Famous Quotes About alone

View famous Alone Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Alone Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Alone quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • When I get into bed at night, I hope I don't get into it alone!
  • You need a whole community to raise a child. I have raised two children, alone.
  • An American, a Negro... two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.
  • Weird people follow you in the streets, you can't sit alone in a restaurant or a cafe and read a book in peace, and I think everybody values those moments of being alone.
  • It may, however, be said that the level of experience to which concepts are inapplicable cannot yield any knowledge of a universal character, for concepts alone are capable of being socialized.

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