Elizabeth Gilbert Quotes and its meanings

Elizabeth Gilbert has written on many topics. Some of the topics he has discussed most are as follows;

Age Alone Amazing Best Business Change Cool Dad Family Famous Food Funny Marriage Mom Morning Movies Relationship Respect Romantic Sad Society Success War Wedding Wisdom

Elizabeth Gilbert Quotes Index

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does Elizabeth Gilbert write about?

Elizabeth Gilbert has written on many topics but he is most famous for his work about age, alone, amazing, best, business, change, cool, dad, family, famous, food, funny, marriage, mom, morning, movies, relationship, respect, romantic, sad, society, success, war, wedding & wisdom. People always share Age quotes, Alone quotes, amazing, best, business, change, cool, dad, family & famous from his literary works.

What are the top most famous quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert?

Here are the top most famous quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert.

  • What I think is amazing is not that 85% of people who get married under the age of 25 get divorced, it's that 15% of them stay together. How did they manage to pull that off? You almost can't wait too long. It's the single simplest measure to predict divorce.
  • I love my friends and family, but I also love it when they can't find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone, in silence, eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be.
  • There are times when the only access I have to the truest person that I am is when I'm alone and trying to solve a sentence. It's exciting, even when it's frustrating, even when I can't do it right.
  • Nobody until very recently would have thought that their husband was supposed to be their best friend, confidante, intellectual soul mate, co-parent, inspiration.
  • I have no business being a journalist. I'm the least, I'm the least - I'm the most trusting, I absolutely make a habit of believing anything that anybody tells me about themselves. I've never had any reason in the world to think that anyone has wanted to harm me, or lie to me. I believe whatever is being sold, most of the time.
  • Sureness is something like a neck brace, which we clamp around our lives, hoping to somehow protect ourselves from the frightening, constant whiplash of change. Sadly, the brace doesn't always hold.
  • As somebody who, in my second marriage, insisted on a prenuptial agreement, I can also testify that sometimes it is an act of love to chart the exit strategy before you enter the union, in order to make sure that not only you, but your partner as well, knows that there will be no World War III should hearts and minds, for any sad reason, change.
  • That is who Barack Obama is - a person of admirable character - and that is who he has remained for me over these last four years. I have not agreed with his every decision, but never once have I seen him break his cool, lose his composure, or abandon his insightful perspective - even during the most serious and/or absurd national disasters.
  • And we have a little herb garden, which survived the winter thanks to global warming. It makes me feel like a cool, old Italian housewife, that I kept my rosemary alive outside all winter.
  • I used to say, 'Man, I think I'd be a really good dad. I'll be a great provider. I'm funny I'll go on trips with them - I'll do all sorts of stuff.' But the momming? I'm not made for that. I have a really good mom I know what she put into it.