Famous Quotes About beauty

View famous Beauty Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Beauty Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Beauty quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • Everybody know, I don't do no promoting. I don't ever have to promote nothing, that's the beauty of Lil Wayne.
  • Whenever, at a party, I have been in the mood to study fools, I have always looked for a great beauty: they always gather round her like flies around a fruit stall.
  • The first show I ever did, singing and dancing, was 'Beauty and the Beast.' I was playing Gaston. Gaston has red tights, knee high boots, and it's very physical. I had headaches every day for two months.
  • A bachelor never quite gets over the idea that he is a thing of beauty and a boy forever.
  • Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand.

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