Joe millerism in Urdu

Joe millerism in Urdu means;

purany lateefay sunanay ki aadat پرانے لطیفے سنانے کی عادت

Words meanings used in Joe millerism

Meanings of the English words used in joe millerism are;

joeجو jau جو jo جو joo

Idioms related to the words in joe millerism

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the joe millerism or use words from this idiom.

Joe miller purana ya ghissa pata lateefa پرانا یا گھسا پٹا لطیفہ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is joe millerism meaning in Urdu?

purany lateefay sunanay ki aadat - پرانے لطیفے سنانے کی عادت

What are the idioms related to joe millerism?

Here are the idioms that are related to the joe millerism idiom.

  • Purana ya ghissa pata lateefa - پرانا یا گھسا پٹا لطیفہ