Maahir - ماہر meanings in English
Maahir - ماہر meanings in English are conscious, skilled, versed, specialiser, specialistic, specializer, suffragist, astringer, versing, adeptist, apician, excommunicant, exuperant, skilder, master, learned, knowing, proficient, skilful, versant, accomplished, ace, adept, adroit, artisan, deft, dextrous, expert, handy, dexterous Maahir - ماہر in English. More meanings of maahir - ماہر, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
conscious skilled versed specialiser specialistic specializer suffragist astringer versing adeptist apician excommunicant exuperant skilder master learned knowing proficient skilful versant accomplished ace adept adroit artisan deft dextrous expert handy dexterous
Maahir - ماہر Definitions
Please find 61 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Maahir - ماہر.
- (noun) : a serve that the receiver is unable to reach
- (noun) : one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face
- (noun) : someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
- (noun) : the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number
- (verb) : serve an ace against (someone)
- (verb) : play (a hole) in one stroke
- (verb) : score an ace against
- (adjective satellite) : of the highest quality
- (noun) : proteolytic enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II
- (noun) : a major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an area extending from Norway to Turkey
- (adjective satellite) : settled securely and unconditionally
- (adjective satellite) : highly skilled
- (adjective satellite) : successfully completed or brought to an end
- (noun) : a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
- (adjective satellite) : intentionally conceived
- (adjective) : knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts
- (adjective satellite) : (followed by of') showing realization or recognition of something
- (adjective satellite) : evidencing the possession of inside information
- (adjective satellite) : alert and fully informed
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by conscious design or purpose
- (noun) : a clear and certain mental apprehension
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing profound knowledge
- (adjective) : established by conditioning or learning
- (noun) : an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
- (noun) : an authority qualified to teach apprentices
- (noun) : someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
- (noun) : an artist of consummate skill
- (noun) : a person who has general authority over others
- (noun) : a combatant who is able to defeat rivals
- (noun) : presiding officer of a school
- (noun) : key that secures entrance everywhere
- (verb) : have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of
- (verb) : be or become completely proficient or skilled in
- (verb) : have dominance or the power to defeat over
- (verb) : get on top of; deal with successfully
- (adjective satellite) : most important element
- (noun) : directs the work of others
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- (adjective) : of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- (adjective) : having or showing or requiring special skill
- (noun) : the side or slope of a mountain
- (noun) : an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures
- (adjective satellite) : thoroughly acquainted through study or experience
- (noun) : someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- (adjective) : quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
- (adjective satellite) : skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
- (adjective satellite) : skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
- (adjective satellite) : skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- (noun) : a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
- (adjective satellite) : of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood
- (noun) : United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958)
- (adjective satellite) : skillful with the hands
- (adjective satellite) : useful and convenient
- (noun) : an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
- (adjective satellite) : showing focused training
- (adjective) : of or related to or characteristic of specialists
- (noun) : an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
- (noun) : an advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women)
- مہارت ہُنر مَندی کا مُتقاضی
More words related to the meanings of Maahir - ماہر
More words from English related to Maahir - ماہر
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Maahir - ماہر meanings in English in English.
abolishbreakcrackcreasecropculldisembodydisjoin disprovedisseverdissolvabledissolvedividedistort disbandfoilmasteroverpowerrazerupturewrestinfractinfringelaceratepluckrendresolveviolatebreak loosebreaking awaybreaking offsmashingparrockingunbracingablestcapablecompetentefficient giftedpre eminentproficientqualifiedablecleverdeservingmeritedmeritoriousreceptivetalentedworthful ... worthyassailabledefinablemeritableablerabletaccablecapablerdecernedeffableenterablefigurablelosablemissablepassibleregardablesuableversifiedworthsprestablereeligibleregiblesperablevolitableopportunesufficientadeptappositeappropriatefittinginventivemeetpatproperskilledsuitabletighttrigwell manneredwell readlikeablealibledignifycannycircumspectclerklydiscerningdiscreetknowingmindfulnattytactfulvigilantwakefulwarywatchfulalertawakeintelligentlearnedslickon the watchwide awakewittyawearybecominglyclaverslickersmarmilysmarmysmartingclevecleverdickcleverercleverestcleverishhowkerssensileshrewdestshrewdieslickenslickestsmarmedsmarmiersmarmingsmartedsmartenedsmartenssmartersmartestsmartishsmirkiestsmirredwittiestavilesmartleprudentstatesmenaccomplishedpeople ofexigibleerigibleeligiblediligentearnest keenswiftaptpromptquickreadyaccountantaceoddcabakkaacquaintedawareconsciousinformedinsightfulsentientawarerawarestappriseversantversedfamiliarisedfamiliarizedacquaintsacquiescedacquightedauxiliarbeknownconciliaracquaintantcorsagemoharrammuharrammuharrumeyeballedafloatentirefinished fullmatureperfectpiecelessquitethoroughabsoluteallcompletedownrightexactexperiencedfinalisedjustplenarypowerfulrepletesatisfiedstandardtotalundividedwholeagilebriskcutelivingovermatchpickaxpickaxequirkysharpershiftyslyspeedyadroitastutecunningdeceitfuldeftexpertingeniousleerymanipulatornimblesmarttrickywilfulciliciousshrewdiestrickiertrickishtricklesstricksomecunningmandexterouscompactnarrowactivequick wittedsprysiliquoussedileagalactousagglutinatedagibleagminalapproximateapproximativeimmediaeimminentnextnighstrictadjacentakinalmostapproachingapproximatelycontiguousat handto handhandyimmediatenearclosemouthedclosernearernearsideproximalafearingclosersnearednearingnearsnighnessupclosevicingapproacherapproximatedapproximatingclose barrednearcticnearhandneatifyproximebyarchmouthprincipalbeefychieftainesquireknightliegeprimatechiefheadheadmanleaderrhythmicalchieftaincysirdarchieftainssirdarsartificerartisanfabricantjourneymanworkmanmanufactureroperativeavailablevaluableapplicableconduciveinstructiveusefulavidcuriouseagersharp setagogardentfondwarmwishfulwistfulcognizantknowerperceiveracquaintingknowlechingbangblewchastisedashdrub flapknocklynchovercomeputtbeathitjugulatekillknucklesmitestrapstrikezaphittingstrokingbashingbatinghitheskippingsloshessmitsmitingsmittingsmoteto beatbrilliantdifferenteminenthonouredpalmarysignalchosencrackingdiagnosticdiscriminatedistinct distinguishedegregiousexaltedloftymarkednotableobservableoutstandingprominentprosilientsalientdifferentiateddenominativelyindistinguishedsupereminentbullyclenchconstrictdismayenforcehumiliateimportuneoutflyoverbalanceoverbearovermasterpinchastrictcompressgripehush upoppresspressquellquenchrepressreprimerestrainsmothersuppressweigh downpress onconjurernecromanceradultartfulgrown upshrewdsorcerertodwisecautiousobservantcarefulon guardalertlycautionedguardedchookschouxvexesvexingscivilizedcourteousculturedgenteelmannerlymoralisturbanecivilisedcourtlygentlemangracefulladylikewell breddehiscentdeificdespoticdocentelusivecultratedculturabledeuterateddeuteratesdevestcivilizablecosignificativeidiotedmunificatelearnedlycoatcardmeirmiracquaintanceconnoisseurconversantinsiderconquereoutwitteddefeatknock outoverthrowdefeminizedefeatingdefeudalizecomprehensiveobsessiveoverwhelmingprevailingprevueavowantoverpassionatecognitivegnosticcompletelymasterfulfaultlessidealimpeccableintactintegralintensiveperfectaperfectivepurpurateperfectasperfectingperfectosperfectionalperfectionateperfricateperfuncturatecreditoremployerholderlessorownerproprietaryproprietorseigniorgodlordpossessorbossedbosserlordyowherowseowsercriticfriendold shoeparamedicuntetheredtrineddaedalartficerdextrousfacilehandicraftsmantalentlesstaletellerskillesstacticiansperspicaciousundernfine fingeredchitterumbrellajudiciousconsideratesavantearth eruditeletteredliteraryliteratormacrocosmintellectlearned personnatureperiodregionsscholaruniverseworldeducator teacherinstructormentorpedagoguepreceptorprofessormaestroseggheadogrekernelpricklewhiteheaddanakernelspaymasterconsummateintegerperfectedreplenishedunabridgedutterzero defectcompletedexhaustivefulgidfulgurantfulminantthoroughgoingtotterycompletescomplishedfulgorfulguralfulguratesfullestfulminantsfulmineousfulminousimpleteplenartyplenitudeswholisticfletefolliculousoppleteplenilunaryplenitudinarianplenitudinaryunwholefartheroveroverplussuperfluousabundantexcellentaccomplished personresiduesurplusvirtuoussurplusageextraforaneousfavillousmonsieurcompanionrulersirsahibsiresahibssairsirredsirreesahebeveryperhendresourcefulskillfullgesturebeautyblandishmentcharmcoquetryfulfilledgracepaidperformedpostureguardianholyprincesaintwardenwallywilly nillywaliwilierwilleywillywillywawhusbandhubbyleadingprotrudentpronouncedtellingcharacteristicclearconspicousevidentillustriousnoteworthynoticeableunderscoredvisiblefeaturelesssaliencysalientianfeatousoutmarchedsalientsexplicativemirificentpraenominicalpatentclericalistmulwiclericalsclericateclericityclericsmaulvimoolvimoolviephilosopherpunditptcorkinesspandationpanditpanditspunditsrealliancemagistratecommanderdominantdominatorgovernorjudgeofficialsatrapsubjugatevanquishconquerwinconquadratecaptureinthronizeopinionstupiditytenetadvicecounselideajudgementmindnotionoutlookproposalsentimentviewviewpointvoteworldviewopilionesopificeopinativeroysaonesionsaesainsairstulipbaboobabubaboosbabusteraphimneatvolantheirheritorinheritorlegateenext of kinprotectorscionheir at lawheirlessheirloomsheirsheriotheriotsinheritorsrationalskilfulhard boiledseasonedveteranold handold timertravailedvetweather beatenexperientexperimenterexperiencerexperimentatorexperimentistgeniussensiblewise towise upwise likeferlyincomparableinimitablematchlesssingleunequalleduniqueunparalleledunderstandingsciousapsearched nischodd numberunevennicherednichersnichesnoctulenoctulesmechanicknowledgeablewell informedhighbrowintellectualsagacioussharpgovernmentcircarsircarsirkarsirkarslordstrained
Idioms related to the meaning of Maahir - ماہر
What are the meanings of Maahir - ماہر in English?
Meanings of the word Maahir - ماہر in English are ace, accomplished, artisan, conscious, knowing, learned, master, proficient, skilful, skilled, versant, versed, adept, adroit, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, handy, specialiser, specialistic, specializer, suffragist, astringer, versing, adeptist, apician, excommunicant, exuperant and skilder. To understand how would you translate the word Maahir - ماہر in English, you can take help from words closely related to Maahir - ماہر or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Maahir - ماہر synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Maahir - ماہر. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Maahir - ماہر in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Maahir - ماہر in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Maahir - ماہر with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by maahir?
Meanings of maahir are ace, accomplished, artisan, conscious, knowing, learned, master, proficient, skilful, skilled, versant, versed, adept, adroit, deft, dexterous, dextrous, expert, handy, specialiser, specialistic, specializer, suffragist, astringer, versing, adeptist, apician, excommunicant, exuperant and skilder
Whats the definition of maahir?
Definition of the maahir are
- a serve that the receiver is unable to reach
- one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face
- someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
- the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number
- serve an ace against (someone)
- play (a hole) in one stroke
- score an ace against
- of the highest quality
- proteolytic enzyme that converts angiotensin I into angiotensin II
- a major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an area extending from Norway to Turkey
- settled securely and unconditionally
- highly skilled
- successfully completed or brought to an end
- a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft
- intentionally conceived
- knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts
- (followed by of') showing realization or recognition of something
- evidencing the possession of inside information
- alert and fully informed
- characterized by conscious design or purpose
- a clear and certain mental apprehension
- having or showing profound knowledge
- established by conditioning or learning
- an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
- an authority qualified to teach apprentices
- someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
- an artist of consummate skill
- a person who has general authority over others
- a combatant who is able to defeat rivals
- presiding officer of a school
- key that secures entrance everywhere
- have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of
- be or become completely proficient or skilled in
- have dominance or the power to defeat over
- get on top of; deal with successfully
- most important element
- directs the work of others
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- having or showing or requiring special skill
- the side or slope of a mountain
- an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation and for reducing pain during uncomfortable medical procedures
- thoroughly acquainted through study or experience
- someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- quick or skillful or adept in action or thought
- skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
- skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
- skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
- of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood
- United States blues musician who transcribed and published traditional blues music (1873-1958)
- skillful with the hands
- useful and convenient
- an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
- showing focused training
- of or related to or characteristic of specialists
- an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
- an advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women)
- مہارت ہُنر مَندی کا مُتقاضی
What is the synonym of maahir?
Synonym of word maahir are اکا, اکلو, احسن, تاش کا اکّا, ماہر, ممتاز, نمایاں, یکا, یکتا, مُکَمَل
What are the idioms related to maahir?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word maahir.
- Vices are learned without a master
- Better be proficient in one art than smatterer in a hundred
- The cards beat all the players be they never so skilful
- He that can master his thirst is master of his health
- Knowing to