Paa bandi - پابندی meanings in English

Paa bandi - پابندی meanings in English are curb, punctiliousness, restriction endonuclease, restrictiveness, ademption, bams, bans, bants, barding, brans, disburdens, embargoes, proscribes, adherency, boundedness, bonderise, bindery, foreclosure, imprisonment, limitation, obstriction, adherence, cohibition, control, perseverance, punctuality, regularity, restriction, stint, subordination, bannition Paa bandi - پابندی in English. More meanings of paa bandi - پابندی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

curb punctiliousness restriction endonuclease restrictiveness ademption bams bans bants barding brans disburdens embargoes proscribes adherency boundedness bonderise bindery foreclosure imprisonment limitation obstriction adherence cohibition control perseverance punctuality regularity restriction stint subordination bannition

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Paa bandi - پابندی Definitions

Please find 62 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Paa bandi - پابندی.

  • (noun) : the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
  • (verb) : lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
  • (noun) : an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter)
  • (noun) : a horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse
  • (noun) : a stock exchange in New York
  • (verb) : keep to the curb
  • (verb) : place restrictions on
  • (noun) : the legal proceedings initiated by a creditor to repossess the collateral for loan that is in default
  • (noun) : the state of being imprisoned
  • (noun) : the act of confining someone in a prison (or as if in a prison)
  • (noun) : putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
  • (noun) : the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
  • (noun) : an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
  • (noun) : the quality of being limited or restricted
  • (noun) : (law) a time period after which suits cannot be brought
  • (noun) : a principle that limits the extent of something
  • (noun) : faithful support for a cause or political party or religion
  • (noun) : the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
  • (noun) : a workshop where books are bound
  • (verb) : coat with a substance that will prevent corrosion
  • (noun) : the quality of being finite
  • (verb) : be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
  • (verb) : lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
  • (verb) : have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of
  • (noun) : great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity
  • (verb) : handle and cause to function
  • (noun) : the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
  • (verb) : exercise authoritative control or power over
  • (noun) : the activity of managing or exerting control over something
  • (noun) : (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc
  • (noun) : a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine
  • (noun) : discipline in personal and social activities
  • (noun) : power to direct or determine
  • (noun) : a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment
  • (noun) : the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.
  • (noun) : a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
  • (noun) : a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another
  • (verb) : verify by using a duplicate register for comparison
  • (verb) : check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard
  • (verb) : maintain influence over (others or oneself) skillfully, usually to one's advantage
  • (verb) : place under restrictions; limit access to by law
  • (noun) : persistent determination
  • (noun) : the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior
  • (noun) : strict attention to minute details
  • (noun) : the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time
  • (noun) : a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles
  • (noun) : the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate
  • (noun) : an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
  • (noun) : a principle that limits the extent of something
  • (noun) : the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)
  • (noun) : any of the enzymes that cut nucleic acid at specific restriction sites and produce restriction fragments; obtained from bacteria (where they cripple viral invaders); used in recombinant DNA technology
  • (noun) : a lack of permissiveness or indulgence and a tendency to confine behavior within certain specified limits
  • (noun) : a grammatical qualification that makes the meaning more specific ( red hat' has a more specific meaning than hat')
  • (verb) : subsist on a meager allowance
  • (noun) : smallest American sandpiper
  • (noun) : an individual's prescribed share of work
  • (noun) : an unbroken period of time during which you do something
  • (noun) : the act of mastering or subordinating someone
  • (noun) : the semantic relation of being subordinate or belonging to a lower rank or class
  • (noun) : the quality of obedient submissiveness
  • (noun) : the grammatical relation of a modifying word or phrase to its head
  • (noun) : the state of being subordinate to something
  • شئے مرہونہ کا ضبط یا قرق کرنا

More words related to the meanings of Paa bandi - پابندی

Curbقید qaed قید Qaid پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi روک rok روک Roak روکنا rokna سنبھالنا sanbhaalna سنبھالنا Sanbhalna
Foreclosureبندش bandish بندش Bundish رُکاوٹ پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi گروی کی ضبطی حق انفکاک مسدود کرنا
Imprisonmentاسیری asiiri قید qaed قید Qaid حبس habs پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi بندی bindi بندی Bandi بند band بند Baand حراست heraasat حراست heraast حراست Hirasat
Limitationحد بندی had bandi احاطہ بندی ehaatah bandi انحصار inhesaar انحصار Inhesar پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi معذوری mazuuri معذوری Maazoori مجبوری majbuuri مجبوری Majboori بندش bandish بندش Bundish احاطہ ehaatah احاطہ Ahaata حد had حد Hadd
Obstrictionعہد aehd عہد Ehad ہوڑ Horr شرط shart پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Adherenceگرویدگی girwiidgi استقامت isteqaamat استقامت Istaqamat پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi پیروی paerawi پیروی Pairwi استواری ustuwaari وابستگی waabastahgi وابستگی waabastgi وابستگی Wabastagi
Binderyپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bonderiseپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Boundednessپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Controlپابندی لگانا paa bandi lagaana قابو میں رکھنا qaabu meyn rakhna سادھنا saadhna اختیار ekhteyaar اختیار ikhtiyaar اختیار Ikhtiyar انضباط inzibaat پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi قابو qaabu قابو Qaboo قابو Qabu قید qaed قید Qaid تسلط tasallut ضبط zabt ضبط Zubt
Perseveranceنباہ nibaah پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi صبر sabr
Punctiliousnessپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Punctualityپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Regularityبا قاعدگی baa qaaedgi پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi با قرینہ ba qariinah
Restrictionقید qaed قید Qaid پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi بندش bandish بندش Bundish رکاوٹ rukaawat رکاوٹ Rukawat
Restriction endonucleaseپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Restrictivenessپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Stintآڑے آنا aarey aana حد بندی کرنا had bandi karna روکنا rokna پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi قید qaed قید Qaid ضبط zabt ضبط Zubt
Subordinationمحکومی maehkuumi محکومیت maehkuumiyat پابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Ademptionپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bamsپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bansپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bantsپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bardingپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bransپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Cohibitionپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Disburdensپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Embargoesپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Proscribesپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Adherencyپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi
Bannitionپابندی paa bandi پابندی paabandi پابندی Pabandi

More words from English related to Paa bandi - پابندی

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Paa bandi - پابندی meanings in English in English.

abstinenceairlessbandagebankbreakwatercrampdamimpassableimprisonmentjointletligamenligaturemanacleobstaclepiecepierbondclosedcopuladikedykehoopligamentshuttightunopenedverseweirbound offclose downclose offclose outclosedowncloselippedcloseoutclosingclosing offdiscontinuedetchedfoist offoffhandedshut awayshutoutshutteredshuttingspiel offceasingclosetedcloseting ...

What are the meanings of Paa bandi - پابندی in English?

Meanings of the word Paa bandi - پابندی in English are curb, foreclosure, imprisonment, limitation, obstriction, adherence, bindery, bonderise, boundedness, control, perseverance, punctiliousness, punctuality, regularity, restriction, restriction endonuclease, restrictiveness, stint, subordination, ademption, bams, bans, bants, barding, brans, cohibition, disburdens, embargoes, proscribes, adherency and bannition. To understand how would you translate the word Paa bandi - پابندی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Paa bandi - پابندی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Paa bandi - پابندی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Paa bandi - پابندی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Paa bandi - پابندی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Paa bandi - پابندی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Paa bandi - پابندی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by paa bandi?

Meanings of paa bandi are curb, foreclosure, imprisonment, limitation, obstriction, adherence, bindery, bonderise, boundedness, control, perseverance, punctiliousness, punctuality, regularity, restriction, restriction endonuclease, restrictiveness, stint, subordination, ademption, bams, bans, bants, barding, brans, cohibition, disburdens, embargoes, proscribes, adherency and bannition

Whats the definition of paa bandi?

Definition of the paa bandi are

  • the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
  • lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
  • an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of a gutter)
  • a horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse
  • a stock exchange in New York
  • keep to the curb
  • place restrictions on
  • the legal proceedings initiated by a creditor to repossess the collateral for loan that is in default
  • the state of being imprisoned
  • the act of confining someone in a prison (or as if in a prison)
  • putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
  • the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
  • an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
  • the quality of being limited or restricted
  • (law) a time period after which suits cannot be brought
  • a principle that limits the extent of something
  • faithful support for a cause or political party or religion
  • the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition
  • a workshop where books are bound
  • coat with a substance that will prevent corrosion
  • the quality of being finite
  • be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
  • lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
  • have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of
  • great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity
  • handle and cause to function
  • the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
  • exercise authoritative control or power over
  • the activity of managing or exerting control over something
  • (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc
  • a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine
  • discipline in personal and social activities
  • power to direct or determine
  • a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment
  • the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.
  • a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
  • a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another
  • verify by using a duplicate register for comparison
  • check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard
  • maintain influence over (others or oneself) skillfully, usually to one's advantage
  • place under restrictions; limit access to by law
  • persistent determination
  • the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior
  • strict attention to minute details
  • the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time
  • a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles
  • the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate
  • an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation)
  • a principle that limits the extent of something
  • the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)
  • any of the enzymes that cut nucleic acid at specific restriction sites and produce restriction fragments; obtained from bacteria (where they cripple viral invaders); used in recombinant DNA technology
  • a lack of permissiveness or indulgence and a tendency to confine behavior within certain specified limits
  • a grammatical qualification that makes the meaning more specific ( red hat' has a more specific meaning than hat')
  • subsist on a meager allowance
  • smallest American sandpiper
  • an individual's prescribed share of work
  • an unbroken period of time during which you do something
  • the act of mastering or subordinating someone
  • the semantic relation of being subordinate or belonging to a lower rank or class
  • the quality of obedient submissiveness
  • the grammatical relation of a modifying word or phrase to its head
  • the state of being subordinate to something
  • شئے مرہونہ کا ضبط یا قرق کرنا

What is the synonym of paa bandi?

Synonym of word paa bandi are قید, پابندی, روک, روکنا, سنبھالنا, بندش, رُکاوٹ, گروی کی ضبطی, حق انفکاک مسدود کرنا, اسیری

What are the idioms related to paa bandi?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word paa bandi.

  • By perseverance the snail reached the ark
  • Perseverance is never unfruitful