Qaabil - قابل meanings in English
Qaabil - قابل meanings in English are volitable, missable, losable, figurable, enterable, effable, decerned, capabler, accable, passible, regardable, sperable, regible, reeligible, prestable, worths, versified, suable, ablet, abler, meritable, able, qualified, proficient, pre eminent, gifted, efficient, competent, capable, clever, deserving, definable, assailable, worthy, worthful, talented, receptive, meritorious, merited, ablest Qaabil - قابل in English. More meanings of qaabil - قابل, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
volitable missable losable figurable enterable effable decerned capabler accable passible regardable sperable regible reeligible prestable worths versified suable ablet abler meritable able qualified proficient pre eminent gifted efficient competent capable clever deserving definable assailable worthy worthful talented receptive meritorious merited ablest
Qaabil - قابل Definitions
Please find 35 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Qaabil - قابل.
- (adjective) : (usually followed by to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something
- (adjective satellite) : having the requisite qualities for
- (adjective) : (usually followed by of') having capacity or ability
- (adjective) : (followed by of') having the temperament or inclination for
- (adjective satellite) : mentally quick and resourceful
- (adjective satellite) : showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
- (adjective satellite) : showing inventiveness and skill
- (adjective) : properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient
- (adjective) : legally qualified or sufficient
- (adjective satellite) : adequate, but not outstanding or exceptional
- (adjective) : being effective without wasting time or effort or expense
- (adjective satellite) : able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively
- (adjective) : endowed with talent or talents
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- (adjective) : of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill
- (adjective) : meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
- (adjective) : limited or restricted; not absolute
- (adjective satellite) : holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill
- (adjective satellite) : contingent on something else
- (adjective satellite) : restricted in meaning; (as e.g. man' in a tall man')
- (adjective) : endowed with talent or talents
- (adjective satellite) : worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
- (adjective) : having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable
- (adjective satellite) : having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way
- (noun) : an important, honorable person (word is often used humorously)
- (adjective satellite) : capable of being defined, limited, or explained
- (adjective satellite) : (often used ironically) worthy of being treated in a particular way
- (adjective satellite) : deserving reward or praise
- (adjective) : properly deserved
- (adjective satellite) : deserving reward or praise
- (adjective satellite) : of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system
- (adjective satellite) : able to absorb liquid (not repellent)
- (adjective) : ready or willing to receive favorably
- (adjective satellite) : open to arguments, ideas, or change
- (adjective satellite) : having worth or merit or value
- جسے تسلی بخش طور پر اور باکفایت استعمال کیا جا سکے
Example Sentence
She competes with me | وہ میرے ساتھ مقابلہ میں شرکت کرتی ہے |
More words related to the meanings of Qaabil - قابل
More words from English related to Qaabil - قابل
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Qaabil - قابل meanings in English in English.
ablyacceptableaybusiness likecreditablysparkishahaall rightheavenlymeritoriouswellyesgoodygoody goodygudeniceishnicerproscribergoodableablestcapablecompetentgiftedopportuneproficientqualifiedsufficienttalentedworthyadeptappositeappropriatefittinginventivemeetpatproperskilledsuitabletighttrigwell manneredwell readlikeablealibledignifycannycircumspectclerkly ... cleverdiscerningdiscreetknowingmindfulnattytactfulvigilantwakefulwarywatchfulalertawakeintelligentlearnedslickon the watchwide awakewittyawearybecominglyclaverslickersmarmilysmarmysmartingclevecleverdickcleverercleverestcleverishhowkerssensileshrewdestshrewdieslickenslickestsmarmedsmarmiersmarmingsmartedsmartenedsmartenssmartersmartestsmartishsmirkiestsmirredwittiestavilesmartleprudentefficient statesmenaccomplishedmeritedpeople ofexigibleerigibleeligiblediligentearnest keenswiftaptpromptquickreadylustypeppystronglivelystrenuouszippyefficaciousenergeticmightyovermatchcogentforcefulhalepotentstalwartsturdyvigorouswallopingpotentisedpotentsquaveeternalhableacquaintedappriseconsciousversantversedawaresentientfamiliarisedfamiliarizedacquaintsacquiescedacquightedauxiliarbeknownconciliaracquaintantafloatentirefinished fullmatureperfectpiecelessquitethoroughabsoluteallcompletedownrightexactexperiencedfinalisedjustplenarypowerfulrepletesatisfiedstandardtotalundividedwholeagentagileenegeticlimberactivebriskfleetlissomeniftynimblesmartspryvolantcutelivingpickaxpickaxequirkysharpershiftyslyspeedyadroitastutecunningdeceitfuldeftexpertingeniousleerymanipulatortrickywilfulciliciousshrewdiestrickiertrickishtricklesstricksomecunningmandexterouscompactnarrowquick wittedsiliquoussedileagalactousagglutinatedagibleagminalagreeableapplicableobnoxiousagingfoggyimmemorialoldenthreadbareancientinveteratelongstandingmoss grownoldold fashionedoutdatedoutmodedstaleusedvenerablewarmed overyesterolderoldisholdtimerparanapuranaoldenedoutdaringpranapuranasaheadmasterlypre eminentgreatercorrespondentconvenientcorrectwarrantablewarrantablenessadaptablebecomingcongenialcongruousfitgradelylogisticalmeasuredpermissiblereasonabletailoredpropertiedsuitabilitysuitablysuitedduefulpertinentsrightablesuablyimpropriatepertransientproperispomepertinentmonkhoodtantamountyogaappreciativebillcapabilitydisagreementforceimpetuskinkmainmightoblationvaliantbengal quincecurlintorsioninvigorationnullvaliantnessvisvolutionbaledburrowsbrilliantdifferenteminenthonouredpalmarysignalacechosencrackingdiagnosticdiscriminatedistinct distinguishedegregiousexaltedloftymarkednotableobservableoutstandingprominentprosilientsalientdifferentiateddenominativelyindistinguishedsupereminentconjurernecromanceradultartfulgrown upshrewdsorcerertodwisecardinalsenoirprimepreferablecivilizedcourteousgenteelgracefulmannerlypresentableurbaneblandcouthdebonairdecenthendmoralnicenobbypolitepoignanceprissilycourteddolenthumblerhumbleshumblessehumblesthumitehumliesmeekenedmeekeningmeekermeekestpollentposhestfavoressnocentlyskilfulartisandextroushandymasterspecialiserspecialisticspecializersuffragistastringerversingadeptistapicianexcommunicantexuperantskildercostlyestimablesumptuousvaluableexpensivepreciousupmarketupscaleworthfulworthiercostlesscostumerpreciousnesspricytreasuredcostumersgemmativeprisedprizedvaluatedgemminessilluxuriouspensivedempoweredallegoryauthorisedmetaphorwarrantedworldlyauthorizedconstatedconvulsantacclimatableacclimatingacclimatureauthorizableauthorlycompellativeconvulsionarysanctionarycompatiblecompletelymasterfulfaultlessidealimpeccableintactintegralintensiveperfectaperfectivepurpurateperfectasperfectingperfectosperfectionalperfectionateperfricateperfuncturatecontingentsengagedlimitaryconditionaldefinedlimitedstipulatedconditionedconditionateculturedletterededucatedtrainededucateeeducativeeducableeducibleeductivecuttingferventfiercefuriousgliblyimpetuousmordaciouspipingpiquantrakishrallysharp pointedtarttangytempestuoustremendoustrenchantvehementvividviolentacidacridacutebrainycausticedgyfastfeistyfieryglibhotintensekeen wittedloudnippingpiercingpoignantpungentrapidsharpshrillspicyspunkswankwing footedyarezappyacceleratedaculeatedbrakybrisantbrisk upbriskenexpeditiousfipplefurringhecticheft upimpoundingintensifiedlarcenouslasherostensivequickersharpenedsharpyshirtysnappyspadefulspankerspankingspeedingspirantspunkytorrentialacuminatedagoutybriskedbriskenedbriskeningbriskerbriskestbriskingeerierexpeditedexpeditivefadyfastishfastuousfeasterferreousfientflattishflintilyfliskfliskyflongflouncyflukingfurfurousfurzygliskhypurallarkylusklustiermusaceouspaceypalpatedpanderlypanderouspanduratedpandyingpiskyplouteredpulverousquakyquiverishripplierripplinglyripplyruddyingsharkedsharnysharpedsharperssharpishsmittlespanglerspanglingspankinglyspankingsspathulatespatteespatularspatulespeaningspedspeededspeedfulspeedlessspeeredspeiredspewedspewinessspewyspielingspikingspiratedspirewisesplentsplentingspoliatoryspongioussprightingsprucingspuddyspurryspurtlesteedysteenedsteeredstreamystridstriddenstrodestroutingsurfeitedsurgefulswardyupblowinguppingaccouteringblustrousdashydrastyfascetfastigiatedferulaceousimpanatedincendiousincensiveinfandouslusteringpiaculouspulverulentradiousriparioussharp wittedsharplingspatiatespeecespirablespritefulspritelythrettyspeeded upgeniushard headedhighbrowintellectualsagaciousunderstandingbrainiestdiplomaticdeservingheirneedypoordeserveddeservedlydeservingnessdescriveddescrivesdesertingdeserverdeserversdeservesdirigiblesdeservednessdistinctiveleadingownspecialspecialstheclosedefiniteespecialexclusiveextraordinaryfavouritemajornobleparticularpeculiarpersonalprivatespecificuncommonapicularparticularmentdroll chess playergnostictacticianeffectiveguineasgenerousgentlegentlemangrandsirehoaryprimogenitoragedgreatrespectedsenioraristocrataristocraticeldelderberryelderlyeldoradoeldershipseldineldingeldingseldinseldssaintshipelderisheldernelderwortopertaneousenhancedoutstrechedmagnifiedamplifiedboostedestivatedproddedincreatederuditefartheroveroverplussuperfluousabundantexcellentaccomplished personresiduescholarsurplusvirtuoussurplusageextraforaneousfavillousfairnessgracefulnessattractivenessbeautycomelinesselegancefine handsomenesslovelinessflat footedfudiciarytenaciousvalidveteranauthenticcookeddeepdefinitivedetermineddevoutdurablefirmgenuinehard boiledindissolubleingrainedironcladlastingloyalmaturedorthopermanentrealreliablerightripesinceresolidsubstantialsureweatheredpuckapukapicasjudicioussensiblerationalknavishlicentiatecertifieddiploma holderpatentedcertificatedmajesticspectacularsuperbexquisitedazzlerexquisitesstelleridsuperboldexcarnificategrandificoutscentmagnificentsuperiorexceedingfirst rateparamountsurpassingtranscendentunequalledneatownerentitledrightful claimantriparian righttranscendentalhigher uptalentswonderfulliterateoperativeconsiderabledesirableperspicaciousjustifiedgraduategraduatedgraduandsgraduatorsgradusesobdurates
Idioms related to the meaning of Qaabil - قابل
What are the meanings of Qaabil - قابل in English?
Meanings of the word Qaabil - قابل in English are able, ablest, capable, clever, competent, efficient, gifted, pre eminent, proficient, qualified, talented, worthy, assailable, definable, deserving, meritable, merited, meritorious, receptive, worthful, abler, ablet, accable, capabler, decerned, effable, enterable, figurable, losable, missable, passible, regardable, suable, versified, worths, prestable, reeligible, regible, sperable and volitable. To understand how would you translate the word Qaabil - قابل in English, you can take help from words closely related to Qaabil - قابل or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Qaabil - قابل synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Qaabil - قابل. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Qaabil - قابل in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Qaabil - قابل in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Qaabil - قابل with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by qaabil?
Meanings of qaabil are able, ablest, capable, clever, competent, efficient, gifted, pre eminent, proficient, qualified, talented, worthy, assailable, definable, deserving, meritable, merited, meritorious, receptive, worthful, abler, ablet, accable, capabler, decerned, effable, enterable, figurable, losable, missable, passible, regardable, suable, versified, worths, prestable, reeligible, regible, sperable and volitable
Whats the definition of qaabil?
Definition of the qaabil are
- (usually followed by to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something
- having the requisite qualities for
- (usually followed by of') having capacity or ability
- (followed by of') having the temperament or inclination for
- mentally quick and resourceful
- showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
- showing inventiveness and skill
- properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient
- legally qualified or sufficient
- adequate, but not outstanding or exceptional
- being effective without wasting time or effort or expense
- able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively
- endowed with talent or talents
- having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
- of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill
- meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
- limited or restricted; not absolute
- holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill
- contingent on something else
- restricted in meaning; (as e.g. man' in a tall man')
- endowed with talent or talents
- worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
- having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable
- having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way
- an important, honorable person (word is often used humorously)
- capable of being defined, limited, or explained
- (often used ironically) worthy of being treated in a particular way
- deserving reward or praise
- properly deserved
- deserving reward or praise
- of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system
- able to absorb liquid (not repellent)
- ready or willing to receive favorably
- open to arguments, ideas, or change
- having worth or merit or value
- جسے تسلی بخش طور پر اور باکفایت استعمال کیا جا سکے
What is the synonym of qaabil?
Synonym of word qaabil are قابلِ لائق, استطاعت, اہل, چست, لائق, مستعد, پڑھا لکھا, قابل, قوی, توانا
What are the idioms related to qaabil?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word qaabil.
- Worthy things happen to the worthy
- Better be proficient in one art than smatterer in a hundred
- Love makes clever hands
- The sunset way to be cheated is to think oneself clever than other people
- Too clever by half
How to use qaabil in a sentence?
Here are few examples on how to use qaabil in a sentence.
- She competes with me — وہ میرے ساتھ مقابلہ میں شرکت کرتی ہے