ٹوٹل in English

total - ٹوٹل in English means;

long and the short

Words meanings used in ٹوٹل

Meanings of the Urdu words used in total - ٹوٹل are;

tootle ٹوٹل Total

Idioms related to the words in ٹوٹل

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the ٹوٹل or use words from this idiom.

Grand total total kul hisab ٹوٹل کُل حِساب

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is ٹوٹل meaning in English?

total - ٹوٹل

What are the idioms related to ٹوٹل?

Here are the idioms that are related to the ٹوٹل idiom.

  • Total kul hisab - ٹوٹل کُل حِساب