Patty Murray Anger Quotes

View some of the most famous Anger quotes by Patty Murray; Click on the quote page to view more details about the quote.

Patty Murray quotes on other topics

Patty Murray has written about various topics extensively and has many famous quotes about;

Education Health Learning Mom

Anger quotes by other authors

We have hundreds of other famous Anger quotes by various authors. A list of those authors is as follows;

Abraham Cahan Abu Bakr Adam Sedgwick Agnes Obel Akhenaton Alan Alda Alan Bleasdale Alanis Morissette Albert Brooks Albert Einstein Alfred A. Montapert

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What did Patty Murray say about Anger?

Patty Murray has written many quotes about Anger. E.g.,.

  • Violence is a problem we all want to solve. I want to make sure that kids learn to deal with anger by learning how to talk with people to solve problems. Here in the United States Senate I want to make sure we have safe schools, safe neighborhoods and good things for kids to do after school!

What are the top most famous Anger quotes by Patty Murray?

Here are the top most famous quotes about Anger by Patty Murray.

  • Violence is a problem we all want to solve. I want to make sure that kids learn to deal with anger by learning how to talk with people to solve problems. Here in the United States Senate I want to make sure we have safe schools, safe neighborhoods and good things for kids to do after school!