field
- a very wealthy or powerful businessman
- (New Testament) a personification of wealth and avarice as an evil spirit
- wealth regarded as an evil influence
- an undergraduate student during the year preceding graduation
- a person who is older than you are
- older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service
- used of the fourth and final year in United States high school or college
- advanced in years; ( aged' is pronounced as two syllables)
- too numerous to be counted
- the unlimited expanse in which everything is located
- total and all-embracing
- having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude
- (of verbs) not having tense, person, or number (as a participle or gerund or infinitive)
- conspicuous in position or importance
- generous and understanding and tolerant
- above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
- in a boastful manner
- in an advanced stage of pregnancy
- ostentatiously lofty in style
- a garment size for a large person
- having broad power and range and scope
- with the wind abaft the beam
- fairly large or important in effect; influential
- at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)
- وہ شخص جو عمر میں دوسروں سے بڑا اور عہدے میں زیادہ ہو
What is the synonym of kabiir?
Synonym of word kabiir are بڑا, مہا, کبیر, عظیم, کلاں, اکبر, بلند, بزرگ, فائق, جیید
What are the idioms related to kabiir?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word kabiir.
- Mammon has more worshippers than god
- Possibilities are infinite
- The acquistion of wealth is a great toil its possession a great terror its loss a great tribulation
- A great city is a great solitude
- A great fortune is a great slavery