Muttabarrik - متبرک meanings in English

Muttabarrik - متبرک meanings in English are holy, blessed, consecrated, consecrative, heavenly, sacred, venerable, nodulous, matter Muttabarrik - متبرک in English. More meanings of muttabarrik - متبرک, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

holy blessed consecrated consecrative heavenly sacred venerable nodulous matter

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Muttabarrik - متبرک Definitions

Please find 23 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Muttabarrik - متبرک.

  • (adjective satellite) : enjoying the bliss of heaven
  • (adjective satellite) : worthy of worship
  • (adjective) : highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace)
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by happiness and good fortune
  • (adjective satellite) : Roman Catholic; proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration
  • (adjective satellite) : made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use
  • (adjective) : solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high or sacred purpose
  • (noun) : a sacred place of pilgrimage
  • (adjective) : belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power
  • (verb) : have weight; have import, carry weight
  • (noun) : (used with negation) having consequence
  • (noun) : a vaguely specified concern
  • (noun) : a problem
  • (noun) : written works (especially in books or magazines)
  • (noun) : some situation or event that is thought about
  • (adjective) : relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven
  • (adjective) : of or relating to the sky
  • (adjective) : of or belonging to heaven or god
  • (adjective satellite) : made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use
  • (adjective satellite) : worthy of religious veneration
  • (adjective) : concerned with religion or religious purposes
  • (adjective satellite) : worthy of respect or dedication
  • (adjective satellite) : (often followed by to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person
  • رواج کے ذریعے مجاز بنایا ہوا

More words related to the meanings of Muttabarrik - متبرک

Blessedبھاگی Bhagi خوش و خرم شاد shaad باغ باغ baagh baagh فیض یاب faez yaab مُبارک Mubarak مُبارک Mubaruk مقدّس کامران kaam raan مبارک mubaarak مبارک Mubarak متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik
Consecratedرواج سے اجازت دیا ہوا مقدس muqaddas متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik
Holyبھگت bhagat دھرماتما Dharmaatma ولی wali صاحب دل پاک paak پاک Pak پوتر Potar متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik مقدس muqaddas واجب التعظیم waajib ul taziim مبارک mubaarak مبارک Mubarak پارسا paarsa پارسا Paarsaa
Matterمادہ maaddah مادہ maadah مادہ maa dah مادہ Maada جوہر jauhar جوہر Johar اصل asl اصل asal اصل Asaal مغز maghz مغز maghaz ضروری ہونا zaruuri hona اہم ہونا اہمیت رکھنا بات baat مسئلہ masa alah مسئلہ mas alah مسئلہ masa lah مسئلہ Masla معاملہ moamalah معاملہ moaamilah معاملہ moaamlah معاملہ Muamla قصہ qissah قصہ Qissa متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik
Venerableمعزز moazziz معزز Muaz'ziz معزز Muaziz واجب waajib واجب التعظیم waajib ul taziim بزرگ buzurg بزرگ Buzrug بزرگوار Bazarguwaar آدر Aadar عتیق atiiq محترم mohtaram متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik پرانا puraana پرانا Purana قدیم qadiim قدیم Qadim قابل احترام qaabil e ehteraam سن رسیدہ sin rasiidah واجب تعظیم waajib e taziim
Heavenlyآسمانی aasmaani آسمانی Aasmani آسمانی Asmane اچھا achchha اچھا achha اچھا Acha برگزیدہ bar guziidah بہشتی behishti فلکی falaki فلکی Falki فردوسی firdausi جنتی jannati جنتی Janti خوب khuub خوب Khoob متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik نفیس nafiis نفیس Nafees پاکیزہ paa kiizah پاکیزہ paakiizah پاکیزہ Pakeeza پاکیزہ Pakiza مقدس muqaddas سماوی samaawi سماوی Samawi علوی ulwi
Sacredدینی diini دینی Deeni دینی dainee مقدس muqaddas متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik مقدسانہ Muqadisana
Nodulousمتبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik
Consecrativeمقدس muqaddas متبرک mutabarrak متبرک Muttabarrik

More words from English related to Muttabarrik - متبرک

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Muttabarrik - متبرک meanings in English in English.

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Idioms related to the meaning of Muttabarrik - متبرک

What are the meanings of Muttabarrik - متبرک in English?

Meanings of the word Muttabarrik - متبرک in English are blessed, consecrated, holy, matter, venerable, heavenly, sacred, nodulous and consecrative. To understand how would you translate the word Muttabarrik - متبرک in English, you can take help from words closely related to Muttabarrik - متبرک or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Muttabarrik - متبرک synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Muttabarrik - متبرک. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Muttabarrik - متبرک in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Muttabarrik - متبرک in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Muttabarrik - متبرک with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by muttabarrik?

Meanings of muttabarrik are blessed, consecrated, holy, matter, venerable, heavenly, sacred, nodulous and consecrative

Whats the definition of muttabarrik?

Definition of the muttabarrik are

  • enjoying the bliss of heaven
  • worthy of worship
  • highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace)
  • characterized by happiness and good fortune
  • Roman Catholic; proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration
  • made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use
  • solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high or sacred purpose
  • a sacred place of pilgrimage
  • belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power
  • have weight; have import, carry weight
  • (used with negation) having consequence
  • a vaguely specified concern
  • a problem
  • written works (especially in books or magazines)
  • some situation or event that is thought about
  • relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven
  • of or relating to the sky
  • of or belonging to heaven or god
  • made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use
  • worthy of religious veneration
  • concerned with religion or religious purposes
  • worthy of respect or dedication
  • (often followed by to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person
  • رواج کے ذریعے مجاز بنایا ہوا

What is the synonym of muttabarrik?

Synonym of word muttabarrik are بھاگی, خوش و خرم, شاد, باغ باغ, فیض یاب, مُبارک, مقدّس, کامران, مبارک, متبرک

What are the idioms related to muttabarrik?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word muttabarrik.

  • Women have a heavenly instinct for sympathising with misfortune
  • A holy habit cleanseth not a foul soul
  • Among us most sacred is the majesty of wealth
  • Let the most difficult duty be your most sacred duty
  • Public money is like holy water everyone helps himself

Women have a heavenly instinct for sympathising with misfortuneعورت کی مصیبت میں دوست خدا داد ہے
A holy habit cleanseth not a foul soulپاک جامہ پہن لینے سے ناپاک روح صاف نہیں ہو جاتی
Among us most sacred is the majesty of wealthدُنیا والوں کا سب سے بڑا دیوتا دھن ہے
Let the most difficult duty be your most sacred dutyسب سے مشکل کام کو نباہنا آدمی کا فرض مقدم ہے
Public money is like holy water everyone helps himselfعوام کا روپیہ گویا آبِ زم زم ہے جِس کے ہاتھ لگا لے گیا
Sacred apeہنومان ہندو تاریخ کا ایک مقدس بندر
Public money is like holy watereveryone helps himselfعوام کا روپیہ گویا آبِ زم زم ہے جِس کے ہاتھ لگا لے گیا
As a matter of factحقیقت میں
For that matterاس وجہ سے در حقیقت
For that matterاس وجہ سے درحقیقت
If the counsel be good no matter who gave itاچھی بات خواہ بچہ کہے اسے سننا چاہیئے
Matter of courseکوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا
Matter of recordحقیقت پر مبنی
More malice than matterبِلا وجہ کینہ
No matterکوئی بات نہیں
No matter how much you feed a wolf he will always return to the forestسانپ کو جتنا مرضی دودھ پلاوٴ وہ تو ڈسے گا ہی
Nothing is lost and nothing is createdimply matter changes formدنیا میں نہ کوئی چیز پیدا ہوتی ہے نہ فنا ہوتی ہے محض شکل کی تبدیلی ہوتی ہے
The root of the matterاصل
Thinking does not matter but doingصرف سوچنے سے کچھ نہیں بنتا کام کرنے سے ہوتا ہے
Nothing is lost and nothing is created simply matter changes formدنیا میں نہ کوئی چیز پیدا ہوتی ہے نہ فنا ہوتی ہے محض شکل کی تبدیلی ہوتی ہے