Kam bakhti - کم بختی meanings in English

Kam bakhti - کم بختی meanings in English are misadventure, mischance, mischief, misery, bad luck, calamity, misfortune Kam bakhti - کم بختی in English. More meanings of kam bakhti - کم بختی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

misadventure mischance mischief misery bad luck calamity misfortune

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Kam bakhti - کم بختی Definitions

Please find 11 English and definitions related to the word Kam bakhti - کم بختی.

  • (noun) : an instance of misfortune
  • (noun) : an instance of misfortune
  • (noun) : an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate
  • (noun) : reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
  • (noun) : the quality or nature of being harmful or evil
  • (noun) : unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event
  • (noun) : an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes
  • (noun) : an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate
  • (noun) : unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event
  • (noun) : an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes
  • (noun) : an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

More words related to the meanings of Kam bakhti - کم بختی

Misadventureبلا balla بلا bala بلا billa شامت shaamat شامت Shamat آفت aafat بدبختی Budbukhti خطا khata کم بختی kam bakhti درگت Durgat بدقسمتی bad qismati بدنصیبی Bud naseebi مصیبت musiibat مصیبت Musebat
Mischanceکم بختی kam bakhti بدنصیبی Bud naseebi آفت aafat بلا balla بلا bala بلا billa برا اتفاق بدبختی Budbukhti بدقسمتی bad qismati گردش تقدیر گردش طالع گردش ایام کم بختی یا شامت آنا اتفاق ittefaaq اتفاق Itefaq
Mischiefفتنہ fitnah فتنہ Fitna شرارت sharaarat شرارت Shararat کھٹائی Khtai ضرر zarar خرابی kharaabi خرابی Kharabi بدی badi برائی buraa i برائی Burai آسیب aaseyb آسیب Aasaib اذیت aziiyat اذیت Azziyat نقصان nuqsaan مضرت muzrat فساد fasaad بذاتی Bazati بگاڑ bigaar بگاڑ Bigaarr کم بختی kam bakhti حرکت harkat حرکت Harkut حرکت Hurkat خلل khalal پاکھنڈ paakhand شر shar شوخی shokhi شوخی Shoqi شوشہ shoshah شوشہ Shosha
Miseryخواری khwaari خواری Khuari تباہی tabaahi تباہی Tabahi بدبختی Budbukhti کم بختی kam bakhti خرابی kharaabi خرابی Kharabi شامت shaamat شامت Shamat پریشانی pareyshaani پریشانی preyshaani پریشانی Pareshani حال زار بدنصیبی Bud naseebi بدقسمتی bad qismati آفت aafat بدحالی bad haali بدحالی Badhaali فلاکت falaakat مصیبت musiibat مصیبت Musebat افتاد uftaad افتاد Iftaad
Misfortuneشامت shaamat شامت Shamat بلا balla بلا bala بلا billa تباہی tabaahi تباہی Tabahi زوال zawaal بدبختی Budbukhti بدنصیبی Bud naseebi بدقسمتی bad qismati آفت aafat مصیبت musiibat مصیبت Musebat چکر chakkar چکر Chukkar چپیٹ chapeyt فلاکت falaakat گردش gardish حادثہ haadisah حادثہ Hadsa ابتلا ibtila ابتلا ibtela جوکھوں jokhon کم بختی kam bakhti نحوست nahuusat پھیر pheyr پھیر Phair پھوٹی تقدیر phuuti taqdiir شومی shuumi الٹا زمانہ ulta zamaanah
Bad luckبدقسمتی bad qismati کم بختی kam bakhti نحوست nahuusat پھوٹی تقدیر phuuti taqdiir شومی shuumi بد بختی bad bakhti
Calamityآفت aafat بلا balla بلا bala بلا billa داغ daagh غضب ghazab حادثہ haadisah حادثہ Hadsa کم بختی kam bakhti مصیبت musiibat مصیبت Musebat پاپ paap پاپ Pope پاپ Pop قہر qahr قہر Qehar قہر Qehr صدمہ sadmah صدمہ Sadma افتاد uftaad افتاد Iftaad

More words from English related to Kam bakhti - کم بختی

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Kam bakhti - کم بختی meanings in English in English.

abasementabashmentabjectiondisreputationmiserymisusageindignityinfamyaccidentagreementco operationconcurrenceconsensusconsentconsonanaceconcordcontingencyfortuitousnessfortuityliaisontemporizeventureaccordancecaduacchancecircumstancecoincidencecommunityhaphaphazardharmonymischanceopportunityunionagreeabilitycoincidingconcretionconcurrencyconsociatecoincidedconcussesconvenancecoincibencycoinheritancecoinitialcoinquinatecoinquinationcointenseacidacidity ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Kam bakhti - کم بختی

Bad luck often brings good luckبُرائی میں بھی بعض دفعہ بھلائی چھپی ہوتی ہے
A foolish son is a calamity for the parentsاولاد حرامی باعثِ بدنامی
A man who is merciful to a followman a calamity remembersجو آدمی مُصیبت میں دوسروں کے کام آتا ہے گویا اپنا فرض پہچانتا ہے
Despair not only aggravates our misery but our weaknessمایوسی صرف تکلیف ہی نہیں بڑھاتی بلکہ کمزوری میں بھی اضافہ کرتی ہے
Full of misery is the mind anxious about the futureجِس کو کل کی فِکر اس کو چین کہاں
Happines or misery generally go to those who have most of either the one or the otherخوشی یا غم عموماً انہیں کو ملتا ہے جِن کے پاس ان میں سے کوئی ایک موجود ہو
Prosperity takes no counsel and fears no calamityخوشحال انسان نصیحت نہیں سنتا اور مصیبت سے نہیں ڈرتا
There is no cure to bad luckتقدیر کے آگے تدبیر نہیں چلتی
He that hinders not a mischief is guilty of itجو دوسرے کو گناہ سے نہ روکے وہ خود گناہگار
He that is disposed for mischief will ever want occasionشرارتی کو شرارت کرنے کے لئے موقع مل ہی جاتا ہے
Mirth and mischief are two thingsمسرت شرارت سے جداگانہ چیز ہے
Religion without piety path done more mischief in the world than all other things put togetherاللہ ترسی کے بغیر مذہب تباہی و بربادی کا سب سے بڑا آلہ کار ہے
The mother of mischief is less than a gnatبُرائی کا آغاز رائی سے بھی چھوٹا ہوتا ہے
A good marchant may meet with a misfortuneنفع نُقصان قِسمت کے ساتھ ہے
Good nature is a great misfortune if it want prudenceدانائی کے بغیر نیک دِلی باعث مُصیبت ہوتی ہے
Good watch prevents misfortuneجو شخص محتاط رہتا ہے اِس پر مصیبت نہیں آتی
Great fortune brings with it great misfortuneبڑی خوشی کے ساتھ بڑا غم وابستہ ہوتا ہے
History is but a picture of crime and misfortuneتاریخ کیا ہے جرم اور بد قسمتی کا مرقع
It is easy to bear the misfortune of othersدوسروں کی مصیبت سہارنا آسان ہے
Misfortune overtook his first valourسر منڈاتے ہی اولے پڑے
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What are the meanings of Kam bakhti - کم بختی in English?

Meanings of the word Kam bakhti - کم بختی in English are misadventure, mischance, mischief, misery, misfortune, bad luck and calamity. To understand how would you translate the word Kam bakhti - کم بختی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Kam bakhti - کم بختی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Kam bakhti - کم بختی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Kam bakhti - کم بختی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Kam bakhti - کم بختی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Kam bakhti - کم بختی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Kam bakhti - کم بختی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by kam bakhti?

Meanings of kam bakhti are misadventure, mischance, mischief, misery, misfortune, bad luck and calamity

Whats the definition of kam bakhti?

Definition of the kam bakhti are

  • an instance of misfortune
  • an instance of misfortune
  • an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate
  • reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
  • the quality or nature of being harmful or evil
  • unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event
  • an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes
  • an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate
  • unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event
  • an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes
  • an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

What is the synonym of kam bakhti?

Synonym of word kam bakhti are بلا, شامت, آفت, بدبختی, خطا, کم بختی, درگت, بدقسمتی, بدنصیبی, مصیبت

What are the idioms related to kam bakhti?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word kam bakhti.

  • Bad luck often brings good luck
  • A foolish son is a calamity for the parents
  • A man who is merciful to a followman a calamity remembers
  • Despair not only aggravates our misery but our weakness
  • Full of misery is the mind anxious about the future