Past - پست meanings in English
Past - پست meanings in English are abject, paspy, lownded, retarded, dowered, wretch, vile, plebeian, mean, infamous, down, depression, degrading, dastard, vulgar, humble, earth bred, pist Past - پست in English. More meanings of past - پست, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
abject paspy lownded retarded dowered wretch vile plebeian mean infamous down depression degrading dastard vulgar humble earth bred pist
Past - پست Definitions
Please find 70 English and definitions related to the word Past - پست.
- (noun) : a despicable coward
- (adjective satellite) : despicably cowardly
- (verb) : cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
- (verb) : cause to be unpretentious
- (adjective) : marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
- (adjective satellite) : used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)
- (adjective satellite) : low or inferior in station or quality
- (adjective satellite) : of low birth or station ( base' is archaic in this sense)
- (adjective satellite) : of or associated with the great masses of people
- (adjective satellite) : being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language
- (adjective satellite) : lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
- (adjective satellite) : harmful to the mind or morals
- (adjective satellite) : used of conduct; characterized by dishonor
- (noun) : a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
- (noun) : a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention
- (noun) : pushing down
- (noun) : sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
- (noun) : a sunken or depressed geological formation
- (noun) : angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object)
- (noun) : a concavity in a surface produced by pressing
- (noun) : a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
- (noun) : a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment
- (noun) : an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation
- (adjective satellite) : supplied with a dower or dowry
- (verb) : drink down entirely
- (noun) : fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)
- (adjective satellite) : filled with melancholy and despondency
- (verb) : cause to come or go down
- (adjective satellite) : lower than previously
- (noun) : (American football) a complete play to advance the football
- (noun) : soft fine feathers
- (noun) : (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
- (noun) : English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896)
- (verb) : improve or perfect by pruning or polishing
- (verb) : bring down or defeat (an opponent)
- (verb) : shoot at and force to come down
- (adjective satellite) : not functioning (temporarily or permanently)
- (adjective satellite) : shut
- (adjective satellite) : understood perfectly
- (adjective satellite) : being put out by a strikeout
- (adjective satellite) : extending or moving from a higher to a lower place
- (adjective satellite) : becoming progressively lower
- (adjective) : being or moving lower in position or less in some value
- (adverb) : spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position
- (adverb) : away from a more central or a more northerly place
- (adverb) : paid in cash at time of purchase
- (adverb) : in an inactive or inoperative state
- (adverb) : to a lower intensity
- (adverb) : from an earlier time
- (verb) : eat up completely, as with great appetite
- (adjective satellite) : known widely and usually unfavorably
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
- (verb) : denote or connote
- (verb) : have in mind as a purpose
- (adjective satellite) : of no value or worth
- (adjective satellite) : (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt
- (adjective satellite) : marked by poverty befitting a beggar
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by malice
- (verb) : intend to refer to
- (verb) : mean or intend to express or convey
- (noun) : an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
- (verb) : destine or designate for a certain purpose
- (verb) : have a specified degree of importance
- (adjective satellite) : (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity
- (adjective satellite) : of or associated with the great masses of people
- (noun) : one of the common people
- (noun) : people collectively who are mentally retarded
- (adjective) : relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development
- (noun) : someone you feel sorry for
- (noun) : performs some wicked deed
More words related to the meanings of Past - پست
More words from English related to Past - پست
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Past - پست meanings in English in English.
abandonedbadcorruptcorruptedevilfeloniousgracelessillimpairedmuddynastynaughtprostituderamshacklecontaminateddamageddefectiveflawedkaputmucuousobsceneoffensiveout of orderperversepollutedputidrottenruinedspoiledunchasteuncleanwickedwonkywretchwretchedwryerodeperversivespoilablespoilingworsenedbadasseddefacedimpairingirruptedirruptingmalaxatedmalleatesmelanousmishapped ... perigealscrewedspoilfulspoomingspooredspooringwarstwreakfulwreckfulwrickedwrokenmiswroughtperiledbrazen facebrazenfrontlessqueanrakehellshameproofbare facedbrashimmodestimpertinentimpudentindecentindelicatemalapertunashamedunblushingvulgarincestuousimmomentousabasedisgrace smashstainabusedefamehumblehumiliatedepolarizedishonoringdisrespecterabhorrentodiousvileaversivehatemongerhatfulrepulsiveabhorringdetestinghatelessanhistousgruesomeabominabledispleasingdisserviceable flagitiousforbidding immoralmawkishmischievousnefariousinfamousinsultablejadishlamentablenaughtyopprobriousunbecomingbaddybadiousabstractafloatbanalcommoncoarseepidemicnationalsimplecommonplacefamiliargeneralnormalordinaryovertplebeianprosaicpublicquotidianroturieruniversalwidespreadcommonagecommonnesscommonplacenessgeneralisedgeneralizednormalisertypiccommonablecommonagescommonerscommonestdispermousgenericaltypalaamordalordinaryshipusnicabjectacquittedterrenequitbrieacquitsacquittalsbraysaccurseddiabolicruffiancursedmaledictplauditsaccursedlyaccursesaccursingblandishedcursinguncursedinclaudentaffluentagoingcontinueeffluentfluidfurmobilemovingrhythmicalwalkingdownhairlabileagresticgawkymannerlessputrandyrusticwant witpeasantruggedunciviluncouthvillagerwild manyahooyokeldemurrerearthy obtusetawdryblowzyclunkycrasscumbersomedubfloppygrossinartificialinelegantmaladroitsquabuglyairyficklefribble narrowcontemptibledegradingdisgracefulemptylowmeanshallowundignifiedbuoyantfutileimponderableimponderousslimagiledelicatefrivolousingloriouslightlissomenimbletriflingin vainvolantbutfeather fulloverpinionaboveatbladechargedcompletefraught howeverinladenleafonplumequillstillstrengththroughuponwingyetcaitiffflashragamuffinrascalribaldcadmiscreantscampscoundrelcussedearth bredmobbishpiggishbasecaddishdepravedfootyignoblemaliciousniggardpusillanimoussnotunderbredcalamitouslucklessmisbornpoorunfortunateunluckycavitygulfhollowmowpitsumptrapvatdendepressionditchfoveagravepitfallsinkholepitteredthe pitcentralmidmiddlemiddlemostnegotiatorintercederinteriminterjacentmedialmesialmiddlemenmediatefalsebogusdishonestfallowfaultyfraudulentphoneyspitefulspuriouscowardcravendastardpigeon heartedtimoroustimidlytimidnesssneakiesttimidcreepyminorrabblecheapcheesydegenerateindifferentinferiorlow classscurrilousshoddytriteabrocomebramblingcloddishclompcrapulentcrapulousjarfuljerk offjiggeredjugfulknaweltrepidlycloddyclodscrasslycravatteddolorouslyhawkishlyjarredjeridjerquingjiggedjigglyjugulatedjugulatesjugulatingknubblyknubbyknucklynidamentalnodousroridsatchelledscrummedscrummysorriestwrangledadipousadjectitiousarrosionclumerogatednidulatedpandiculatedprickyscitamineousscornysqueamousstramstranycronefemme fatalelow bornmiserlyoutcastcurcurelessirremediableshiftlesspoor fellowchartlessungovernedchafflesschargelesseaselessleaderlessstaylessungroundeduntombeddebtlessdestitutelyfordlessforklessfrontlesslygarlandlesshazelessilliberalizedimmethodicallyimpeopledimposthumatedimposturedimppiteousinconcinnousincontiguousinsanablyleavelesslunglessmanlesspanelesspeoplelesssmocklessumbonateduncharneleduncharnelinguncoformunharboredunneighboredcustomaryminutemodestlittlemediocremundanetrivialunimportantvenialworkadaymeagerminuscularnormotensivesubnormalcoumarilicminoressmodestestnormanisednormanizedordurousmediocralminaceousminargentminionlyfeeble minded imbecilenidgetmouseypoltroonweak kneedyellowcowledcowlingcowedcoweredcowherdscowardiecowardizecowardshipcowheartedhayseffeminateemasculateimpotentrushlikeimpuissantmilksopunmanlyimplodenthybridmongreldiminutivediminishedlessminuspartialslenderlydeficientdepletedfewinfrequentlaconicmeagrerarerarelyscantscantyscrimpsparsetoo littleuncommonalleviantalleviatedfewerlessenedloessloweredreduceddecretivefewterleslessonedlowinglowlierlowlilylownderlowndinglowslowselowsedperfusedshierunderdoingunderfeedundertimedjuniorjuniorslesserminimicropigmeanpimpingshortsideshowskimpysmallteenyyoungerbusboyinconsequentialmidgetpaltrypettypottysmallishtinywingletyoungabridgerminaciousscincidsissifiedsmallersmalleytrivalentundersizedabatedamissingchordeechotachuddahexscindingmiffiestminifiedpattlescailedscantingscantledscrimpedshoredshortedshortersmalledsmalmedtaivertiddleytiddliertiddliesttinfultoddledtrifledtriflinglytruncaltruncatelytruncatesudderfulunderdidminatoriallyminatorilymissificatescintillousshorlaceoussmaltinetrifalloweddisableenemaforcediscreditableshadydisgraceddishonouredignominiousastringeastringenceravishmentrecessiverepulsivelyjukedlascivientrevoicedispraisedegradediminishtrivialisedespisingdisregardfulgrovellermirydogfalleniniquitouslewdmenialscumsnideunderfootverminouswormyhumifieddegreaseddegummeddemisslyhumilianthummabledisglorifiedhucksterreprobatelowishleastimmaterialnothingpicayuneregardlessslavishunderunderdogvaluelessinsignificantworthlesshomelycrudegrotesqueharshknaggyrawstupiduncoinedunsuitablecondescendneapdeephunksniggardlycloseclose fistedilliberalmisershabbysordidstingytin pothyposharpbelowbeneathlowerunderneathickyheinoushorriddespicableinfirmpitiablelippydemoticexoterickitschnovialmotherlessmeekneedymuslinedmiskinnugatorynulltriviatrashyclodnixnonentityzerohechheuchhumiliatedripdenigrativedespicabilitydespicablenessdespicablydespiseddespisabledespiserdespisersdespisesdespitesdespumatesdesideratingdesquamativesteepdownhilllow groundtattlervulgarismdesertedfriendlesskhowarcontemptuousdegressivedenigratoryhumiliatinghumiliatinglydegreasingdenigratesdisgracerhumiliatesdisgraciousarrantdenigrateddisreputablejadenotoriousdefoliantdisfigureddisorientill famedrepugnantdefameddisgradeddisorientsdisrootedinfameinfamedinfamisedinfamizedinfamizesinfamouslyinsomniousmalignedmalignsunfamedcontamitivedefamousdisgraduatemalgraciousmalignifiedbaffledcrippleddejectedexasperatedfrustratedhelplessincapablelowlyovercomepowerlesspowerlessnesssubmissiveunableweakimperceptiblyimpenthereunderbottom updownstagedownstairbenetsbottomsdownbowdownstatelowedlowndbelowtbottonecentremediummidstmidveinmidgesdizzygiddyskittishtipsytottyunsteadycriminalbastardlydemeandemitdisparagedispleasure distractionsorenessmelancholymopishnesspallorsadnesswitherednessdesperatehaggardmeaslymiserableruefulunwellill starredpuerileshowyyeastyunblest
Idioms related to the meaning of Past - پست
What are the meanings of Past - پست in English?
Meanings of the word Past - پست in English are abject, dastard, earth bred, humble, vile, vulgar, degrading, depression, dowered, down, infamous, mean, plebeian, retarded, wretch, lownded, paspy and pist. To understand how would you translate the word Past - پست in English, you can take help from words closely related to Past - پست or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Past - پست synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Past - پست. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Past - پست in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Past - پست in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Past - پست with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by past?
Meanings of past are abject, dastard, earth bred, humble, vile, vulgar, degrading, depression, dowered, down, infamous, mean, plebeian, retarded, wretch, lownded, paspy and pist
Whats the definition of past?
Definition of the past are
- a despicable coward
- despicably cowardly
- cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
- cause to be unpretentious
- marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
- used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)
- low or inferior in station or quality
- of low birth or station ( base' is archaic in this sense)
- of or associated with the great masses of people
- being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language
- lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
- harmful to the mind or morals
- used of conduct; characterized by dishonor
- a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
- a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention
- pushing down
- sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
- a sunken or depressed geological formation
- angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object)
- a concavity in a surface produced by pressing
- a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
- a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment
- an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation
- supplied with a dower or dowry
- drink down entirely
- fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs)
- filled with melancholy and despondency
- cause to come or go down
- lower than previously
- (American football) a complete play to advance the football
- soft fine feathers
- (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
- English physician who first described Down's syndrome (1828-1896)
- improve or perfect by pruning or polishing
- bring down or defeat (an opponent)
- shoot at and force to come down
- not functioning (temporarily or permanently)
- shut
- understood perfectly
- being put out by a strikeout
- extending or moving from a higher to a lower place
- becoming progressively lower
- being or moving lower in position or less in some value
- spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position
- away from a more central or a more northerly place
- paid in cash at time of purchase
- in an inactive or inoperative state
- to a lower intensity
- from an earlier time
- eat up completely, as with great appetite
- known widely and usually unfavorably
- having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality
- denote or connote
- have in mind as a purpose
- of no value or worth
- (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt
- marked by poverty befitting a beggar
- characterized by malice
- intend to refer to
- mean or intend to express or convey
- an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n
- destine or designate for a certain purpose
- have a specified degree of importance
- (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity
- of or associated with the great masses of people
- one of the common people
- people collectively who are mentally retarded
- relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development
- someone you feel sorry for
- performs some wicked deed
What is the synonym of past?
Synonym of word past are حقِير, پست, ذليل, گرکرمعافی مانگنا, قابلِ نفرت, ادنیٰ, بری, کمینہ, خوار, فرو مایہ
What are the idioms related to past?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word past.
- Humble hearts have humble desires
- Put your foot down where you mean to stand
- To strive with an equal is a doubtful thing to do with a superior a mad thing with an inferior a vulgar thing
- Write with the learned but speak with the vulgar
- To strive with an equal is a doubtful thing to do; with a superior a mad thing; with an inferior a vulgar thing