Mubham - مبہم meanings in English
Mubham - مبہم meanings in English are undispensed, muzzling, incusing, fuzzing, fubsy, deliriants, deftest, confuting, opalesce, confutable, opaqued, opaquer, ferriferous, excrementitious, ambaginous, vaguest, vagues, vagued, opaquing, opaquest, opaques, confusing, confusable, ambagious, indefinite, imprecise, hazy, enigmatic, dubious, ambiguous, vague, nebulous, equivocal, indescribable, indeterminate, unclear, uncertain, shadowy, obscure, nubilous, mirky, intangible, inexplicit, indistinct, dreamy Mubham - مبہم in English. More meanings of mubham - مبہم, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
undispensed muzzling incusing fuzzing fubsy deliriants deftest confuting opalesce confutable opaqued opaquer ferriferous excrementitious ambaginous vaguest vagues vagued opaquing opaquest opaques confusing confusable ambagious indefinite imprecise hazy enigmatic dubious ambiguous vague nebulous equivocal indescribable indeterminate unclear uncertain shadowy obscure nubilous mirky intangible inexplicit indistinct dreamy
Mubham - مبہم Definitions
Please find 62 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Mubham - مبہم.
- (adjective satellite) : dreamy in mood or nature
- (adjective satellite) : lacking spirit or liveliness
- (adjective satellite) : not convinced
- (adjective satellite) : open to doubt or suspicion
- (adjective satellite) : fraught with uncertainty or doubt
- (adjective satellite) : resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought
- (adjective satellite) : resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought
- (adjective satellite) : not clear to the understanding
- (adjective satellite) : not clear to the understanding
- (adjective satellite) : open to question
- (adjective satellite) : uncertain as a sign or indication
- (adjective) : open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
- (adjective satellite) : lacking definite form or limits
- (adjective satellite) : lacking definition or definite content
- (adjective) : of or relating to or resembling a nebula
- (verb) : reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
- (adjective satellite) : not clearly expressed or understood
- (adjective satellite) : lacking clarity or distinctness
- (adjective) : not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished
- (adjective satellite) : not clearly expressed or understood
- (adjective satellite) : roundabout and unnecessarily wordy
- (adjective) : open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
- (adjective) : having more than one possible meaning
- (adjective satellite) : having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns
- (adjective satellite) : so similar as to be easily identified for another thing
- (adjective satellite) : lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity
- (adjective satellite) : causing confusion or disorientation
- (adjective satellite) : able to be refuted
- (adjective satellite) : indistinct or hazy in outline
- (adjective satellite) : filled or abounding with fog or mist
- (adjective) : not precise
- (adjective satellite) : not decided or not known
- (adjective) : vague or not clearly defined or stated
- (adjective satellite) : defying expression or description
- (adjective satellite) : not leading to a definite ending or result
- (adjective) : having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex
- (adjective satellite) : of uncertain or ambiguous nature
- (adjective satellite) : (of a quantity) having no definite value, as an equation that cannot be solved
- (adjective) : not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance
- (adjective) : not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand
- (adjective) : implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something
- (adjective) : incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
- (noun) : assets that are saleable though not material or physical
- (adjective satellite) : hard to pin down or identify
- (adjective) : (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value
- (adjective satellite) : lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen
- (adjective satellite) : (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
- (adjective satellite) : dark or gloomy
- (verb) : exhibit a play of colors like that of an opal
- (verb) : reflect light or colors like an opal
- (adjective satellite) : lacking clarity or distinctness
- (adjective satellite) : filled with shade
- (adjective satellite) : lacking in substance
- (adjective) : lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
- (adjective satellite) : ambiguous (especially in the negative)
- (adjective satellite) : not consistent or dependable
- (adjective) : not established or confirmed
- (adjective) : not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown
- (adjective) : not certain to occur; not inevitable
- (adjective) : poorly stated or described
- (adjective satellite) : not easily deciphered
- (adjective) : not clear to the mind
- جس کے مختلف معنی لیے جا سکتے ہوں
More words related to the meanings of Mubham - مبہم
More words from English related to Mubham - مبہم
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Mubham - مبہم meanings in English in English.
abashedshamefacedashamedbashfuldemurehiddenlowlymodestobscureobscuredpudendouspudentshamefulverecundabortiveimperfectraretimorousalloyedamateuramateurishapproximatecrudedefectivedeficientficklefluctuatingfrailgreenhalf rawimmatureinconsistentinconstantindigestedinefficaciousinexperiencedirresoluteloosenewbienon permanentrawroughslipperytimidunauthenticatedunbakeduncookedunpavedunreliableunripe ... unstampedunsteadyvagueweakyieldingkacchakacchaskutchaabove measureimmeasurableimmensuratenumberlesscountlessindefiniteindeterminateinestimableinnumerableinnumerousuncountedunnumberednumberousaimlessromanticallyunsurveyedapocryphalunaccrediteduncertainundependableunlikableirrecuredblearyfuzzynebulousblurredinexplicitreconditeunclearundefinedill definednoncomprehensivelyunalarmingunambiguityunclearnessunderstudyunexpansiveunobviousunspokenobscurerobscurersobscuresobscurestobscuringunclearerunclearestunenviousunlearningunthriftyobscurementunconspicuouscirculargloboseglobularglomerateroundwater potmoonyrotundroundedrounderroundingroundlygoolgoolsgowlroundarchroundelsroundestroundhandroundleroundlesrounduregollroundyconcealconcealment disguise eclipseimboskmantlemufflebefogblanketcoverensconcehidemaskpalliatesmotherveilconcealingconcealsnidingcomplicatedenigmaticmazydifficultentangledimplicitinextricableinvoluteinvolvedlabyrinthinecomplexifiercomplexifycomplexlycomplinescrewysuffrutexcastigatedcomplexedcomplexingcomplexuscomplicantdilativedistensivedistichousimpleximplexuouspatchablepatheticalperchedpetrificpleuchsscrewiestscuzzystilettoedtituledachroouscomplexionalcomplexionallycomplexionarycomplexionedcomplicatelycomplicatingincicurableinflexiveintricabledarkdarknessdismal duskgloomgloominessgloomylightlessmistinessmurkmurkyobfuscationobscurationpitchytenebroustenebrousnessanarchyblacknessobscuritywandarkeneddarkenmirkopacousopaqueaphoticbenighteddrearymirkyswarthydarklingbleaksbleakydarkleddarkfulteretialwierydimluridmistfulsemi opaquecloudydullfoggyhazyheavylacklustremistyumbrageousunclearedfuggymattematte upblorefadelessfadesfoglessforasmuchfuglefumymattesintangiblejargonisticunbeknownuncannydecayableinconceivableinextensibleinextinguishableuncomprehensibleannihilableinapprehensibleindiminishableindisciplinableinexplainableinextinguibleuncleansableunextinguishableunplacabledingyshabbytattydrossyblackgrummoodymuddysullentristturbidvexatiousvexeddisconsolatedispleasedrearglumjoylesslugubriousmopishtediousdolefuldolourousdourghastfulhaplessmorosepensivesadsorrowfulunhappygloomfulgloomedgloomiestgloomingsgloomsdisorderfarrago jumblegallimaufryhashindistinctmix updisorderly gracelessyuckmaladjustedruinedscatteredworthlessabutterdreamydubiousequivocal questionablesuspectdiffidentdoubtfulscrupulousdubietydubiouslydubiousnessdubitabledaubiestdilemmasdoubtabledubiositydubitablydubitancydubitateddubitatesdubitatingdubitativeduskiestduskishdilettantdiscubitoryleerysuspectedsuspensivesuspectfulsuspirioussuspectablesuspicableobfuscateovercastovershadebediminrailminutethickabstractabstrusecriticaldeepdelicatefine nicescholasticsubtlethinroundishvacillantflightyhesitatingunbelieverundecidedundecisiveundeterminedvacillatingwaveringchancyuncertaintyindefinitenessindefinityindeterminacyindeterminatenessinsalubrityinsubstantialityprecariousnessunassureduncuredundimmedundividableunexclusiveunquestioningunsureunsurpriseduncharityuncuriousuncurtainundecimalundoubleundoubledundrivenundulancyunfallibleuninuredunshrivenunsquareduntranquilinevidentundernimeundistinctiveundularyunprovidentunpureunsuredunsuretyunconfidenterroneousillicitobjectionableimpreciseinexactmistakenunfaithfulfutilevacantabsurdinsignificantmeaninglesssenselessunintelligibleunmeaningpointlessnessmeaninglessnesspointlesslyillabileinextinguishablygrotesquegroundlessimpenitentdazzledstupefiedimperceptibleoccultunbeknownstunchartedundiscoveredunexploredunidentifiedunknowncallownessdisinformationimpregnablyincognizantindescribablynamelessnessnotomysunconsumedundecoratedundescriptiveundreamedunexplainableunexplainedunexploitedunexploratoryunidentifiableunnameableunnamedunseamedabjectsagnameddefoliatesdiscophileexonymextolledimpawnedimponinginnuendoedinnuendoesirrenownedmisknownmisnomeredoutnamedstillagesuncalleduncharmuncharminguncharmsuneathunfearedunfelledunfilletedunknottedunknownsunnobledunnoblesunplainedunplaitedunsnappedunsnapsunsnuffeduntamablyuntameuntameablyuntamesuntaminguntombsuntornunwinnowedunworthannotinousdesmognathousdisanimateddiscovenantennoblerimprovidentiallyinconformableindefinitudeundevilunplaidpartialincompletemoietyunaccomplisheduncompletedunperfectunfulfilledmattpallideclipsedfadedmatobtusepaleden mothermisttarnishmutablewavererwabblerunfrequencyunbodiednubilouscloudiestcloudilytemperatefaintmellowmiddlingmoderatemodifiedslackslowtemperedundertonedim witteddimmerdimmersdimmishdimstermlessillimitableinordinateunboundedunconfinedunlimitedvastnon finiteunbordereduncamphoratedsine diewaverlyindecisiveinsecureunsettledwanderingambiguousanonymousingloriousinnominatenamelessanonymanonymouslyantonymousdenumerablehomonymousallonymousanonymisedanonymizedautonymundeckedunsummeredenumerativebleardiffusedouble entendredustyprejudiceindefinitelyinexhaustibleunfathomableindescribableineffaceableinexpressibleinexpugnableunascribableundecomposableunpresentableindecimableindecomposableindemonstrableunmentionablesenclitic
Idioms related to the meaning of Mubham - مبہم
What are the meanings of Mubham - مبہم in English?
Meanings of the word Mubham - مبہم in English are dreamy, dubious, enigmatic, equivocal, nebulous, obscure, vague, ambagious, ambiguous, confusable, confusing, confutable, hazy, imprecise, indefinite, indescribable, indeterminate, indistinct, inexplicit, intangible, mirky, opalesce, shadowy, uncertain, unclear, confuting, deftest, deliriants, fubsy, fuzzing, incusing, muzzling, nubilous, opaqued, opaquer, opaques, opaquest, opaquing, vagued, vagues, vaguest, ambaginous, excrementitious, ferriferous and undispensed. To understand how would you translate the word Mubham - مبہم in English, you can take help from words closely related to Mubham - مبہم or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Mubham - مبہم synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Mubham - مبہم. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Mubham - مبہم in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Mubham - مبہم in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Mubham - مبہم with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by mubham?
Meanings of mubham are dreamy, dubious, enigmatic, equivocal, nebulous, obscure, vague, ambagious, ambiguous, confusable, confusing, confutable, hazy, imprecise, indefinite, indescribable, indeterminate, indistinct, inexplicit, intangible, mirky, opalesce, shadowy, uncertain, unclear, confuting, deftest, deliriants, fubsy, fuzzing, incusing, muzzling, nubilous, opaqued, opaquer, opaques, opaquest, opaquing, vagued, vagues, vaguest, ambaginous, excrementitious, ferriferous and undispensed
Whats the definition of mubham?
Definition of the mubham are
- dreamy in mood or nature
- lacking spirit or liveliness
- not convinced
- open to doubt or suspicion
- fraught with uncertainty or doubt
- resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought
- resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought
- not clear to the understanding
- not clear to the understanding
- open to question
- uncertain as a sign or indication
- open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
- lacking definite form or limits
- lacking definition or definite content
- of or relating to or resembling a nebula
- reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
- not clearly expressed or understood
- lacking clarity or distinctness
- not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished
- not clearly expressed or understood
- roundabout and unnecessarily wordy
- open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
- having more than one possible meaning
- having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns
- so similar as to be easily identified for another thing
- lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity
- causing confusion or disorientation
- able to be refuted
- indistinct or hazy in outline
- filled or abounding with fog or mist
- not precise
- not decided or not known
- vague or not clearly defined or stated
- defying expression or description
- not leading to a definite ending or result
- having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex
- of uncertain or ambiguous nature
- (of a quantity) having no definite value, as an equation that cannot be solved
- not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance
- not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand
- implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something
- incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
- assets that are saleable though not material or physical
- hard to pin down or identify
- (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value
- lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen
- (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
- dark or gloomy
- exhibit a play of colors like that of an opal
- reflect light or colors like an opal
- lacking clarity or distinctness
- filled with shade
- lacking in substance
- lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
- ambiguous (especially in the negative)
- not consistent or dependable
- not established or confirmed
- not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown
- not certain to occur; not inevitable
- poorly stated or described
- not easily deciphered
- not clear to the mind
- جس کے مختلف معنی لیے جا سکتے ہوں
What is the synonym of mubham?
Synonym of word mubham are ہوائی قِلعے بنانے والا, خیالی پلاوٴ پکانے والا, خواب آسا, مبہم, غير متغير, مشکوک, پيچيدہ, مشتبہ, دھندھلا, غامض
What are the idioms related to mubham?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word mubham.
- Children are certain care but very uncertain comforts
- It is uncertain in what place death may be y looking out for you therefore in every place out for death
- Life is uncertain
- It is uncertain in what place death may be y looking out for you; therefore in every place out for death