Coretta Scott King Women Quotes

View some of the most famous Women quotes by Coretta Scott King; Click on the quote page to view more details about the quote.

Coretta Scott King quotes on other topics

Coretta Scott King has written about various topics extensively and has many famous quotes about;

Freedom Great Happiness History Marriage Money Parenting

Women quotes by other authors

We have hundreds of other famous Women quotes by various authors. A list of those authors is as follows;

A.N.Wilson Abbe Pierre Abigail Adams Abraham Maslow Adam Lambert Adam Sandler Adele Adrienne Rich Al Goldstein Alanis Morissette View all

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What did Coretta Scott King say about Women?

Coretta Scott King has written many quotes about Women. E.g.,

  • If American women would increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.
  • Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.

What are the top most famous Women quotes by Coretta Scott King?

Here are the top most famous quotes about Women by Coretta Scott King.

  • If American women would increase their voting turnout by ten percent, I think we would see an end to all of the budget cuts in programs benefiting women and children.
  • Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.