Orderly bin in Urdu

Orderly bin in Urdu means;

korday daan کوڑے دان

Words meanings used in Orderly bin

Meanings of the English words used in orderly bin are;

orderlyخاموش khaamosh متنطم mutanazzim مرتب murattab با قائدہ baa qaa edah
binبن Bun چھوٹا سا ڈبا chhota sa dibba

Idioms related to the words in orderly bin

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the orderly bin or use words from this idiom.

Orderly officer duty par afsar ڈیوٹی پر افسر

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is orderly bin meaning in Urdu?

korday daan - کوڑے دان

What are the idioms related to orderly bin?

Here are the idioms that are related to the orderly bin idiom.

  • Duty par afsar - ڈیوٹی پر افسر