Taaqat war - طاقتور meanings in English
Taaqat war - طاقتور meanings in English are butch, bowery, potful, powerfully, mightful, mightier, potentates, pottiest, powwows, strongmen, highty tighty, powerable, sleighty, blighty, all powerful, living, cogent, forceful, hefty, lively, mighty, powerful, puissant, strong, strongman, vigorous, wiry, strengthner Taaqat war - طاقتور in English. More meanings of taaqat war - طاقتور, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
butch bowery potful powerfully mightful mightier potentates pottiest powwows strongmen highty tighty powerable sleighty blighty all powerful living cogent forceful hefty lively mighty powerful puissant strong strongman vigorous wiry strengthner
Taaqat war - طاقتور Definitions
Please find 56 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Taaqat war - طاقتور.
- (adjective satellite) : used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner
- (noun) : (slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine
- (adjective satellite) : (of male or female homosexuals) characterized by stereotypically male traits or appearance
- (noun) : a closely cropped haircut; usually for men or boys
- (adjective satellite) : quick and energetic
- (adjective satellite) : full of zest or vigor
- (adjective satellite) : filled with events or activity
- (adjective) : full of life and energy
- (adjective satellite) : elastic; rebounds readily
- (adjective satellite) : full of spirit; full of life
- (noun) : the financial means whereby one lives
- (noun) : the condition of living or the state of being alive
- (noun) : people who are still living
- (adjective satellite) : true to life; lifelike
- (adjective) : pertaining to living persons
- (adjective satellite) : (informal) absolute
- (adjective satellite) : still in active use
- (adjective satellite) : still in existence
- (noun) : the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities
- (adjective satellite) : (used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing great strength or force or intensity
- (adverb) : (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree
- (adjective satellite) : strong and sure
- (adjective satellite) : not faint or feeble
- (adjective satellite) : of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
- (adjective) : having strength or power greater than average or expected
- (adjective satellite) : freshly made or left
- (adjective) : having a strong physiological or chemical effect
- (adjective satellite) : having or wielding force or authority
- (adjective satellite) : of good quality and condition; solidly built
- (adjective satellite) : being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
- (adjective satellite) : immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
- (adjective satellite) : strong and active physically or mentally
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity
- (adjective satellite) : lean and sinewy
- (adjective satellite) : of hair that resembles wire in stiffness
- (adjective) : of or relating to wire
- (noun) : a slang term for Great Britain used by British troops serving abroad
- (noun) : a street in Manhattan noted for cheap hotels frequented by homeless derelicts
- (adjective satellite) : like a bower; leafy and shady
- (adjective satellite) : powerfully persuasive
- (adjective satellite) : forceful and definite in expression or action
- (adjective) : characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)
- (adjective satellite) : large in amount or extent or degree
- (adjective satellite) : of considerable weight and size
- (noun) : the quantity contained in a pot
- (adjective satellite) : displaying superhuman strength or power
- (adjective satellite) : strong enough to knock down or overwhelm
- (adjective) : having great power or force or potency or effect
- (adjective satellite) : having great influence
- (adverb) : (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree
- (adverb) : in a manner having a powerful influence
- (adverb) : in a powerful manner
- (adjective satellite) : powerful
- (noun) : a powerful political figure who rules by the exercise of force or violence
- (noun) : a man who performs feats of strength at a fair or circus
- مردانہ وضع کی ہم جِنس پرست عورت
More words related to the meanings of Taaqat war - طاقتور
More words from English related to Taaqat war - طاقتور
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Taaqat war - طاقتور meanings in English in English.
able bodiedmightystrongstoutstalwartburlycanthaleheftynot illtoughwell builtwell fedstrengthfulvigorousablestlustypeppyablelivelystrenuouszippyefficaciousenergeticovermatchcogentforcefulpotentsturdywallopingpotentisedpotentsquaveeternalcapablecompetenthableafloatefficient entirefinished fullmatureperfectpiecelessquitethoroughabsoluteadeptall ... completedownrightexactexperiencedfinalisedjustplenarypowerfulrepletesatisfiedstandardtotalundividedwholeagoinglivingway faringafootaggravatedarduousconsolidateddiamonddifficultdrasticegregiousimpenitentimpetuousmoroseobdurateoperoseoppressiveoutrageousrawstiffstringentstonycallouscruelexactingextremefirmflintygrimhardharshheathenishheavyhigh handedhornyinclementindurateinelasticinexorableinflexibleintenseironcladlaboriousloudnippingrigidrigourousseverestrengthenedstricttauttryingunbendinguncompromisingunmercifulvehementviolentwoodenargentoushardeninglacrimalraucousriblessrigoutscrumptiousscrumpysorbentsternutativesternutatorystiffenerstratifiedstumpytoilsometoughenedtouterwrothfuldurstfiercerfiercestfierierfoughtyfructuousharrowedharshenedhushymordentseverersternersterniticsternwardstiedstiffenedstifferstiffishstilleststiverstoorstratousstreperousstrichstricterstricturedstridulantstridulousstrifefulstripelessstrumaticstrumousstruthiousstruttedtartareoustatoustattiertautenedtightenedtightenstightertoilfultorminoustorrefiedtoughenertoughenerstougheningtoughertoughishtouzletouzledtouzlingtrothfultushyverrucousconstringentdurefulefferousenervousharborousliefsomepiligerousquerciterigidulousroboreousslentsordiferousstibiousstrigousstrudestupeoussturkswoughtartaroustentiginousteretoustergeminousterreoustonoustureenfulustoriouswieldsomebayonetgravemarble breastedseriousstodgybayonetingbayonetsbayonettedfeloniesfelonousfelonryfelstonegravellinggriminggrimmercrucigerousgripefulagilebriskclevercutepickaxpickaxequirkysharpershiftyslyspeedyadroitastutecunningdeceitfuldeftexpertingeniousleerymanipulatornimbleslicksmarttrickywilfulciliciousshrewdiestrickiertrickishtricklesstricksomecunningmandexterousaglowcleareffulgentflashyglitteringlucentlustrousshinysparkishbrightbrilliantfulgentgarishgaudyglossyluculentluminescentrutilantsheenshiningtawdryagogdiligententhusiastenthusiastsobservantvivaciouswarm heartedzealousardentdashingearnest zealotactivisticbackbonedbutchflat footedfudiciarylingyoakystaunchvalidblowzybrawnydurablefastindissolublelastingresoluterobustrootedstabilesteadfaststeadyunmovedbolsteredfirmerstrongerstrongishstrongylstrongylestrongylsstrontiansturtingstrengerstrondstronghandstrongylidstruntianbindingconfidentemphaticsuremanfulmanlypenissmanfullymasculinevirilemensuratemanredmenacedmenedmenschesmensingmensualmalevolousmenildcardinalgloriousgrandgreathugeimmensemagnificentmainmomentousbigbulkycolossalhighly dignifiedexaltedformidablegiantgigantichighhigh soundingimmaneimmeasurableimposinglargeloftymagnatemajesticpalatialprodigiousredoubtablesplendidtremendousunboundedcompactimportantsolemnsolidweightycourageousdaringenterprisingesquiregameknightmagnanimousbravedoughtygallantguttyhardyherohigh spiritedintrepidknight errantpluckystrongmanundauntedvaliantvalorousadventureradventuressadventurousdaringlydashinglyheroicalheroicallyheroicsbravadoesbravadosbravedbraverbravesbravestbravingbravosbrawerbrawestdarefulprowestvalorisedvalorizedverserbretfulheroessheroicomicalbadassconsistentcertifiedconfirmedcorrectenduringestablishedfixedincorruptingrainedinvariantone pieceprovedremainingsoundsubstantialunbrokenprovenprovenceproveniencesubstantiatingsubstantiationvindicatedprovandprovectionprovedorprovedoreprovedoresprovendprovendsprovinedproviningsteadingssteadssubstantiatedcuttingferventfiercefuriousgliblymordaciouspipingpiquantrakishrallysharp pointedtarttangytempestuoustrenchantvividacidacridactiveacutebrainycausticedgyfeistyfieryglibhotkeenkeen wittedpiercingpoignantpungentquickrapidsharpshrillspicyspryspunkswankwing footedyarezappyacceleratedaculeatedbrakybrisantbrisk upbriskenexpeditiousfipplefurringhecticheft upimpoundingintensifiedlarcenouslasherostensivequickersharpenedsharpyshirtysnappyspadefulspankerspankingspeedingspirantspunkytorrentialacuminatedagoutybriskedbriskenedbriskeningbriskerbriskestbriskingeerierexpeditedexpeditivefadyfastishfastuousfeasterferreousfientflattishflintilyfliskfliskyflongflouncyflukingfurfurousfurzygliskhypurallarkylusklustiermusaceouspaceypalpatedpanderlypanderouspanduratedpandyingpiskyplouteredpulverousquakyquiverishripplierripplinglyripplyruddyingsharkedsharnysharpedsharperssharpishsmittlespanglerspanglingspankinglyspankingsspathulatespatteespatularspatulespeaningspedspeededspeedfulspeedlessspeeredspeiredspewedspewinessspewyspielingspikingspiratedspirewisesplentsplentingspoliatoryspongioussprightingsprucingspuddyspurryspurtlesteedysteenedsteeredstreamystridstriddenstrodestroutingsurfeitedsurgefulswardyupblowinguppingaccouteringblustrousdashydrastyfascetfastigiatedferulaceousimpanatedincendiousincensiveinfandouslusteringpiaculouspulverulentradiousriparioussharp wittedsharplingspatiatespeecespirablespritefulspritelythrettyspeeded updictatorautocratoverpoweringterrificextremelyheinoustellingvitallywild eyedintensionalfioritureintensatedintensitiveeffectiveoperativeimpressivevirtuousmaleficialtenablesecurestablechoragicconsolidativedirigiblerock steadysetaceoussolidifiedstabilisedstabilizedstablematesteady goingsteadyingsustentacularconsilientconsonousstablerstableststatablestaticallysteadedsteadierconsolidantconsubstantialistconsubstantiatedintestableostentivepedetentousventuresomespunkeyvalianceventurousboldperkyenthusiasisticgustyheadlongheatedimpassionedperkvivacewholeheartedzealfulecstaticalcorbelledcormousenshroudexcitableexcitantexmoorexultantpejorativesusurrousarrestivecalmativecaressiveconcussivedeliriantexactedexsiccantexuberatedfossedfosterslaudativeoutjestedpassionalpassionalspassionarypassionedperfusingquaintestrelentingsetigeroussusurratedaruspicyexcernentexitiousexquisitiveexulcerativefrouncedlusoriousnidificatedpassionistpectousperspirativepreoccupyingquermoniousquirlenegeticmammothministerialoppressoroverbearingmonumentalsuperiorvasttremendouslyfeateousthrongfultroutfulturribantfacetiousjocundjovialistblithedappergayhilariousjauntyjazzyliveliestlivelilyhumoristhumorsomejesterjocosemirthfulforeladyforelockforecarforelforeskirtforestersappellativenessaroideouscostivenessfleshlinesspleasuristwell naturedtenaciousveteranauthenticcookeddeepdefinitedefinitivedetermineddevoutgenuinehard boiledhard headedloyalmaturedorthopermanentreadyrealreliablerightripeshrewdsincereweatheredpuckapukapicasflushfreshnewgreenlatestmaidentenderunfadedverdancyverdantyoungfreshen upfreshetfreshlyfreshedfreshenedfreshensfreshesfreshishfresh newforciblestrikingstruckensturionesindelibleconcupyrigorouswiryliveoveraliveenlivenedlivebornlivenrevivedalveatedjivedoutlivedrelivedrevivablerevivesrevvedunlivedvivifiedlivelihoodrosysubsistenceeconomy economiseeconomizationabodeaccessallowancedolemaintenancestaymilkbrave manlionocherwringerlionslionhoodmonkeryattachedwisesolemnisationfirmedmatlowmaturatedsolemnersolemnestsolemnisedsolemnisessolemnizedstaunchestaguiltrobustnessinviolatestraightabidingalerterectfat healthyconglomeratewisplikeexistencelifespan of lifelifebloodalifethickomnipotentorionpassingspendingspending timerefreshedyoung bloodstringed
Idioms related to the meaning of Taaqat war - طاقتور
What are the meanings of Taaqat war - طاقتور in English?
Meanings of the word Taaqat war - طاقتور in English are butch, lively, living, mighty, strong, vigorous, wiry, all powerful, blighty, bowery, cogent, forceful, hefty, potful, powerful, powerfully, puissant, strongman, mightful, mightier, potentates, pottiest, powwows, strongmen, highty tighty, powerable, sleighty and strengthner. To understand how would you translate the word Taaqat war - طاقتور in English, you can take help from words closely related to Taaqat war - طاقتور or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Taaqat war - طاقتور synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Taaqat war - طاقتور. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Taaqat war - طاقتور in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Taaqat war - طاقتور in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Taaqat war - طاقتور with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by taaqat war?
Meanings of taaqat war are butch, lively, living, mighty, strong, vigorous, wiry, all powerful, blighty, bowery, cogent, forceful, hefty, potful, powerful, powerfully, puissant, strongman, mightful, mightier, potentates, pottiest, powwows, strongmen, highty tighty, powerable, sleighty and strengthner
Whats the definition of taaqat war?
Definition of the taaqat war are
- used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner
- (slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine
- (of male or female homosexuals) characterized by stereotypically male traits or appearance
- a closely cropped haircut; usually for men or boys
- quick and energetic
- full of zest or vigor
- filled with events or activity
- full of life and energy
- elastic; rebounds readily
- full of spirit; full of life
- the financial means whereby one lives
- the condition of living or the state of being alive
- people who are still living
- true to life; lifelike
- pertaining to living persons
- (informal) absolute
- still in active use
- still in existence
- the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities
- (used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried
- having or showing great strength or force or intensity
- (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree
- strong and sure
- not faint or feeble
- of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
- having strength or power greater than average or expected
- freshly made or left
- having a strong physiological or chemical effect
- having or wielding force or authority
- of good quality and condition; solidly built
- being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
- immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
- strong and active physically or mentally
- characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity
- lean and sinewy
- of hair that resembles wire in stiffness
- of or relating to wire
- a slang term for Great Britain used by British troops serving abroad
- a street in Manhattan noted for cheap hotels frequented by homeless derelicts
- like a bower; leafy and shady
- powerfully persuasive
- forceful and definite in expression or action
- characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)
- large in amount or extent or degree
- of considerable weight and size
- the quantity contained in a pot
- displaying superhuman strength or power
- strong enough to knock down or overwhelm
- having great power or force or potency or effect
- having great influence
- (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree
- in a manner having a powerful influence
- in a powerful manner
- powerful
- a powerful political figure who rules by the exercise of force or violence
- a man who performs feats of strength at a fair or circus
- مردانہ وضع کی ہم جِنس پرست عورت
What is the synonym of taaqat war?
Synonym of word taaqat war are مردانہ, مضبوط, مردانی عورت, طاقتور, خوش طبع, خوش دل, چاق چوبند, چمکیلا, چونچال, پرجوش
What are the idioms related to taaqat war?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word taaqat war.
- Law is mighty necessity is mightier
- A good cause makes a stout heart and a strong arm
- All beasts of prey are strong or treacherous
- Everyone feels the strong man thumb
- He is strong that can knock a man down he stronger who can lift himself up