Shiiriin - شیریں meanings in English
Shiiriin - شیریں meanings in English are honied, tiges, shairn, nocents, lionizes, lionets, lionesses, lionels, lioncels, etymons, pleasant, sweet, musical, luscious, lions Shiiriin - شیریں in English. More meanings of shiiriin - شیریں, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
honied tiges shairn nocents lionizes lionets lionesses lionels lioncels etymons pleasant sweet musical luscious lions
Shiiriin - شیریں Definitions
Please find 24 English and definitions related to the word Shiiriin - شیریں.
- (adjective satellite) : with honey added
- (adjective satellite) : having strong sexual appeal
- (adjective satellite) : extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
- (noun) : a play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing
- (adjective) : characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music
- (adjective) : talented in or devoted to music
- (adjective) : characterized by or capable of producing music
- (adjective) : containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody
- (adjective satellite) : having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub
- (adjective satellite) : pleasing to the ear
- (adjective satellite) : not soured or preserved
- (adjective) : not containing or composed of salt water
- (adjective satellite) : pleasing to the mind or feeling
- (noun) : the taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth
- (noun) : English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912)
- (noun) : a dish served as the last course of a meal
- (adjective satellite) : pleasing to the senses
- (adjective satellite) : with sweetening added
- (noun) : the property of tasting as if it contains sugar
- (adjective) : (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content
- (adjective) : having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar
- (adverb) : in an affectionate or loving manner ( sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of sweetly')
- (adjective satellite) : (of persons) having pleasing manners or behavior
- (adjective) : affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings
More words related to the meanings of Shiiriin - شیریں
More words from English related to Shiiriin - شیریں
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Shiiriin - شیریں meanings in English in English.
acceptableappreciableapprovedduckygracefullikablepalatablepraiseworthyselectsucculentchoicedesirableenviablefavouriteingratiatingpleasingfavoredfavorerfavoritesfavouredfavouritespleasantcanorousmelodiusmusicalclotcompliantdigestableflaccid fluffy graciouslimberlithelydianmalleablemushynappynicepastelpianotendersvelvetwaxyblanddownyflabbygentleladylikelenientmansuete ... mildmodularneshplasticquagsoftsweettendervelvetyyieldingyolkysoftenedsoftishtendenciousdirledgentlednirliersoftenssoftersoftskentleductilecompellingdivertive entertaining juicyabsorbingalluringcharmingdelightfulfascinatinginterestinginvitingavirulentfascinatinglyfashiousintrigantintriguantintriguedluxatingattiguousentheasticexcitivefasciculatefascinouspiquantdarlingidolidolsliefvalentinecherishedcuteloveablelovedlovelywell belovedaffiantcuteycuteyslovelierloveworthyloveylovefullecheroussexytemptingaphrodisiacgoluptiouslasciviouslusciouspetulantvoluptuoushoniedickysweetensweetenedsweeteningsweetishsweetlysweetmeatsubereoussweetenssweetersweetingsweetmealdessertjocunddelectablegratefulsmackingameliorativeappellativeexhilaratedkegfulkeltpleasurablypleonasticrejectivecomelierdelightingecstasisesgladfulgladiestgladsomestgleesomejokyperforablepleachingplebbierplebbiestpleromaticpleuchedrejoicefulrejoicerrejoicerssceleratesuccinitesuccoussuccussiveunfleshingunjoyfulunjoyousaestuousameliorableamelioratedanchorableapyrousasomatousastromanticdelirifacientelasticaleuphorbiaceouseuphorbialflativeglaciousjoysomenoyfulpleasant tonguedpleasurefulpleomorphousplethoreticpleuricpleuriticalresplendishingwlatsomehappyamenitygenialtastysavourytastefultoothsomehappy tastebalmyodorousmagneticrapturousadorableattractivefinicalgoodlypicturesquetakingtemptresswinningwinsomeamusiveattractivelycharilycharminglyenthrallinginducivealluringlyamusablecharmerscharmfulcharmlessenamoringenticeablemusefulspectatingappulsiveemboguingentasticinducteousinductivelyscenefulmilkbravebrave mancourageouslionstrongocherwringerlionslionhooddeliciousgustfulyummyaccordingjoyful
Idioms related to the meaning of Shiiriin - شیریں
What are the meanings of Shiiriin - شیریں in English?
Meanings of the word Shiiriin - شیریں in English are honied, luscious, musical, sweet, pleasant, etymons, lioncels, lionels, lionesses, lionets, lionizes, lions, nocents, shairn and tiges. To understand how would you translate the word Shiiriin - شیریں in English, you can take help from words closely related to Shiiriin - شیریں or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Shiiriin - شیریں synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Shiiriin - شیریں. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Shiiriin - شیریں in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Shiiriin - شیریں in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Shiiriin - شیریں with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by shiiriin?
Meanings of shiiriin are honied, luscious, musical, sweet, pleasant, etymons, lioncels, lionels, lionesses, lionets, lionizes, lions, nocents, shairn and tiges
Whats the definition of shiiriin?
Definition of the shiiriin are
- with honey added
- having strong sexual appeal
- extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
- a play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing
- characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music
- talented in or devoted to music
- characterized by or capable of producing music
- containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody
- having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub
- pleasing to the ear
- not soured or preserved
- not containing or composed of salt water
- pleasing to the mind or feeling
- the taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth
- English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912)
- a dish served as the last course of a meal
- pleasing to the senses
- with sweetening added
- the property of tasting as if it contains sugar
- (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content
- having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar
- in an affectionate or loving manner ( sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of sweetly')
- (of persons) having pleasing manners or behavior
- affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings
What is the synonym of shiiriin?
Synonym of word shiiriin are شہد آلودہ, شیریں, میٹھا, بہت شیریں, خوش ذائقہ, مہک دار, مزے دار, خوشگوار, لذیذ, شہوت انگیز
What are the idioms related to shiiriin?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word shiiriin.
- Twist the lions tail
- Lions provider
- For that which is sweet if it be often repeated is no longer sweet
- A pleasant possession is of no good without a comrade
- Gathering wealth is a pleasant pain