Moaawizah - معاوضہ meanings in English

Moaawizah - معاوضہ meanings in English are consideration, reimbursed, reimburses, compensatory, compense, estuance, perpensity, reamputation, recommitment, recompensation, reimburser, reimbursing, remunerable, remunerating, collying, chargeably, earnings, quidproquo, indemnity, payment, quid pro quo, quittance, truckage, chargeable, compensated, indemnification, remunerated, remunerative, bonking, remuneratory Moaawizah - معاوضہ in English. More meanings of moaawizah - معاوضہ, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

consideration reimbursed reimburses compensatory compense estuance perpensity reamputation recommitment recompensation reimburser reimbursing remunerable remunerating collying chargeably earnings quidproquo indemnity payment quid pro quo quittance truckage chargeable compensated indemnification remunerated remunerative bonking remuneratory

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Moaawizah - معاوضہ Definitions

Please find 24 English and definitions related to the word Moaawizah - معاوضہ.

  • (noun) : a considerate and thoughtful act
  • (noun) : kind and considerate regard for others
  • (noun) : the process of giving careful thought to something
  • (noun) : a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting)
  • (noun) : a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
  • (noun) : something that remunerates
  • (noun) : the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
  • (adjective satellite) : liable to be accused, or cause for such liability
  • (adjective satellite) : receiving or eligible for compensation
  • (noun) : a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
  • (noun) : an act of compensation for actual loss or damage or for trouble and annoyance
  • (noun) : a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
  • (noun) : legal exemption from liability for damages
  • (noun) : protection against future loss
  • (noun) : the act of paying money
  • (noun) : a sum of money paid or a claim discharged
  • (noun) : an act of requiting; returning in kind
  • (noun) : payment of a debt or obligation
  • (noun) : a document or receipt certifying release from an obligation or debt
  • (adjective satellite) : receiving or eligible for compensation
  • (adjective satellite) : for which money is paid
  • (adjective satellite) : producing a sizeable profit
  • (noun) : the activity of transporting goods by truck
  • (noun) : a fee charged for transporting goods by truckage

More words related to the meanings of Moaawizah - معاوضہ

Considerationلحاظ مروت ملاحظہ mulaahezah ملاحظہ Mulahiza سوچ soch غور ghaur غور Ghor زیر غور تلافی talaafi تلافی Talafi معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza عطا ata اندیشہ andeyshah اندیشہ Andesha احترام ehteraam غار ghaar غار ghaaur فکر fikr فکر Fikar عزت izzat لحاظ lehaaz لحاظ Lehaza تعلق taalluq تعلق talluq تعلق Ta'alluk نگاہ nigaah شرم sharm شرم Sharam توجہ tawajjoh توجہ Tawajjah
Earningsکمائی Kamayi کمائی Kamai پراپتی Praparti اجرت ujrat آمدنی aamdani صلہ silah صلہ Sila معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Quidproquoادل بدل adal badal معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Chargeableمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Compensatedمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Indemnificationمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Indemnityامان amaan امان Aman بچاؤ bachaa o ہرجانہ har jaanah ہرجانہ harjaanah ہرجانہ Har jana معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza تاوان taawaan تاوان Tawaan تلافی talaafi تلافی Talafi
Paymentادائ adaa i اجر ajr اجر aajir اجر Ajar بدلہ badlah بدلہ Badlaa بدلہ Budla مکافات makaafaat مکافات Makafaat معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza تقسیم taqsiim تقسیم Taqseem تقسیم Taqsim
Quid pro quoادل بدل adal badal معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Quittanceچھٹکارا chhut kaara چھٹکارا Chutkara ہرجانہ har jaanah ہرجانہ harjaanah ہرجانہ Har jana جزا jaza معاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza نجات nijaat نجات nejaat
Remuneratedمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Remunerativeمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Truckageمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza مبادلہ mubaadilah مبادلہ mubaadliah مبادلہ Mubaadla
Bonkingمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Chargeablyمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Collyingمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Reimbursedمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Reimbursesمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Compensatoryمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Compenseمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Estuanceمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Perpensityمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Reamputationمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Recommitmentمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Recompensationمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Reimburserمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Reimbursingمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Remunerableمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Remuneratingمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza
Remuneratoryمعاوضہ moaawizah معاوضہ moaawezah معاوضہ Muawiza

More words from English related to Moaawizah - معاوضہ

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Moaawizah - معاوضہ meanings in English in English.

abysscavecavitychasmdikefox earthgashgulfhollowpitconsiderationdengrottolaircaverncavezoncaverningcavernscavessonscavingcavernulousacquittaldisengagementforgiveness leisuredeliveranceexemptionliberationquietusquittancesporadicallayoffredemptionalredemptiveredemptorydisengageshiversporgingrebidsridingsredempturerelievementridgeropesporadessporadialaffiliationappertainconcerncontactrapport ...

What are the meanings of Moaawizah - معاوضہ in English?

Meanings of the word Moaawizah - معاوضہ in English are consideration, earnings, quidproquo, chargeable, compensated, indemnification, indemnity, payment, quid pro quo, quittance, remunerated, remunerative, truckage, bonking, chargeably, collying, reimbursed, reimburses, compensatory, compense, estuance, perpensity, reamputation, recommitment, recompensation, reimburser, reimbursing, remunerable, remunerating and remuneratory. To understand how would you translate the word Moaawizah - معاوضہ in English, you can take help from words closely related to Moaawizah - معاوضہ or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Moaawizah - معاوضہ synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Moaawizah - معاوضہ. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Moaawizah - معاوضہ in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Moaawizah - معاوضہ in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Moaawizah - معاوضہ with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by moaawizah?

Meanings of moaawizah are consideration, earnings, quidproquo, chargeable, compensated, indemnification, indemnity, payment, quid pro quo, quittance, remunerated, remunerative, truckage, bonking, chargeably, collying, reimbursed, reimburses, compensatory, compense, estuance, perpensity, reamputation, recommitment, recompensation, reimburser, reimbursing, remunerable, remunerating and remuneratory

Whats the definition of moaawizah?

Definition of the moaawizah are

  • a considerate and thoughtful act
  • kind and considerate regard for others
  • the process of giving careful thought to something
  • a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting)
  • a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
  • something that remunerates
  • the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)
  • liable to be accused, or cause for such liability
  • receiving or eligible for compensation
  • a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
  • an act of compensation for actual loss or damage or for trouble and annoyance
  • a sum of money paid in compensation for loss or injury
  • legal exemption from liability for damages
  • protection against future loss
  • the act of paying money
  • a sum of money paid or a claim discharged
  • an act of requiting; returning in kind
  • payment of a debt or obligation
  • a document or receipt certifying release from an obligation or debt
  • receiving or eligible for compensation
  • for which money is paid
  • producing a sizeable profit
  • the activity of transporting goods by truck
  • a fee charged for transporting goods by truckage

What is the synonym of moaawizah?

Synonym of word moaawizah are لحاظ مروت, ملاحظہ, سوچ, غور, زیر غور, تلافی, معاوضہ, عطا, اندیشہ, احترام