George A. Sheehan Quotes and its meanings

George A. Sheehan has written on many topics. Some of the topics he has discussed most are as follows;

Change Courage Fitness Happiness Success

George A. Sheehan Quotes Index

We have also created a dictionary word index for George A. Sheehan quotes. Click here to view the complete index.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does George A. Sheehan write about?

George A. Sheehan has written on many topics but he is most famous for his work about change, courage, fitness, happiness & success. People always share Change quotes, Courage quotes, fitness, happiness & success from his literary works.

What are the top most famous quotes by George A. Sheehan?

Here are the top most famous quotes by George A. Sheehan.

  • We may think there is willpower involved, but more likely... change is due to want power. Wanting the new addiction more than the old one. Wanting the new me in preference to the person I am now.
  • Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.
  • Exercise is done against one's wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse.
  • Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing.