Taizi - تیزی meanings in English
Taizi - تیزی meanings in English are fast, pertness, nimbleness, liveliness, heat, haste, fury, flippancy, cleverness, asperity, poignancy, quickness, rapaces, expediteness, rapidness, volatility, vividnes, swiftness, speed, sharpness, rapidity, acuity, zealotism, furiousness, friskiness, forwardness, fleetness, fieriness, escalation, celerity, agility, activeness, glibness, hotness, velocity, vehemence, pungency, piquancy, piercingness, mordacity, keenness, impetuosity, hurry, acerbity Taizi - تیزی in English. More meanings of taizi - تیزی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
fast pertness nimbleness liveliness heat haste fury flippancy cleverness asperity poignancy quickness rapaces expediteness rapidness volatility vividnes swiftness speed sharpness rapidity acuity zealotism furiousness friskiness forwardness fleetness fieriness escalation celerity agility activeness glibness hotness velocity vehemence pungency piquancy piercingness mordacity keenness impetuosity hurry acerbity
Taizi - تیزی Definitions
Please find 108 English and definitions related to the word Taizi - تیزی.
- (noun) : a sharp sour taste
- (noun) : a sharp bitterness
- (noun) : a rough and bitter manner
- (noun) : the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
- (noun) : a rate that is rapid
- (noun) : an increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy
- (adjective satellite) : unrestrained by convention or morality
- (noun) : abstaining from food
- (verb) : abstain from eating
- (verb) : abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons
- (adjective satellite) : resistant to destruction or fading
- (adjective satellite) : (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds
- (adjective) : acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly
- (adjective) : at a rapid tempo
- (adjective) : (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time
- (adjective satellite) : securely fixed in place
- (adjective satellite) : hurried and brief
- (adverb) : quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form)
- (adjective satellite) : unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
- (adjective satellite) : (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time
- (adverb) : firmly or closely
- (noun) : a passionate and quick-tempered nature
- (noun) : the heat or the color of fire
- (noun) : rapidity of movement
- (noun) : offensive boldness and assertiveness
- (noun) : prompt willingness
- (noun) : an advanced stage
- (noun) : lively high-spirited playfulness
- (noun) : the property of being wild or turbulent
- (noun) : state of violent mental agitation
- (noun) : the property of being wild or turbulent
- (noun) : a feeling of intense anger
- (noun) : (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals
- (noun) : a kind of fluent easy superficiality
- (noun) : a hot spiciness
- (noun) : the presence of heat
- (noun) : a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry
- (noun) : the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner
- (noun) : overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
- (verb) : urge to an unnatural speed
- (verb) : move very fast
- (verb) : act or move at high speed
- (noun) : rash impulsiveness
- (noun) : thinness of edge or fineness of point
- (noun) : a quick and penetrating intelligence
- (noun) : a positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something
- (noun) : animation and energy in action or expression
- (noun) : general activity and motion
- (noun) : a disposition to biting
- (noun) : the quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting
- (noun) : a tart spicy quality
- (noun) : a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
- (noun) : a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow
- (noun) : a strong odor or taste property
- (noun) : wit having a sharp and caustic quality
- (noun) : a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens
- (verb) : move very fast
- (noun) : changing location rapidly
- (noun) : distance travelled per unit time
- (noun) : a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression
- (noun) : the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system
- (verb) : travel at an excessive or illegal velocity
- (verb) : move hurridly
- (noun) : intensity or forcefulness of expression
- (noun) : the property of being wild or turbulent
- (noun) : distance travelled per unit time
- (noun) : a quick and penetrating intelligence
- (noun) : sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)
- (noun) : something hard to endure
- (noun) : harshness of manner
- (noun) : intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
- (noun) : the property of being ingenious
- (noun) : the power of creative imagination
- (noun) : inappropriate levity
- (noun) : a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry
- (noun) : the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner
- (noun) : overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
- (noun) : the presence of heat
- (verb) : arouse or excite feelings and passions
- (noun) : applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity
- (noun) : the sensation caused by heat energy
- (noun) : utility to warm a building
- (noun) : the trait of being intensely emotional
- (noun) : a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race
- (noun) : a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature
- (verb) : make hot or hotter
- (verb) : gain heat or get hot
- (verb) : provide with heat
- (noun) : the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
- (noun) : intelligence as revealed by quickness and alertness of mind
- (noun) : inappropriate playfulness
- (noun) : quality of being lively and confident
- (noun) : a rate that is rapid
- (noun) : skillful performance or ability without difficulty
- (noun) : intelligence as revealed by an ability to give correct responses without delay
- (noun) : a rate that is rapid
- (noun) : a rate that is rapid
- (noun) : a strong odor or taste property
- (noun) : thinness of edge or fineness of point
- (noun) : a quick and penetrating intelligence
- (noun) : harshness of manner
- (noun) : the quality of being sharp and clear
- (noun) : the attribute of urgency in tone of voice
- (noun) : the quality of being keenly and painfully felt
- (noun) : a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens
- (noun) : being easily excited
- (noun) : the trait of being unpredictably irresolute
- (noun) : the property of changing readily from a solid or liquid to a vapor
Example Sentences
They disappeared quickly | وہ تیزی سے غائب ہو جاتے تھے |
It shrunk quickly | یہ تیزی سے چھوٹا پڑ گیا |
More words related to the meanings of Taizi - تیزی
More words from English related to Taizi - تیزی
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Taizi - تیزی meanings in English in English.
acerbityfierinessfleetnessfuriousnesshotnessimpetuosityoutragousnesspiercingnessrabidnessrampagevehemenceviolencegruffnessacidacidityacetatemustinesspiquancyasperityacridityacuminationaggravationgrievousnessgrossnesskeennessoppressivenessenormityhardnesshighnessintensificationintensityintensivenessplethorapoignancyrigourseverityvigourextremenessintensifyingintensionpliantnessseityseminalityintensatingintensationintensenesssegnitudesegnityseveritiesaccent ... accentuationcapabilitycompulsionemphasisenergyfaculty forceimpetuslustinessmainmightpeprampancystressvervvervevimassertionauthoritycoercioncogencyeffortexertioninertiainfluenceinsistenceinvigorationpersistencepossepowerpressureshovestrengththrustzapzingeffetenessemphlysesemphlysisthrustingsthrustsstreactivenessagilityforwardnesspromptitudesnugnessvelocityalertnesshalenessartfulnessfriskinessmanoeuvrequirkinessruseslinessalacrityclevernesscraftinessdeftnessfoxinessfraudknacklivelinessmanipulationpertnesstacttactfulnesswilfulnessanimatenesspaltrinesssmarminesstrickinessclerkesscleruchyploidyploverypluviousslickeningsmarteningchalcographyclergialclerklinesscullyismimbecilitateincogitancyincogitativityinvigilancyplatnessearly earlinesshurrycutaneoushastepost hastequickquicklyquicknessrapidskinnyspeeddropsyearlyishexpeditiousnesshurriednessjoltyquick wittednessquickyrattailruck uprush offgurgledhadsthaspinghastahastedhastenedhastenshastierhurcheonshurlieshurrayshurrieshurryingsjollifiedjollifiesjollitieslurrymercurizedquickiesrashesrasurerushinesssmurryurgenceurgercompurgationfumacioushastilehastivehurrierincelebritymercurificationraashrashlingscelesticwhurtfunctionalityafflictionfuryvengeancecalamitywrathwrathinesslightsomenessactivitybrisknessnimblenesspromptnessswiftnessvolatilityexpediteearnestnessefficiencyreadinessrecumbentexertingrelentmentrictalrectinervedappetitesneeddemanddesirehungerlikingrequesturgewantwillwishdesirabilitydesirablenesswillfulnesswishfulnesscravingsdesipiencedesiringdesistancewantagewishedasperationaspirementconspirationdesirefulnessdesirousnessdesitionwishedlywishlywouldingnessardourardent desirecravinglongingzealarduousnessburdensomenesscallousnessfirmnessnastinessobduracyoppressionpinchrockinesssharplyhardshipharshnessinclemencyinflexibilityinhumanityrigidityseverenessstiffnessstrictnessstricturestringencyvisausterenessdifficultnessfiercenessfraternisegrudginghardheartednesshardinesshardingharshenonerousnessrigidificationrigidnessrigorousnessrigourousnesssomnolencesorcerisesordidnessstaunchnesssternutationstoutnessstrenuousnesssturdinesstightfistednesstoilingtoilsomenesstorpidnessausterestbrutenessbrutercurstnessexerguehardbeamshardenshardgrasshardimenthardishharsheningirefulnesspitchinessriggishrigidifiedrigidifiesrigorismsortilegysternedsterningsternsstiesstiffenersstiffensstiltinessstiltishstiltystimedstoninessstoutenstouteningstrenuitystrictishstricturesstrigiformstrigosestrudelsstruntstubbingstumpinesssturttensilitytoiledtoilstorridnessuntoilingvehemencycrustaceousnessexacerbescencehard tackharddihoodhardfavorednessinexertionstiff neckednessstifftailstintednessstraughtstrictionstriklestrullstrumousnesssturtiontarditytralucencyarousalemotionirritationstimulationturbulenceebullitionexcitementfrissonhysteriaimpulsepassionruffseethetempestbackbonedbutchflat footedfudiciarylingymightyoakystrongstaunchvalidblowzybrawnycantcogentconsolidateddurablefastfirmhaleheftyindissolublelastingresoluterobustrootedstabilesteadfaststeadystoutsturdyunbendingunmovedvigorouswallopingbolsteredfirmerstrongerstrongishstrongylstrongylestrongylsstrontiansturtingstrengerstrondstronghandstrongylidstruntianbarragebunbitternessmarahpungencymordacityrancorwaspishnessacrimonybittercressbitonalitybitterlingkeelingbustlecommotiondisturbancetermagancyagitationhurly burlypanicturmoilhubbubcalefactionfervourfeverishnesssummerwarmthangerburningfervencyheatragewarmnessafterheatheatednessheathendomheatheniseheatsheezinginsheathereheatsgormgurmyheathenishnessheathennessheterarchynotwheatsummerlinessfever glowtemperaturearabilitycaloriccalumniationcaliologycaloricityheathenrywarmingspabulationeffervescenceemotionalityenthusiasm fermentationfervorflare upflushoutbreakparoxysmrapturevivacityboilingcoctionditherelanfrenzygustolustspiritednessastringesbalkinessinclementnesstranspirationsprynesscannoneringembushmentreprobatenessterebrationthurificationcaperfriskgambolcarvingcorrosioncuttingerosionacuitybitecountercounter movecutdamagedisconnectionenmityincisionlossrejoindersharpnessslashchop offcut outcut upcutoutcottcautioncharinessdiscreetnessoutlookvigilancewakefulnesswarinesswatchfulnessintelligenceknow what's whatceremonialcraftgadgetmachinationmotionmovemovementpassagestepstrategysubterfugeanticconductcustomdeceitdeceptionfashiongaitgimmickryguileindirectionshenaniganstratagemtactictricktrickerywalkcrickfricktrick upwieldychalgimmeriddancestricklettricksierstricktrickmenttricktrackcelerityaccelerationrapiditycunningnesschivalrychagrinhuffprovocationsindignationirecinchgirthlimitednarrownarrowishclosecongesteddistressedharassedincapaciousstraitenedtightcrampednarrow downnarrowednarrowingstraitlacedanglicisedcrampetnarrowcastnarrowernarrowsstintystraggledstraikedstrampedtangedtantaloustightishweiredclottedcoherentmotheryembeddedice boundinsistentcompacttightlytightenadherentconglomeratecontinuousjoinedlinkednearnextoldpermanentstickingcostiveboundtiedcoup de soleilcrazinesserotomaniamaniaphrenitisinsanitylunacymadnesszealotryobsessivitymadgesobsessesobsessionscreaminessglibnessglossgreasinessoilinessslipperinessslicknesscylicesyammeringsmelassesferventfiercefuriousgliblyimpetuousmordaciouspipingpiquantrakishrallysharp pointedsmartspeedytarttangytempestuoustremendoustrenchantvehementvividviolentacridactiveacutebrainybriskcausticcleveredgyfeistyfieryglibhotintensekeenkeen wittedlivelyloudnippingpiercingpoignantpungentsharpshrillspicyspryspunkswankwing footedyarezappyzippyacceleratedaculeatedbrakybrisantbrisk upbriskenexpeditiousfipplefurringhecticheft upimpoundingintensifiedlarcenouslasherostensivequickersharpenedsharpyshirtysnappyspadefulspankerspankingspeedingspirantspunkytorrentialacuminatedagoutybriskedbriskenedbriskeningbriskerbriskestbriskingeerierexpeditedexpeditivefadyfastishfastuousfeasterferreousfientflattishflintilyfliskfliskyflongflouncyflukingfurfurousfurzygliskhypurallarkylusklustiermusaceouspaceypalpatedpanderlypanderouspanduratedpandyingpiskyplouteredpulverousquakyquiverishripplierripplinglyripplyruddyingsharkedsharnysharpedsharperssharpishsmittlespanglerspanglingspankinglyspankingsspathulatespatteespatularspatulespeaningspedspeededspeedfulspeedlessspeeredspeiredspewedspewinessspewyspielingspikingspiratedspirewisesplentsplentingspoliatoryspongioussprightingsprucingspuddyspurryspurtlesteedysteenedsteeredstreamystridstriddenstrodestroutingsurfeitedsurgefulswardyupblowinguppingaccouteringblustrousdashydrastyfascetfastigiatedferulaceousimpanatedincendiousincensiveinfandouslusteringpiaculouspulverulentradiousriparioussharp wittedsharplingspatiatespeecespirablespritefulspritelythrettyspeeded updiscordanxietyapprehensionpainprickstingdispleasure tantrumcataclysminfuriationdepurgatoryedginessimpatiencewaveringinquietudeperturbationrestlessnessuneasinessworrimentanergyanxiolyticaphakicdisconcertiondisconcertmentdispiritednessreflexedreflexionrefractilerefractorinessaffricatesaggracesagogicsanxietiesasthoredeflexdeflexeddeflexesdeflexingdeflexionsdismalitydismalsdispiritsinflexuresnervationsperplexesreflexesreflexionsworrywartsdeiformityderogatorinessdisheritingdismastmentdispiritmentdisquietmentinconcerningperplexivenessuphaspstirstirsdiligenceactivismhobbypartialityaspirationeagernessfancyfondnessinterestpredilectionpretentiontasteyearningadienceavidnessfondantfondlerfonduehobbeshobbyhorsehobbyismpassionatenesserubescentfondedfonderfondingfondledfondlersfondlingsfondsfonduesgustinesshobbieshobbitryhobbitshoboeslustihoodowlishnessfondehobbismhobbyhorsicalindecenceobdurednessepidermis fleetlyvolumebinding of a bookbrisklycuticlecutisderminstantskinsoonvolumeof a bookprecipitatenessvolvolostskinchencouragement escalationadvancementinflationaugmentationaugmentingaugurshipincrepationenvyfirejealousyburnheart burningignitioneburnationheartburnheartburningincagementirremissionirrorationlurcationenjoymentgracekindnessracinessbenignitycordialitydelightelegancefavourfriendlessgratificationgustpleasurewitzestmorosefaithfulgrappledstarvationfastingstarvingfulminationcrashthunder clapirascibilityirritancymifffitgriefincensementteentemperwaxangrinessangersblousingindignancegrudgehugelyimmenselyovermuchoverlyultraunduealtruisticallyextravertedoverabundanceoverabundantoverambitiousoveranxietyoverbiteoverdelicateoverdoneoveremotionaloverestimateoverexcitedoverextendovermuchnessoversexedoverstayovervaliantoverwearyextraughtlimiestoveralledoverboldlyoverboundoverboundsovercastsoverdoesoverdyeoverdyedoverdyeingovereyedoverfineovergotovergrazedovergrewoverliesovermountovermountsoverpaysoverplacedoverrashlyoverstainoverstandoverstatesoverstayedoverstaysovertoilsovervaluesoverweenedoverwordsextortiousextrageneousextramundaneoverbounteousovercostlyoverdareoverfierceoverforwardovergildovergladovergraceoverhipoverlanguagedovermeritovermickleovermixovermultiplyovermultitudeoverriggedoverrigidoverrigorousovertediousovertiltoverwaryoverweakoverzealfunnaughtinessprankrudenesswaggerywaggishnesswantonnessboldnesscoquetryflippancyflirtinghardihoodinsolencemischiefmischievousnesspetulancesaucinessvividneswitticismpuerilitypeurilityfluencypacetempospeedinesspacesspeansspeedsspeedstersvelocitiesspecesperagegesturestoppageactactionfault gestgesticulationwagmotioningglareglittersheensplendourlubricationtallowalchemizegreasedgreasepaintgreasergreasewoodgreensicknessgreisenalchemisedalchemisesalchemizesbeeswaxedchestinesscloamfetichesgreasersgreasesgreasinggrebesgrecesgreesgreesinggregalesgregoriesgresegresesleamleesepicquetstatterytawerytewelsficklyhaselinguisticlinguallinguinelinguinipinguiditytenaculumtennantitetenuriallinguaciouslinguidentalluctualmultiloquenceflatteryglidelubricityslipendurancegleampurerefulgencetolerationthe limithuddlehastenhielaunchmake hastemake timepikehurryingrushingabashinghasteninghastinghurrahinghurraingjollifyingfusionheatingtaotauexpeditionexclamationimprudenceimpestnymphomanialustremagnificencetarnishebeautybrightnessbrilliancyfreshnessmaximphilosophysciencestalecontrivancedevicediplomacyginingenuityknowledgeskillwisdomwisenessmonodyvexationsoredunburnednealtemperingmeltperfectveteranattachedexperiencedingrainedmatureripesolidstrengthenedweatheredwisesolemnisationfirmedmatlowmaturatedsolemnersolemnestsolemnisedsolemnisessolemnizedstaunchestaguiltpickednesscoquetishnessfoppishnessjuvenilitylevityplayfullnesswaywardnessfinesseacumenfast understandingascendancydominancedominationinvasionbubblinessdominieomnipotencepredominancepredominationboulterdominancesdominancydominatesdominiesdominionsomnipotencytenaciousclearfortifiedinconvertibleunambiguouswarmwarm upwarm toacutenesspenetrationperspicacitysensiblitysensitivenessartneatnessworkmanshipatonementcandourcatharisisclaritycleanlinesscleansingconservancydefecationdefencedestructioninnocenceluciditynattinessreconciliationruinsmoothnessto be confoundedrucklingdexterityflarepalpitationthroblipiclegworkranidepilepticfleetswiftfastedfastensobserve fastmausoleumfast dayfastifastnessesfastsflamegoomushinesszealotismegressionemotionlessnesserotismsentiencysentimentalisationsentimentalisesentimentalismsentimentalitysentimentisesentimentizeemotivismamotionemotivenessemotivityspirituousnesshastatehastinesshasteshastiestearinessjollityprickingstitchtwingevexatiousnessresourcefulness
Idioms related to the meaning of Taizi - تیزی
What are the meanings of Taizi - تیزی in English?
Meanings of the word Taizi - تیزی in English are acerbity, activeness, agility, celerity, escalation, fast, fieriness, fleetness, forwardness, friskiness, furiousness, fury, glibness, hotness, hurry, impetuosity, keenness, liveliness, mordacity, piercingness, piquancy, poignancy, pungency, speed, vehemence, velocity, zealotism, acuity, asperity, cleverness, flippancy, haste, heat, nimbleness, pertness, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, sharpness, swiftness, volatility, expediteness, rapaces and vividnes. To understand how would you translate the word Taizi - تیزی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Taizi - تیزی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Taizi - تیزی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Taizi - تیزی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Taizi - تیزی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Taizi - تیزی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Taizi - تیزی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by taizi?
Meanings of taizi are acerbity, activeness, agility, celerity, escalation, fast, fieriness, fleetness, forwardness, friskiness, furiousness, fury, glibness, hotness, hurry, impetuosity, keenness, liveliness, mordacity, piercingness, piquancy, poignancy, pungency, speed, vehemence, velocity, zealotism, acuity, asperity, cleverness, flippancy, haste, heat, nimbleness, pertness, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, sharpness, swiftness, volatility, expediteness, rapaces and vividnes
Whats the definition of taizi?
Definition of the taizi are
- a sharp sour taste
- a sharp bitterness
- a rough and bitter manner
- the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
- a rate that is rapid
- an increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy
- unrestrained by convention or morality
- abstaining from food
- abstain from eating
- abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons
- resistant to destruction or fading
- (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds
- acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly
- at a rapid tempo
- (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time
- securely fixed in place
- hurried and brief
- quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form)
- unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
- (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time
- firmly or closely
- a passionate and quick-tempered nature
- the heat or the color of fire
- rapidity of movement
- offensive boldness and assertiveness
- prompt willingness
- an advanced stage
- lively high-spirited playfulness
- the property of being wild or turbulent
- state of violent mental agitation
- the property of being wild or turbulent
- a feeling of intense anger
- (classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals
- a kind of fluent easy superficiality
- a hot spiciness
- the presence of heat
- a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry
- the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner
- overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
- urge to an unnatural speed
- move very fast
- act or move at high speed
- rash impulsiveness
- thinness of edge or fineness of point
- a quick and penetrating intelligence
- a positive feeling of wanting to push ahead with something
- animation and energy in action or expression
- general activity and motion
- a disposition to biting
- the quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting
- a tart spicy quality
- a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
- a state of deeply felt distress or sorrow
- a strong odor or taste property
- wit having a sharp and caustic quality
- a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens
- move very fast
- changing location rapidly
- distance travelled per unit time
- a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression
- the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system
- travel at an excessive or illegal velocity
- move hurridly
- intensity or forcefulness of expression
- the property of being wild or turbulent
- distance travelled per unit time
- a quick and penetrating intelligence
- sharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)
- something hard to endure
- harshness of manner
- intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty
- the property of being ingenious
- the power of creative imagination
- inappropriate levity
- a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry
- the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner
- overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
- the presence of heat
- arouse or excite feelings and passions
- applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity
- the sensation caused by heat energy
- utility to warm a building
- the trait of being intensely emotional
- a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race
- a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature
- make hot or hotter
- gain heat or get hot
- provide with heat
- the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble
- intelligence as revealed by quickness and alertness of mind
- inappropriate playfulness
- quality of being lively and confident
- a rate that is rapid
- skillful performance or ability without difficulty
- intelligence as revealed by an ability to give correct responses without delay
- a rate that is rapid
- a rate that is rapid
- a strong odor or taste property
- thinness of edge or fineness of point
- a quick and penetrating intelligence
- harshness of manner
- the quality of being sharp and clear
- the attribute of urgency in tone of voice
- the quality of being keenly and painfully felt
- a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens
- being easily excited
- the trait of being unpredictably irresolute
- the property of changing readily from a solid or liquid to a vapor
What is the synonym of taizi?
Synonym of word taizi are تیزی, تندی, چستی, چالاکی, پھُرتی, جلدی, عاملیت, فعالیت, پھرتی, چُستی
What are the idioms related to taizi?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word taizi.
- Cleverness seeks cleverness
- More haste less speed
- More haste worst speed
- Great haste makes great haste
- Bind fast find fast
How to use taizi in a sentence?
Here is few example on how to use taizi in a sentence.
- They disappeared quickly — وہ تیزی سے غائب ہو جاتے تھے
- It shrunk quickly — یہ تیزی سے چھوٹا پڑ گیا