چُننا in English

chunna - چُننا in English means;

pick out

Words meanings used in چُننا

Meanings of the Urdu words used in chunna - چُننا are;

cull چُننا chunna

Idioms related to the words in چُننا

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the چُننا or use words from this idiom.

Pick and choose ehtiyaat say chunna احتیاط سے چُننا
Pick off tadaad main chunna تعداد میں چُننا
Pick over jana aur chunna جانا اور چُننا

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is چُننا meaning in English?

chunna - چُننا

What are the idioms related to چُننا?

Here are the idioms that are related to the چُننا idiom.

  • Ehtiyaat say chunna - احتیاط سے چُننا
  • Tadaad main chunna - تعداد میں چُننا
  • Jana aur chunna - جانا اور چُننا