Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا meanings in English

Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا meanings in English are compose, ordinating, ordaining, ordinate, systematise, organise, ordain, dispose, compile, classify, array, arrange, tabulates, tabulate, marshal, group, echelon, sortance Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا in English. More meanings of tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

compose ordinating ordaining ordinate systematise organise ordain dispose compile classify array arrange tabulates tabulate marshal group echelon sortance

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Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا Definitions

Please find 55 English and 2 Urdu definitions related to the word Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا.

  • (verb) : make arrangements for
  • (verb) : put into a proper or systematic order
  • (verb) : adapt for performance in a different way
  • (verb) : set (printed matter) into a specific format
  • (verb) : plan, organize, and carry out (an event)
  • (verb) : arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
  • (noun) : an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics
  • (noun) : especially fine or decorative clothing
  • (noun) : an impressive display
  • (noun) : an orderly arrangement
  • (verb) : align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
  • (verb) : lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
  • (verb) : put together out of existing material
  • (verb) : write music
  • (verb) : produce a literary work
  • (verb) : make up plans or basic details for
  • (verb) : form the substance of
  • (verb) : calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet
  • (verb) : get or gather together
  • (verb) : use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
  • (verb) : put together out of existing material
  • (verb) : throw or cast away
  • (verb) : give, sell, or transfer to another
  • (verb) : make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief
  • (verb) : make fit or prepared
  • (verb) : place or put in a particular order
  • (noun) : a diffraction grating consisting of a pile of plates of equal thickness arranged stepwise with a constant offset
  • (noun) : a body of troops arranged in a line
  • (noun) : status in a society or organization
  • (noun) : any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
  • (noun) : a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
  • (noun) : (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
  • (verb) : arrange into a group or groups
  • (verb) : form a group or group together
  • (noun) : a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law
  • (noun) : (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank
  • (verb) : arrange in logical order
  • (verb) : place in proper rank
  • (verb) : lead ceremoniously, as in a procession
  • (verb) : make ready for action or use
  • (verb) : arrange or enter in tabular form
  • (verb) : arrange or order by classes or categories
  • (verb) : assign to a class or kind
  • (verb) : declare unavailable, as for security reasons
  • (verb) : appoint to a clerical posts
  • (verb) : issue an order
  • (verb) : invest with ministerial or priestly authority
  • (verb) : appoint to a clerical posts
  • (verb) : bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation
  • (noun) : the value of a coordinate on the vertical axis
  • (verb) : bring order and organization to
  • (verb) : plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
  • (verb) : cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
  • (verb) : form or join a union
  • (verb) : arrange according to a system or reduce to a system
  • فوج کی ترتیب جس میں صفیں آگے پیچھے ہوتی
  • زینوں کی مُسطح حِصّوں کی ترتیب

More words related to the meanings of Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا

Arrangeسریانا Saryana سنوارنا sanwaarna سدھارنا sudhaarna ترتیب کرنا یا دینا ترتیب سے رکھنا مرتب کرنا murattab karna ٹھیک کرنا thiik karna آراستہ کرنا aaraastah karna بند و بست کرنا band o bast karna انتظام کرنا intezaam karna لگانا lagaana لگانا Lgana نظم دینا nazm deyna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Arraytrumpet fast arrayed. Each horseman صف آرا کرنا saf aara karna سجانا sajaana سجانا sujaana سجانا Sajana ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna لباس lebaas لباس libaas لباس Libas صف آرائ saf aaraa i سجاوٹ sajaawat سجاوٹ Sajawat ترتیب tartiib ترتیب Tarteeb
Composeترتیب دینا tartiib deyna سریانا Saryana تَرکِیب دینا جوڑنا jorna جوڑنا Jodna سَنوارنا Sanwaaarna عبارت آرائ کرنا êbaarat عبارت آرائ کرنا ebaarat aaraa i karna
Compileتَالیف کَرنا تَرتیب دینا تَدوین کَرنا مرتب کرنا murattab karna تالیف کرنا taaliif karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Disposeمائل کرنا maa el karna ترغیب دینا targhiib deyna رحجان پیدا کرنا میلان پیدا کرنا ترتیب کرنا مرتب کرنا murattab karna آراستہ کنا درست کرنا durust karna سنوارنا sanwaarna سجانا sajaana سجانا sujaana سجانا Sajana سریانا Saryana جگہ سر رکھنا آراستہ کرنا aaraastah karna بانٹنا baantna بانٹنا Baantina بند و بست کرنا band o bast karna انتظام کرنا intezaam karna نظم دینا nazm deyna نکالنا nikaalna نکالنا nikalna تقسیم کرنا taqsiim karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna پاؤں اکھاڑنا paa on ukhaarna
Echelonترتیب دینا tartiib deyna کسی مرتبے طبقے یا اختیار کا درجہ
Groupایک جا کرنا جمع کرنا jama karna بٹورنا batorna بٹورنا Batourna اکھٹا کرنا ikhatta karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna فراہم کرنا faraaham karna چننا chunna ترتیب سے لگانا مجموعہ majmuuah مجموعہ Majmoaa زمرہ zumrah گروہ garoh گروہ Girroh جٹ Jutt گٹ Gutt مجمع majma مجمع Majmaa جھنڈ jhund پرا para جماعت jamaaat جماعت Jama'at انجمن anjuman حلقہ halqah حلقہ halqaah حلقہ Hulqa جمعت jamaat جتھہ jattha ٹولی toli ٹکڑی tukri ذیل zeyl ذیل zael گروہ بنانا garoh banaana
Marshalسپہ سالار اعظم سینا پتی میر تزک مارشل Marshel مارشل Marshell آراستہ کرنا aaraastah karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna صف آرائی کرنا قطار لگانا
Tabulateنقشہ بنانا naqshah banaana جدول بنانا فہرست بنانا fehrist banaana ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Tabulatesجدول بنانا فہرست بنانا fehrist banaana جِٹھا بنانا ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna تجویز tajwiiz تجویز Tajveez تجویز Tajweez
Classifyترتیب دینا tartiib deyna زمرہ بندی کرنا zumrah bandi karna
Ordainجاری کرنا jaari karna مقرر کرنا muqarrar karna نظم دینا nazm deyna تعینات کرنا taiinaat karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Ordinateترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Organiseمنظم کرنا munazzam karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Systematiseمنظم کرنا munazzam karna ترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Ordainingترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Ordinatingترتیب دینا tartiib deyna
Sortanceترتیب دینا tartiib deyna

More words from English related to Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا meanings in English in English.

accoutredightdisposedizendressemblazeflourishgraceadornapparelarraybedeckdecorateembellishgarnishtrimtumefyvarnishlace updearndecolorateblazonmarshalpurflerangearrangeequipinvestmenserigaccumulatecongregategathergroupjoinlumpgarneringatheringagglomeratinghoardingathersweepaggregatecollectionekefundmobilizestoreamassbunch ...

What are the meanings of Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا in English?

Meanings of the word Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا in English are arrange, array, compose, compile, dispose, echelon, group, marshal, tabulate, tabulates, classify, ordain, ordinate, organise, systematise, ordaining, ordinating and sortance. To understand how would you translate the word Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Tartiib deyna - ترتیب دینا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by tartiib deyna?

Meanings of tartiib deyna are arrange, array, compose, compile, dispose, echelon, group, marshal, tabulate, tabulates, classify, ordain, ordinate, organise, systematise, ordaining, ordinating and sortance

Whats the definition of tartiib deyna?

Definition of the tartiib deyna are

  • make arrangements for
  • put into a proper or systematic order
  • adapt for performance in a different way
  • set (printed matter) into a specific format
  • plan, organize, and carry out (an event)
  • arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
  • an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics
  • especially fine or decorative clothing
  • an impressive display
  • an orderly arrangement
  • align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
  • lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
  • put together out of existing material
  • write music
  • produce a literary work
  • make up plans or basic details for
  • form the substance of
  • calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet
  • get or gather together
  • use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
  • put together out of existing material
  • throw or cast away
  • give, sell, or transfer to another
  • make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief
  • make fit or prepared
  • place or put in a particular order
  • a diffraction grating consisting of a pile of plates of equal thickness arranged stepwise with a constant offset
  • a body of troops arranged in a line
  • status in a society or organization
  • any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
  • a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
  • (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
  • arrange into a group or groups
  • form a group or group together
  • a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law
  • (in some countries) a military officer of highest rank
  • arrange in logical order
  • place in proper rank
  • lead ceremoniously, as in a procession
  • make ready for action or use
  • arrange or enter in tabular form
  • arrange or order by classes or categories
  • assign to a class or kind
  • declare unavailable, as for security reasons
  • appoint to a clerical posts
  • issue an order
  • invest with ministerial or priestly authority
  • appoint to a clerical posts
  • bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation
  • the value of a coordinate on the vertical axis
  • bring order and organization to
  • plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
  • cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
  • form or join a union
  • arrange according to a system or reduce to a system
  • فوج کی ترتیب جس میں صفیں آگے پیچھے ہوتی
  • زینوں کی مُسطح حِصّوں کی ترتیب

What is the synonym of tartiib deyna?

Synonym of word tartiib deyna are سریانا, سنوارنا, سدھارنا, ترتیب کرنا یا دینا, ترتیب سے رکھنا, مرتب کرنا, ٹھیک کرنا, آراستہ کرنا, بند و بست کرنا, انتظام کرنا