Majmaa - مجمع meanings in English

Majmaa - مجمع meanings in English are congregation, crowd, congeries, cluster, assembly, assemblage, aggregation, mob, junto, group, gathering, muster Majmaa - مجمع in English. More meanings of majmaa - مجمع, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

congregation crowd congeries cluster assembly assemblage aggregation mob junto group gathering muster

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Majmaa - مجمع Definitions

Please find 39 English and definitions related to the word Majmaa - مجمع.

  • (verb) : gather or cause to gather into a cluster
  • (noun) : a grouping of a number of similar things
  • (verb) : come together as in a cluster or flock
  • (noun) : a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
  • (noun) : the act of congregating
  • (noun) : an assemblage of people or animals or things collected together
  • (noun) : a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
  • (noun) : an informal body of friends
  • (noun) : a large number of things or people considered together
  • (verb) : fill or occupy to the point of overflowing
  • (verb) : to gather together in large numbers
  • (verb) : approach a certain age or speed
  • (verb) : cause to herd, drive, or crowd together
  • (noun) : the act of gathering something
  • (noun) : sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching
  • (noun) : a group of persons together in one place
  • (noun) : the social act of assembling
  • (noun) : any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
  • (noun) : a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
  • (noun) : (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
  • (verb) : arrange into a group or groups
  • (verb) : form a group or group together
  • (noun) : a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
  • (noun) : compulsory military service
  • (noun) : a gathering of military personnel for duty
  • (verb) : call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.
  • (verb) : gather or bring together
  • (noun) : several things grouped together or considered as a whole
  • (noun) : the act of gathering something together
  • (noun) : several things grouped together or considered as a whole
  • (noun) : a group of persons together in one place
  • (noun) : the social act of assembling
  • (noun) : a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
  • (noun) : a public facility to meet for open discussion
  • (noun) : the social act of assembling
  • (noun) : the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
  • (noun) : a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
  • (noun) : a unit consisting of components that have been fitted together
  • (noun) : a group of persons who are gathered together for a common purpose

More words related to the meanings of Majmaa - مجمع

Clusterخوشہ khoshah خوشہ Khosha گُچھا Ghucha جُھنڈ گچھا guchchha گچھا guchha گچھا guch chha گچھا Gacha مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa اکٹھا ہونا ikattha hona اکٹھا کرنا ikattha karna اکٹھا کرنا ikttha karna
Congeriesڈھیر dheyr ڈھیر Dhair تودہ Todah مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa
Congregationاجتماع ijtemaa مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa ڈھیر dheyr ڈھیر Dhair جمعیت Jamiat جلوت jalwat جلوت Jaloot محفل maehfil محفل Mahfil
Crowdہجُوم Hujoom اَزدحام جمِ غفیر بھِیڑ Bheed بھِیڑ Bheerd جَمگھَٹا Jamghatta انبوہ anboh بھیڑ bhiir بھیڑ bheyr بھیڑ Bhaid بھیڑ Bhaird فوج fauj گھمسان ghamsaan ہجوم hujuum ہجوم Hajoom جم گھٹا jam ghata جلوت jalwat جلوت Jaloot جتھا jatha جتھا Juttha مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa بھیڑ جمع ہونا bhiir jama hona مجمع اکٹھا ہونا majma ikattha hona
Gatheringجماعت jamaaat جماعت Jama'at مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa مجلس Majlis مجلس Mujlis مجلس Majliss بھیڑ bhiir بھیڑ bheyr بھیڑ Bhaid بھیڑ Bhaird ہجوم hujuum ہجوم Hajoom اجتماع ijtemaa جھومر jhuumar محفل maehfil محفل Mahfil
Groupایک جا کرنا جمع کرنا jama karna بٹورنا batorna بٹورنا Batourna اکھٹا کرنا ikhatta karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna فراہم کرنا faraaham karna چننا chunna ترتیب سے لگانا مجموعہ majmuuah مجموعہ Majmoaa زمرہ zumrah گروہ garoh گروہ Girroh جٹ Jutt گٹ Gutt مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa جھنڈ jhund پرا para جماعت jamaaat جماعت Jama'at انجمن anjuman حلقہ halqah حلقہ halqaah حلقہ Hulqa جمعت jamaat جتھہ jattha ٹولی toli ٹکڑی tukri ذیل zeyl ذیل zael گروہ بنانا garoh banaana
Juntoمجلس Majlis مجلس Mujlis مجلس Majliss مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa کونسل Council سبھا Sabha سیاسی ٹولی siyaasi toli جتھا jatha جتھا Juttha
Mobعوام awaam عوام الناس awaam un naas مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa ہجوم hujuum ہجوم Hajoom بازاری لوگ بلوہ balwah بلوہ Balooh انبوہ anboh بھیڑ بھاڑ جم غفیر jamm e ghafiir بلوا کرنا balwa karna غلبہ کرنا ghalbah karna ٹوٹ پڑنا tuut parna اژدہام azdahaam اژدہام az dahaam بھیڑ bhiir بھیڑ bheyr بھیڑ Bhaid بھیڑ Bhaird جم گھٹ jam ghat ٹھٹھ thath
Musterجائزہ jaa ezah جائزہ Jaiza جائزہ Jayeza حاضری haaziri حاضری Haazri موجودات maujuudaat گنتی ginti شمار shumaar اجتماع ijtemaa فراہمی faraahami فراہمی Pilayaa دفتر daftar مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa مظاہرہ muzaahirah مظاہرہ muzaaherah مظاہرہ Muzahira اکٹھا کرنا ikattha karna اکٹھا کرنا ikttha karna پکارنا pukaarna پکارنا Pukarna
Aggregationبھیڑ bhiir بھیڑ bheyr بھیڑ Bhaid بھیڑ Bhaird مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa
Assemblageاجتماع ijtemaa جمیعت jamiiat مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa
Assemblyانجمن anjuman بزم bazm جھومر jhuumar محفل maehfil محفل Mahfil مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa

More words from English related to Majmaa - مجمع

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Majmaa - مجمع meanings in English in English.

accumulatecongregategathergroupjoinlumpgarneringatheringagglomeratinghoardingathersweepaggregatecollectionekefundmobilizestoreamassbunchcollecttotacculturationagglutinatecollectivisecollectivizepluralizerepositaccruingaggrateamassingassegaiingcomportingconglobingcongreeingdepositingaccumulatingaggregatingasseveratingcollectednesscolorateconcubinatepluralizingfeedplenishprovidepurveyimpartingimparkproviding ...

What are the meanings of Majmaa - مجمع in English?

Meanings of the word Majmaa - مجمع in English are cluster, congeries, congregation, crowd, gathering, group, junto, mob, muster, aggregation, assemblage and assembly. To understand how would you translate the word Majmaa - مجمع in English, you can take help from words closely related to Majmaa - مجمع or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Majmaa - مجمع synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Majmaa - مجمع. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Majmaa - مجمع in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Majmaa - مجمع in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Majmaa - مجمع with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by majmaa?

Meanings of majmaa are cluster, congeries, congregation, crowd, gathering, group, junto, mob, muster, aggregation, assemblage and assembly

Whats the definition of majmaa?

Definition of the majmaa are

  • gather or cause to gather into a cluster
  • a grouping of a number of similar things
  • come together as in a cluster or flock
  • a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
  • the act of congregating
  • an assemblage of people or animals or things collected together
  • a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
  • an informal body of friends
  • a large number of things or people considered together
  • fill or occupy to the point of overflowing
  • to gather together in large numbers
  • approach a certain age or speed
  • cause to herd, drive, or crowd together
  • the act of gathering something
  • sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching
  • a group of persons together in one place
  • the social act of assembling
  • any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
  • a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
  • (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
  • arrange into a group or groups
  • form a group or group together
  • a clique (often secret) that seeks power usually through intrigue
  • compulsory military service
  • a gathering of military personnel for duty
  • call to duty, military service, jury duty, etc.
  • gather or bring together
  • several things grouped together or considered as a whole
  • the act of gathering something together
  • several things grouped together or considered as a whole
  • a group of persons together in one place
  • the social act of assembling
  • a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
  • a public facility to meet for open discussion
  • the social act of assembling
  • the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
  • a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
  • a unit consisting of components that have been fitted together
  • a group of persons who are gathered together for a common purpose

What is the synonym of majmaa?

Synonym of word majmaa are خوشہ, گُچھا, جُھنڈ, گچھا, مجمع, اکٹھا ہونا, اکٹھا کرنا, ڈھیر, تودہ, اجتماع

What are the idioms related to majmaa?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word majmaa.

  • Pass muster
  • The mob has many heads but no brains
  • Gathering wealth is a pleasant pain
  • Your wits have gone a wool gathering
  • A crowd is not company