Safaa i - صفائ meanings in English
Safaa i - صفائ meanings in English are artfulness, smoothness, ruin, reconciliation, neatness, nattiness, lucidity, innocence, destruction, defence, defecation, conservancy, cleansing, cleanliness, clarity, catharisis, candour, atonement, vividnes Safaa i - صفائ in English. More meanings of safaa i - صفائ, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
artfulness smoothness ruin reconciliation neatness nattiness lucidity innocence destruction defence defecation conservancy cleansing cleanliness clarity catharisis candour atonement vividnes
Safaa i - صفائ Definitions
Please find 56 English and definitions related to the word Safaa i - صفائ.
- (noun) : the quality of being adroit in taking unfair advantage
- (noun) : free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression
- (noun) : the quality of clear water
- (noun) : diligence in keeping clean
- (noun) : the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections
- (noun) : the official conservation of trees and soil and rivers etc.
- (noun) : a commission with jurisdiction over fisheries and navigation in a port or river
- (noun) : free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression
- (noun) : a lucid state of mind; not confused
- (noun) : stylishness as evidenced by a smart appearance
- (noun) : the state of being neat and smart and trim
- (noun) : the trait of being neat and orderly
- (verb) : reduce to bankruptcy
- (noun) : the process of becoming dilapidated
- (noun) : a ruined building
- (noun) : an event that results in destruction
- (noun) : an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction
- (noun) : failure that results in a loss of position or reputation
- (verb) : destroy or cause to fail
- (verb) : fall into ruin
- (verb) : reduce to ruins
- (verb) : deprive of virginity
- (verb) : destroy completely; damage irreparably
- (noun) : destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
- (noun) : compensation for a wrong
- (noun) : the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity)
- (noun) : the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech
- (noun) : ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty
- (noun) : the act of making something clean
- (adjective satellite) : acting like an antiseptic
- (adjective satellite) : cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands
- (noun) : the elimination of fecal waste through the anus
- (noun) : the justification for some act or belief
- (noun) : the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury
- (noun) : protection from harm
- (noun) : (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies
- (noun) : a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him
- (noun) : a structure used to defend against attack
- (noun) : the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions
- (noun) : an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack
- (noun) : the defendant and his legal advisors collectively
- (noun) : (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring
- (noun) : (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
- (noun) : a final state
- (noun) : an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
- (noun) : the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
- (noun) : the quality of innocent naivete
- (noun) : a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense
- (noun) : the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil
- (noun) : getting two things to correspond
- (noun) : the reestablishing of cordial relations
- (noun) : powerful and effective language
- (noun) : the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner
- (noun) : the quality of being free from errors or interruptions
- (noun) : the quality of having a level and even surface
- (noun) : a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch
More words related to the meanings of Safaa i - صفائ
More words from English related to Safaa i - صفائ
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Safaa i - صفائ meanings in English in English.
abstersioncatharsisclearanceclarityfinenessglassinessimmaculatenesslucidnesslustrationnattinessneatnessobviousnessopennessvividnesscleannesscleanthescleanupdeaminationpurveyancesanitarinesssanitatesanitationsanitisationscrubbyalineationcleaningscleansingscleatingclewingneathpurtenancesanitatessanitisessanitizessanablenesscleaningaccuracycorrectnessearnest evennessfairnesshonestyjustnesstruthfulnessveritycandourprobityuprightnessacerbityactiveness ... agilitycelerityescalationfierinessfleetnessforwardnessfriskinessfuriousnessglibnesshotnesshurryimpetuositykeennessmordacitypiercingnesspiquancypungencyvehemencevelocityzealotismacuityasperityclevernessflippancyfuryhasteheatlivelinessnimblenesspertnesspoignancyquicknessrapiditysharpnessspeedswiftnessvividnesvolatilityrapidnessexpeditenessrapacesfastartfulnessmanoeuvrepromptitudequirkinessruseslinessalacritycraftinessdeftnessfoxinessfraudknackmanipulationtacttactfulnesswilfulnessanimatenesspaltrinesssmarminesstrickinessclerkesscleruchyploidyploverypluviousslickeningsmarteningchalcographyclergialclerklinesscullyismimbecilitateincogitancyincogitativityinvigilancyplatnessaggravatebalkbungledisabledistort foilimpairmarmildewmismanagemoiloverleavenwastecorruptdebauchdefacedegradedemeandetortflubinfectinjuremisspendruinspoiltarnishvilifyvitiatewrithemorigerateperverterdisturnimposturejugglerymachinationcircumventiondeceptionguilequackerypearlinessartartificecraftcraftyindustryskilltrademakepreposterouscreationdeceitinstinctintriguenaturesagacitywisdominherencyinnatenessnaturismnatalitiesnatiformnaturesconnaturalityconnaturalnessnaturalitynaturelessnaturitychouscross bitehoaxhypocrisyillusionjugglelegerdemainshamcheatingdeceivingdouble dealingfallowgriftliemountebankerynetspooftricktrickerywiledelusivewilefuldecededecencedesudationcheatfeint huskdiarrhoeatenesmuscatharisisdiarrhoeticdiarrheadiarrhealdiarrheicdiarrhoealdiarrhoeicdisambiguationdistinctnesslimpiditystatementclarificationelaborationexplanationinterpretationmanifestationdescriptivismelaboratenessexplanandumexpoundingspecificityclarifierselancingexplainingexplantingexpoundedelaidateelucubrationexplanatorinessexpugnationglarinessspecificalnesscleanlinesstersenesschastenesspiquancepiquantnesspurenesssapidityunholinesspurifiedduritypaviditypurityholinessdefecationhygienepaquepuriconvoyfencemunimentpreservationdefencedeliveranceescapeindemnityliberationprotectionrescuesecuritypreveniencerescatsavecompanyeffectactioncaptorgovernanceimpactimpressioninfluencemarksigntouchtraceeffervescencyaffectednesseffectivityeffectoreffectuationeffendieffervesceeffervescingimpactiontake effecteffaceseffeireffierceeffingefforceeffrayeffseffulgeseffusesrefluenceseffectioneffectuatingeffectuoseeffeteffluencycorruptiondilapidation drawbackmischiefmiscreablenessmiseryoverthrowravagespoilageafflictiondefectdemeritdesolationdestructionevilflawfoiblemalfunctionshortcomingtroublevitiationwickednessabreactabreactionbreakabilitymaladaptivemaladjustivemalapropismmalfunctioningmalversateperishabilityskreakspoilationspoilsportwreckingabreactsbreakdownsdebaclesdeformsdemurragesdisedgesdisedgingflawingimpairsirruptsmaladdressmalamutesmalaxagemalaxationmallandermallandersmalleiformmalleolarmalmseysmalonatemaltreatsmaunderingperrierspervertsspoilsworsenesswreakingwreckingsabsurditiesdefailuredissipativityimpackmentmadefactionmaleficiencemalleablenessmisaffectmisaffectionmisaventurepitfallingtardationtarditationwrecchewrechecorrectionmodificationshaveingatonementemendationimprovementreformoptimisationcorreptionconservancycollocationembellishmentequipmentfurnituregracefulnessmountingseemingnessarraydecorationgarnituretrappingstrimmingdeconcentratedecordecorousdecorousnessdecorticatedecorumdecurvedembouchureadorationsdecantsdecarbdecarbeddeclassesdecoratingdecoratorsdecorsdecorumsdecretorydecrowndecrownsdesorbeddesorbingdisfurnishmaintopsdecarbonizationdecarbonizeddecarbonizingdecarburizationdecarddecennariesdeconcentrationdecoramentdecoredecorementdecretedecrustationdecurtdecurtationdisfurnishingdisfurnishmentdisfurnituredisparkledortureornaturecrampempalementencumbranceguaranteehypothecationleeletmortgagemoundobstacleobstructionpullbackbarrierconcealment coveringexcuseinterventionmarrowpropscreenshadeshelterveilaardallianceloveselfless worshipsinceritydamagedisservice encumbrances hurtfulnesshurtlessmissdeficitdetrimentharmhavochurtinjurylossreversescathewastageincurvationdamnationsdamnifiesdetrudesdowncomeharmineoncomedamnificationimpunityeradicationannihilationdecaydevastationdownfallfiascoharrowingjadednessruinationundoingwreckwreckerjavelinsruiningswastageswastenesswasterywasteswastingswreckersruiniformvastationvernagewastorbleaknesswastelanddipdrown implungewhelmbogdestroydiveimmersesinksubmergedisengagementfidelitiesdilectionphitonesspsilanthropismdisruptionwear and tearvandalizevandalisedvandalisesvandalizesvandalicransackelucidateelucidationdiscretenessegressgaitmarchdeparturedispatchgoingleavesmoothnesscoursingdepartercoursingsdepartersdepartingsdepartsdeparturesdepartablemaintenancepatronagesupportvindicationadvocacyappuibackingencouragement upholdbachedupholdingupholdingsupholdsfriablenessgentlenesslenitylimbernessmalleabilitymildnessmilkinessmitigationmollificationslacknessslightnessblandnessclemencyfacilitylaxityleniencymansuetudemellownessmushinesssoftnesstendernessbenignancyductilenessductilityeasedeasinggentrificationlankinesslaxnessleniencepetitenesspitilessnessprosinessserenesssobernesssofteningsoftysolacementtenderheartednessapertnessdilutenessdoughinessgentlehoodgentlinggentrieslanknesslimpidnessplexuresearednessserenenesssofteningscondensabilitycondignnessconduciblenessdulcinessgentleshipgentlesseliquescencymodicityperspicienceremasticationrestinesssikernesssoecificnesssolempnesoothnessfunnaughtinessprankracinessrudenesswaggerywaggishnesswantonnessboldnesscoquetryflirtinghardihoodinsolencemischievousnesspetulancesaucinesswitticismgirlishnessguiltlessnessimpeccabilityimpeccancyinerrancyinnocenceimpecuniousnessinnocenseinnocuityimpecuniositychicnesschirpinesscrabbednesssleazinessteemingnessastucityloaminesschuffinesslaminabilityvitreousnessquaintnessraritydelicacydeliciousnesselegancegracepleasantnesssubtilitysubtletysubtiltysubtlenessgraciousnessgracefulguardianshipcarecustodysafetyclean handsinnocencysinlessnessinsomnolencehomicidebanedeathdisasterexecutionjugulationslaughtermanglebefoulcontaminatedefileknock upmesspervertpollutetake downworsendishevellingmalleableizemodestyjusticeequityfair playrectituderighteousnessadjudicaturelucidityluminescenceluminousnesslustremanufactureartistic workoverrundeletedemolishdesolatedilapidateharryperishsmashspillruinatemaraudpalacerapaciousnessrapidlydestructivenesspillagepogromrapinesackvandalismravagingmortalityannihilateddefunctdoomextinctextinctionfrailtynothingnesstransienceannihilativeprettyismchastitycultivationexcellencefinessehigh fashionnicenessrefinementimpendencysophisticationophiticimprosperityincoexistenceseptifluousshowerinessoutrootpicturesquenessmeritworthexterminationaccordpeacereconciliationworkmanshippenancepropiationretaliationangulationatonalityexpectorationexpiationexpiativeexponentiationatonementsexpiatorexpunctaffronterbrightnesswhitenessbrilliancycleandetergecleansingconsumecursenuisancedefendingdefensedefencesdefendsdefensesrepellingresistanceself defencedefatsdefensivedefensibilitydefensivenessdefendressdefensativedefensiblenessdefensorydilapidatednaivete
Idioms related to the meaning of Safaa i - صفائ
What are the meanings of Safaa i - صفائ in English?
Meanings of the word Safaa i - صفائ in English are artfulness, clarity, cleanliness, conservancy, lucidity, nattiness, neatness, ruin, atonement, candour, cleansing, defecation, defence, destruction, innocence, reconciliation, smoothness, catharisis and vividnes. To understand how would you translate the word Safaa i - صفائ in English, you can take help from words closely related to Safaa i - صفائ or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Safaa i - صفائ synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Safaa i - صفائ. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Safaa i - صفائ in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Safaa i - صفائ in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Safaa i - صفائ with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by safaa i?
Meanings of safaa i are artfulness, clarity, cleanliness, conservancy, lucidity, nattiness, neatness, ruin, atonement, candour, cleansing, defecation, defence, destruction, innocence, reconciliation, smoothness, catharisis and vividnes
Whats the definition of safaa i?
Definition of the safaa i are
- the quality of being adroit in taking unfair advantage
- free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression
- the quality of clear water
- diligence in keeping clean
- the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections
- the official conservation of trees and soil and rivers etc.
- a commission with jurisdiction over fisheries and navigation in a port or river
- free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression
- a lucid state of mind; not confused
- stylishness as evidenced by a smart appearance
- the state of being neat and smart and trim
- the trait of being neat and orderly
- reduce to bankruptcy
- the process of becoming dilapidated
- a ruined building
- an event that results in destruction
- an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction
- failure that results in a loss of position or reputation
- destroy or cause to fail
- fall into ruin
- reduce to ruins
- deprive of virginity
- destroy completely; damage irreparably
- destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined
- compensation for a wrong
- the act of atoning for sin or wrongdoing (especially appeasing a deity)
- the quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech
- ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty
- the act of making something clean
- acting like an antiseptic
- cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands
- the elimination of fecal waste through the anus
- the justification for some act or belief
- the act of defending someone or something against attack or injury
- protection from harm
- (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies
- a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him
- a structure used to defend against attack
- the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions
- an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack
- the defendant and his legal advisors collectively
- (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring
- (psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
- a final state
- an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
- the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
- the quality of innocent naivete
- a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense
- the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil
- getting two things to correspond
- the reestablishing of cordial relations
- powerful and effective language
- the quality of being bland and gracious or ingratiating in manner
- the quality of being free from errors or interruptions
- the quality of having a level and even surface
- a texture without roughness; smooth to the touch
What is the synonym of safaa i?
Synonym of word safaa i are عیاری, چالاکی, فیلسوفی, حرفت, فطرت, فریب, چھل, روباہ بازی, پھلاسڑے باز, صفائ
What are the idioms related to safaa i?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word safaa i.
- Infatuation precedes destruction
- Insolence is the precursor of destruction
- Repentance is good but innocence is better
- Wisdom without innocence is knavery
- A golden shield is of great defence