Passive resister in Urdu

Passive resister in Urdu means;

jo جو

Words meanings used in Passive resister

Meanings of the English words used in passive resister are;

passiveغیر مُتحرک جامد jaamid جامد Jamid متحمل mutahammil متحمل Mutaahmil ساکن saakin
resisterمزاحمت کریں

Idioms related to the words in passive resister

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the passive resister or use words from this idiom.

Passive obedience khamosh ataat خاموش اطاعت
Passive resistance danista inkaar دانستہ انکار

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is passive resister meaning in Urdu?

jo - جو

What are the idioms related to passive resister?

Here are the idioms that are related to the passive resister idiom.

  • Khamosh ataat - خاموش اطاعت
  • Danista inkaar - دانستہ انکار