Mazhar - مظہر meanings in English

Mazhar - مظہر meanings in English are causal, illustrative, phenomenon, indicator, understanding, epitomic, epitomised, epitomized Mazhar - مظہر in English. More meanings of mazhar - مظہر, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

causal illustrative phenomenon indicator understanding epitomic epitomised epitomized

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Mazhar - مظہر Definitions

Please find 14 English and definitions related to the word Mazhar - مظہر.

  • (adjective satellite) : involving or constituting a cause; causing
  • (adjective satellite) : clarifying by use of examples
  • (adjective satellite) : serving to demonstrate
  • (noun) : any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
  • (noun) : a remarkable development
  • (noun) : a device for showing the operating condition of some system
  • (noun) : a signal for attracting attention
  • (noun) : a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
  • (noun) : (chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance; can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular reaction
  • (noun) : the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
  • (noun) : the cognitive condition of someone who understands
  • (noun) : an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion
  • (noun) : the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy

More words related to the meanings of Mazhar - مظہر

Causalسبب sabab اسباب کے متعلق علّت کا پہلو لئے ہوئے مظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar
Illustrativeکاشف kaashif مبین Mubeen مبین Mubin مظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar روشن کرنے والا مدلل mudallil مدلل Mudalil توضیحی tauziihi تشریحی tashriihi تشریحی Tashreehi تشریحی Tushrihy تمثیلی tamsiili تمثیلی Tamseeli مثالی misaali تشہیری tashhiiri
Phenomenonاعجوبہ صورت نادرالظہور Nadir ul zahoor مظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar حادثہٴ طبعی حادثہ haadisah حادثہ Hadsa معجزہ mojezah معجزہ Moajza واقعہ waqaae واقعہ waaqeah واقعہ Waqiya واقعہ Waaqia
Indicatorاندازہ andaazah اندازہ Andaza مقیاس meqyaas مقیاس miqyaas مقیاس Miqyas مشیر mushiir مشیر Musheer مظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar نشان دہی کرنے والا nishaan dahi karney waala
Understandingعاقل aaqil عاقل Aqil بصیر basiir برد بار burd baar فہیم fahiim سمجھ دار samajh daar ذہین zehiin ذہین Zaheen عقل aql عقل Aqal بصیرت basiirat بصیرت Baseerat برد باری burd baari مظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar فہم faehm فہم Feham فراست firaasat فراست Farasat گیان gayaan گیان Giyan ادراک idraak ادراک adraak ہوش hosh مغز maghz مغز maghaz مت mat قرارداد qaraar daad قرارداد Qarardad سمجھ samajh سمجھوتہ samjhotah سمجھوتہ samjhota ذہانت zehaanat ذہانت zahaanat ذہانت Zihanazt
Epitomicمظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar
Epitomisedمظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar
Epitomizedمظہر muzhar مظہر mazhar

More words from English related to Mazhar - مظہر

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Mazhar - مظہر meanings in English in English.

apprehensioncomprehensionknowledgeperceptionsensiblesnesscognitiongraspinsightintuitionnousperspicacityunderstandingcognationcognisecognizancecognomencognoscibleperceptperceptibilityperceptivenessperceptivityperceptualperdurabilitycognatescognisedcognisescognitionscognizedcognizescognomenscognovitsingratesingressespertusionseeressescognominationcognoscencecognoscibilityargumentativeillustrativedemonstrativereasonablewell groundedbraincoremarrowmatterpulpintellectkernel ...

What are the meanings of Mazhar - مظہر in English?

Meanings of the word Mazhar - مظہر in English are causal, illustrative, phenomenon, indicator, understanding, epitomic, epitomised and epitomized. To understand how would you translate the word Mazhar - مظہر in English, you can take help from words closely related to Mazhar - مظہر or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Mazhar - مظہر synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Mazhar - مظہر. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Mazhar - مظہر in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Mazhar - مظہر in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Mazhar - مظہر with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by mazhar?

Meanings of mazhar are causal, illustrative, phenomenon, indicator, understanding, epitomic, epitomised and epitomized

Whats the definition of mazhar?

Definition of the mazhar are

  • involving or constituting a cause; causing
  • clarifying by use of examples
  • serving to demonstrate
  • any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning
  • a remarkable development
  • a device for showing the operating condition of some system
  • a signal for attracting attention
  • a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
  • (chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance; can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular reaction
  • the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
  • the cognitive condition of someone who understands
  • an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion
  • the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination
  • characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy

What is the synonym of mazhar?

Synonym of word mazhar are سبب, اسباب کے متعلق, علّت کا پہلو لئے ہوئے, مظہر, کاشف, مبین, روشن کرنے والا, مدلل, توضیحی, تشریحی

What are the idioms related to mazhar?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word mazhar.

  • Hunger sharpens the understanding even in fools
  • Understanding is the wealth of wealth