Khodna - کھودنا meanings in English

Khodna - کھودنا meanings in English are disinter, uncart, puddening, excogitate, dig in, unearth, excavate, engrave, delve, hollow, grave, dig, excave Khodna - کھودنا in English. More meanings of khodna - کھودنا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

disinter uncart puddening excogitate dig in unearth excavate engrave delve hollow grave dig excave

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Khodna - کھودنا Definitions

Please find 41 English and definitions related to the word Khodna - کھودنا.

  • (verb) : dig up for reburial or for medical investigation; of dead bodies
  • (verb) : get the meaning of something
  • (noun) : the act of digging
  • (noun) : the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow
  • (noun) : a small gouge (as in the cover of a book)
  • (noun) : the site of an archeological exploration
  • (verb) : turn up, loosen, or remove earth
  • (verb) : create by digging
  • (verb) : remove the inner part or the core of
  • (verb) : poke or thrust abruptly
  • (verb) : thrust down or into
  • (verb) : remove, harvest, or recover by digging
  • (noun) : a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
  • (noun) : death of a person
  • (verb) : carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
  • (verb) : shape (a material like stone or wood) by whittling away at it
  • (adjective satellite) : dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
  • (noun) : a mark ( ) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
  • (verb) : remove the inner part or the core of
  • (noun) : a depression hollowed out of solid matter
  • (noun) : a small valley between mountains
  • (noun) : a cavity or space in something
  • (verb) : remove the interior of
  • (adjective satellite) : as if echoing in a hollow space
  • (adjective) : not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
  • (adjective satellite) : devoid of significance or force
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking in substance or character
  • (verb) : turn up, loosen, or remove earth
  • (verb) : eat heartily
  • (verb) : occupy a trench or secured area
  • (verb) : carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
  • (verb) : carve or cut a design or letters into
  • (verb) : carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block
  • (verb) : impress or affect deeply
  • (verb) : remove the inner part or the core of
  • (verb) : find by digging in the ground
  • (verb) : form by hollowing
  • (verb) : recover through digging
  • (verb) : come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
  • (verb) : recover through digging
  • (verb) : bring to light

More words related to the meanings of Khodna - کھودنا

Disinterاکھاڑنا ukhaarna اکھاڑنا ukhaarana کھودنا khodna قبر میں سے مردہ نکالنا
Digکھودنا khodna کریدنا kureydna نیچے سے نکالنا زمین سے نکالنا تحقیق کرنا taehqiiq karna تفتیش کرنا taftiish karna
Graveقبر qabr قبر Qabar مزار mazaar مزار Mazar گور gaur گور Gore سمادھ Samaadh دفن dafn دفن Dafffan سنجیدہ sanjiidah سنجیدہ Sanjeeda گھمبیر gham biir بھاری بھرکم bhaari bharkam متحمل mutahammil متحمل Mutaahmil حلیم haliim حلیم Haleem بردبار Burdbaar متین matiin کندہ کرنا kandah karna کھودنا khodna تراشنا taraashna سنگین sangiin سنگین Sangeen سنگین Sungeen شدید shadiid شدید Shadeed شدید Shadid گڑھا garha خاک khaak لحد lahad مدفن madfan مقبرہ maqbarah مقبرہ maqbrah مقبرہ Maqbara مرقد marqad
Hollowچھوچھا Chucha خالی khaali کھوکھلا khokhla پولا pola توتھا Totha خالی کرنا khaali karna خالی کرنا khaaali karna کھوکھلا یا تھوتھا کرنا کھودنا khodna برمانا barmaana سوراخ کرنا suuraakh karna سوراخ کرنا surakh karna پولا کرنا غار ghaar غار ghaaur خندق khandaq خندق Khanduq گڑھا garha خلا khala خلا khula کھوکھلا پن khokhla pan جوف jauf جوف jof جوف Joof خول khol خول Khool سوراخ suuraakh سوراخ Soorakh پھوک phok پھوک Phook پونگا ponga کھوکھلا کرنا khokhla karna کھدائ کرنا khudaa i karna
Delveکھودنا khodna
Dig inکھودنا khodna
Engraveکندہ کرنا kandah karna کھودنا khodna نقشین کرنا naqshiin karna
Excavateکھودنا khodna
Excogitateکھودنا khodna
Unearthدریافت کرنا dar yaaft karna دریافت کرنا daar yaaft karna کھودنا khodna ظاہر کرنا zaahir karna زمین سے اکھاڑنا zamiin sey ukhaarna
Puddeningکھودنا khodna
Uncartکھودنا khodna
Excaveکھودنا khodna

More words from English related to Khodna - کھودنا

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Khodna - کھودنا meanings in English in English.

abysscavecavitychasmdikefox earthgashgulfhollowpitconsiderationdengrottolaircaverncavezoncaverningcavernscavessonscavingcavernulousabbeygravesepulchershrinetombshrinalshriningaffablehumanemildmodestpacificpatientlenienthymenealaggravatedbayonethardmarble breastedseriousstodgystrongbayonetingbayonetsbayonettedfeloniesfelonousfelonryfelstone ...

What are the meanings of Khodna - کھودنا in English?

Meanings of the word Khodna - کھودنا in English are disinter, dig, grave, hollow, delve, dig in, engrave, excavate, excogitate, unearth, puddening, uncart and excave. To understand how would you translate the word Khodna - کھودنا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Khodna - کھودنا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Khodna - کھودنا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Khodna - کھودنا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Khodna - کھودنا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Khodna - کھودنا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Khodna - کھودنا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by khodna?

Meanings of khodna are disinter, dig, grave, hollow, delve, dig in, engrave, excavate, excogitate, unearth, puddening, uncart and excave

Whats the definition of khodna?

Definition of the khodna are

  • dig up for reburial or for medical investigation; of dead bodies
  • get the meaning of something
  • the act of digging
  • the act of touching someone suddenly with your finger or elbow
  • a small gouge (as in the cover of a book)
  • the site of an archeological exploration
  • turn up, loosen, or remove earth
  • create by digging
  • remove the inner part or the core of
  • poke or thrust abruptly
  • thrust down or into
  • remove, harvest, or recover by digging
  • a place for the burial of a corpse (especially beneath the ground and marked by a tombstone)
  • death of a person
  • carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
  • shape (a material like stone or wood) by whittling away at it
  • dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises
  • a mark ( ) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation
  • remove the inner part or the core of
  • a depression hollowed out of solid matter
  • a small valley between mountains
  • a cavity or space in something
  • remove the interior of
  • as if echoing in a hollow space
  • not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
  • devoid of significance or force
  • lacking in substance or character
  • turn up, loosen, or remove earth
  • eat heartily
  • occupy a trench or secured area
  • carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
  • carve or cut a design or letters into
  • carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block
  • impress or affect deeply
  • remove the inner part or the core of
  • find by digging in the ground
  • form by hollowing
  • recover through digging
  • come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
  • recover through digging
  • bring to light

What is the synonym of khodna?

Synonym of word khodna are اکھاڑنا, کھودنا, قبر میں سے مردہ نکالنا, کریدنا, نیچے سے نکالنا, زمین سے نکالنا, تحقیق کرنا, تفتیش کرنا, قبر, مزار

What are the idioms related to khodna?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word khodna.

  • Dig one own grave
  • To dig one own grave
  • You dig your grave with your teeth
  • Dig ones own grave
  • To dig ones own grave